The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2486: , Tooth for Tooth

Luo Ji did not conceal the situation in the rear, and let Guo Jiaming tell Hill plainly that it would be impossible to want large-scale weaponry in a short time.

After that, the second report from the front was quickly sent to the headquarters of the Rear Staff Commander.

"Hill, what did she say?"

"General Hill said that she still has a way to deal with the enemy, but just in case, she hopes that your majesty can allow her to take her troops to withdraw to the Winter Fortress at any time according to the changes in the battle situation.


Luo Ji did not hesitate about the request of "withdrawing the rear at any time".

If it can't be beaten, then it doesn't make any sense for Hill to lead the army to the frontline and fight back, and it will only loss their armed forces of all realms.

Just like Admiral Lekto was wrong, he could even give up on his own border and retreat temporarily. Of course, Luo Ji also allowed his generals to make some tactical retreats.

At the same time, the Saxon side, like the Legion of Winter, suffered a lot of losses.

As the victorious side of that war, the Saxon side's losses were not small.

The main battle tank alone destroyed 4,398 vehicles. The loss figures of other troops were basically not small. Not to mention the ammunition consumption. Ballistic missiles alone launched 13 Seventeen thousand three hundred and twenty-one!

But in any case, the opponent was repulsed, and the two strategic monsters were killed. As far as the result is concerned, Ajer Balder is still acceptable.

At the same time, of course, all the wreckage of the spherical bodies on the battlefield was recovered.

Then sent to the military industry department for dismantling research. If you can thoroughly study these spherical bodies and manufacture them yourself, then his combat power will be further improved!

During this process, the dwarf pilot, the pilot of the tank armor, was undoubtedly discovered by the Saxon side.

Leaving a few dwarves already dead in the body, they have temporarily captured a group of captives and are now being questioned.

But the gangsters of the dwarves were notoriously tough, and the interrogation on the Saxon side was not going well.

During this period, Ajer Bald naturally learned this situation, and then fell into deep contemplation ...

"Dwarf? Isn't the guy with the dwarven civilization to the east? Why are the soldiers in the spherical body also dwarves?"

"It's the same batch? Impossible. There is a clear gap between the scientific and technological capabilities of the two sides. Could it be that the eastern dwarves sent their strongest troops to support the southern battlefield?"

At this moment Ajal Balder only felt his mind was getting chaotic.

In the end, I didn't even think about it, which way? It ’s a big deal!

After a wave of hard hits, in order to expand the results, it was natural that General Lekto could not do anything.

While allowing the large rear troops to take a short break, they quickly dispatched a large-scale chasing and killing force to force them up.

Facing the Saxon side, there were some aggressive counterattacks.

In order to explore the opposite reality, confirm that the other party is not bluffing.

After a slight balance, Hill sent a force to test in the past, and during the retreat, he carried out three crossfires.

In the course of these three exchanges of fire, the Saxon side's military strength and combat strength were not as strong as foreign forces.

At least this pursuit force is full of threats.

While sorting out the next response plan, Hill took the troops and quickly withdrew to the Saxon border stronghold and began to switch to the defense.

The task given to Admiral Lekto by Ajal Bard, although temporarily blocking the offensive of the Winter Winter Legion, thus earning him time.

But it was obviously impossible for Admiral Lekto to keep defending unilaterally.

Look for opportunities, take the initiative to attack, and sometimes the offense can achieve a better defensive effect!

During the period when Luo Ji's frontline battle unexpectedly fell into a passive state, a huge fleet of troops appeared quietly on the border of Tang and Song Dynasties ...

Before approaching, a series of ballistic missiles flew directly to the coastal base of Tang and Song Linhai in the rear missile submarine!

This is the usual play of the civilization on the science and technology side. It is also the civilization on the science and technology side. If the enemy cannot intercept their missile attacks, then this battle can basically be ended directly.

In this regard, Tang Song, who bought a whole set of defense systems from Ye Qingxuan, was not at all unable to fight back.

At the moment when the enemy's attack is detected, the defense system almost immediately responds and intercepts it.

The Saxon Fleet, which lost its first offensive, was not discouraged.

As the main fleet continued to push in, the terror battle consisting of fifteen nuclear-powered aircraft carriers quickly showed up.

Within the territorial waters of the Tang and Song Dynasties, only a dual-carrier fleet defended.

On the other hand, on the Saxon side, there are 15 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers!

The carrier-based planes took off successively, and the overwhelming air force took a breath. The Tang and Song border garrison fleet, even with the support of the rear coastal base, could not withstand such an offensive.

In just two rounds of attack, a whole line of defense in the Tang and Song Dynasties was completely crushed, and the coastal cities in the rear fell within a day!

When the news of Tang Song was sent out in the group, everyone's expressions changed slightly.

In the maritime war, they used Wei Wei to rescue Zhao and tried to force Ajal Bald ’s sea fleet to retreat ~ ~ As a result, Ajal Bald directly returned his teeth, and the retreated fleet did not support his own The territorial sea, the backhand broke the Tang and Song territorial waters.

The sea area of ​​both sides, combined with the third-party sea area added by the system, makes the sea area in this battlefield very vast.

In such a sea, it is not bad for their respective troops to defend their territorial waters. It is unrealistic to want to stare all other seas to death.

The result is what is happening now.

Now, the situation is complicated.

At this time, Luo Ji had not established communication with the Expeditionary Fleet. After seeing the news, he directly contacted the priest of the Holy Light expedition with the army through the ability of praying and confirmed the position of his fleet.

After looting the four nuclear-powered aircraft carriers opposite him, his fleet is now resting on a sea area near Song Hui's territorial waters.

The territorial waters of Tang and Song are completely at the opposite end. It is impossible to get there in a short time.

As for Song Hui and Tang Song, their own fleets, even in the area of ​​signal coverage, even Luo Ji is in a disconnected state, and Song Hui and Tang Song are even more playless.

They can't reach their fleet at all now.

Nowadays, in this battlefield, apart from Luo Ji, the only four people in the Tianzhao camp can contact their own fleet, that is Hua Ye.

Because his fleet is within his territorial waters.

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