The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2487: Plan confirmation

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Of the three, who has the best relationship with Tang and Song? That is undoubtedly Hua Ye, after all, he is the relationship between his elders.

But now, all of his southern territory has fallen under the offensive of Ajer Barder, and he has been too self-sufficient to save himself. How can he save Tang Song?

Therefore, after confirming the situation, Hua Ye ’s first reaction was to quickly mobilize the sea fleet that had withdrawn in order to preserve the combat power, to grab back his own territorial waters, and cut off the subsequent supply and support of the army troops opposite. While dissolving his current bad situation, he put pressure on the Saxon Army in disguise.

As for Tang Song's current situation, the three of them were in a brief silence.

Finally, Luo Ji broke the silence ...

"It's up to my fleet to contact @ 唐宋 and @ 宋辉 's fleet."

"Have you established communication with your front-line fleet?"

Tang Song Lima who saw the news asked.

Obviously, he was still in a hurry. After all, that big carrier fleet consisting of fifteen nuclear-powered aircraft carriers is now pressed against his territorial sea. Who can not be afraid?

In this regard, Luo Ji is also honest ...

"I haven't set up a communication for the time being, but I have a special communication style to send some simple messages with my fleet."

Luo Ji is a special civilization. The players of the Celestial Empire who have experienced the silver war are basically clear. Therefore, the three people did not feel strange about Luo Ji ’s answer.

During this period, Luo Ji, who finished sending a message, immediately sent a second message.

"The question now is how to make your fleet believe my fleet."

Tang Song and Song Hui are currently out of touch with their fleets, and there is simply no way to directly issue orders.

In this matter, Song Hui is as simple as ever ...

"@ 罗 编, I'll go back and send you the code and secret code of the internal communication channel of the fleet."

Faced with this situation, Tang Song can only put his chips on Luo Ji at this time, and then made the same decision as Song Hui.

After everyone reached a preliminary consensus, Luo Ji continued to talk about his plan.

"According to my ideas, after the three fleets of ours converged, we first helped Hua Ye to destroy the part of the fleet still stationed in his territorial waters. In this way, while cutting off the supply of the opposing army, we can also join The combat power of the four fleets. "

For this step, Song Hui had no opinion, and Tang Song also accepted.

"Then we will support Tang Song's territorial waters?"

It is undoubtedly Song Hui who issued this question at this time.

However, facing this problem, Luo Ji gave an answer that exceeded the expectations of the three.

"No, after the four fleets meet, we will not support Tang Song."

Tang Song who saw the news, his heart twitched obviously.

But Hua Ye frowned, and the expression on his face showed a little thoughtfulness.

During this period, Luo Ji's follow-up news has been issued ...

"We assembled the strength of the four fleets and directly attacked the territorial waters of Ajer Bald!"

Tang Song and Hua Ye are not stupid. After seeing this news, they can probably guess Luo Ji's idea.

The news from Luo Ji afterwards proved that their guess was indeed correct.

"In the case of a large fleet expedition, the size of the fleet left by Ajer Balder himself in the territorial sea will definitely not be too large. Even with the home advantage, we have a lot of assurance that we can gather the sea power of four people. Destroy the opponent, this is a perfect time to further weaken the opponent's naval combat power! "

"At the same time, as long as we successfully break through the territorial waters of Ajer Bald, we can exert pressure on each other. At that time, we may not need to fight, and his large fleet will take the initiative to retreat and initiate a recovery. . "

Luo Ji's plan has no problems, even for most people, it is the plan with the highest cost performance and highest success rate, except Tang and Song.

In this plan, the person who needs to bear the greatest risk is Tang Song!

Before the plan is successfully implemented, you can never guarantee that your plan will not go wrong.

Tang Song ’s territorial waters have been breached by Ajal Bald ’s fleet of aircraft carriers. At that time, if there is a problem with the plan, or if Ajal Bald does not intend to retreat, then for Tang Song, the situation may be It was terrible.

This point, Luo Ji's heart is naturally very clear.

Therefore, after briefly explaining his thoughts, he no longer expressed his opinion, and the group fell silent again.

Obviously, everyone is waiting for Tang Song's answer.

If Tang Song refused, his dwarf fleet would definitely not cooperate with them.

In addition, although Luo Ji did not know that Hua Ye and Tang Song were the next generation, he also knew that the two of them [UU Reading Book 00kxs] had a good relationship. By then, what attitude Hua Hua was, it was equally difficult to say.

The state of silence did not last long. Tang Song was also a cheerful person and a person who could see the situation clearly. He finally decided to take risks and agreed to the plan.

After that, the two privately chatted and sent the communication secret code of their respective fleets to Luo Ji. UU reading

Then Luo Ji again prayed for magic, and after getting in touch with his expeditionary fleet, the plan officially began.

The first step in the plan, of course, was to first find Song Hui and Tang Song's expeditionary fleet and get in touch with them.

However, the ocean area is so large, and the two fleets, who do not know the latest situation, are now fighting harassment with the Saxon garrison fleet at their own pace.

It's not a good idea to run after every wave and let the dark elf fleet go to the sea to find them.

In this way, the task of finding the friendly fleet naturally falls on the body of the Hawks and the forces of the Murlocs and the Hawks.

Double search in the air and under the sea, the whole efficiency is still quite high, and the target was quickly found.

While the two fleets are contending with the border fleet of Ajer Bald, it is of course impossible for troops from the civilization side to get close.

After all, with this approach, their existence will be exposed to the vision of the Saxon side instantly.

Although the Saxon support fleet was looted long ago, it has been exposed a lot.

But for the current Saxon side, their whereabouts are now a mystery, and this advantage still has to be fully utilized.

After they finished the wave, and ran away, the civilization side of the world really approached quietly, and then sent signals to the fleets of Song Hui and Tang Song.

The verification of the secret code quickly enabled them to gain mutual trust.

This time, the three parties have finally successfully gathered together and can enter the next link of the plan!

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