The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2503: , A panic in my heart

Just ended the private chat conversation with Tang Song, but unexpectedly, Song Hui's private chat message followed immediately.

"That, I suddenly thought of a thing. If Tang and Song were withdrawn and the territory was fully occupied, would it be my next turn?"


After seeing the news that Luo Ji had just sent to the group window to let Tang Song take the population to temporarily take refuge in his territory, Song Hui pondered for a while and gradually realized that something was wrong, and now he was in a panic.

For this, Luo Ji didn't know what to say for a while, and could only return a series of ellipsis.

Because according to the current situation, if Ajer Bald wants to pick the soft persimmon first, after the Tang and Song explosions, the next turn is either Song Hui or Hua Ye.

In this regard, Luo Ji actually thinks that Ajer Bald will play Hua Ye first.

Because of Hua Ye's continent, he has a large army of combat power left there.

After the Tang and Song territories were completely occupied, Ajer Bald ’s large aircraft carrier fleet was liberated. At that time, it was not particularly difficult to repel their joint fleet and rebuild the maritime supply line.

Of course, this is nothing more than Luo Ji's analysis. What will happen to Ajer Balder in the future, he is still unknown.

At this moment, in the face of a group of panic Song Hui, he seems to have no good suggestions. He can only say ...

"It really won't work, you'll be withdrawn temporarily at that time."

Song Hui is also a big-hearted man, with a mentality of ‘letting Qingshan stay, not afraid of having no firewood’. After receiving Luo Ji ’s promise, he felt a lot of peace of mind.

On the contrary, it was Tang and Song, and now there is a feeling of slim prospects.

Even though this full-scale war, he can sustain it, but after that, how should he develop again?

Just thinking about it, his mood was so heavy that he couldn't help it.

Closing the chat window in front of him, Luo Ji exhaled a long breath, and now he is not quite flat.

Hill sent orc forces to attack the small base opposite, trying to persuade the Saxon army, but the result was that the opposite commander directly sent troops to block off an entire area and cut off the possibility of their supply.

In order to avoid falling into food shortage, the orc forces had no choice but to withdraw early.

During the retreat, although there was a fight with the Saxon troops in charge of the blockade area at the time, fortunately, it broke out smoothly.

But at the same time, Hill's plan to dissuade failed.

After a while, the defensive pressure became bigger and stronger on the front line.

A whole line of defense is very long, and it is impossible for every place to be like a copper wall or an iron wall, just as the second line of defense on the opposite side has weak points, of course they also have it on their side.

As the original owner of this border line, Admiral Lekto is undoubtedly more familiar with this place than Hill. Hill vaguely noticed that the general commander on the opposite side seems to have a tendency to encircle them here.

If you want to withdraw, it is best to rush before the enemy forces are spread out.

Once you wait until the other party's battle is fully unfolded, then you want to withdraw your troops, even if you can force a breakthrough, I am afraid that you will have to pay a great price.

At that time, Hill did not struggle for too long, because she knew that her opponent would not give her too much time.

Before General Lecto responded, he first destroyed a series of important facilities such as bases and airports, and evacuated the troops overnight.

Ready to give up the front line, temporarily withdraw from the rear, and then use the home advantage to start playing against each other.

Admiral Lekto naturally couldn't make them run so easily.

Directly ordered the mobile unit to pursue.

Let Hill and theirs go through very uneven ...

In the sound of gunfire, a large number of Ranger-2 and Ares-3 tank mechs emerged quickly from the mountains on the wild side.

Relying on the action advantage of the mechanical legs, the dwarf pilots controlled the tank armor and moved quickly in the mountains.

The 125mm turret and eight-barreled dragon cannon, which can be rotated and aimed at multiple angles, launched a nearly relentless fire attack directly towards the Saxon mobile troops passing by below.

This is a ambush that Hill laid down smoothly during the evacuation process to stop the opposite pursuit, so as not to chase the other too tightly, making it difficult for them to get rid of.

The attacked Saxon mobile unit was a little chaotic.

But after all, it was a regular army. After a short period of chaos, it quickly launched a counterattack.

A violent bombardment can destroy the rocks with one blow.

The firepower of each side occupies one place, and there is a mad exchange of fire.

The scene was very lively for a while.

During this time, the Winter Winter Army naturally seized the time to distance itself from the chasing troops behind.

Afterwards, the ambush troops who received the news of the big troops also did not fight, maintained the shape of the mechanical legs, and quickly evacuated from another place in the mountains with the help of terrain barriers and cover.

In addition, after falling into the night, Hill also specially arranged the orc forces to launch attacks through the night, almost making the Saxon mobile troops completely uneasy.

This series of arrangements made the fierce maneuver unit return at first.

Faced with this situation, Admiral Lekto calmed down.

The pursuit of the mobile unit was a temptation.

From this temptation, he could feel that the opposing commander's thoughts were very clear, and he was not panicked by the advancement of their Saxon army. Under this premise, he wanted to get into the loophole just by a pursuit force Obviously it's not that easy.

After realizing this, UU reads www. Admiral Lekto issued a command directly remotely, indicating that the mobile unit was temporarily withdrawn, waiting to merge with the large unit.

Next, according to the meaning of His Majesty, he directly put the army under pressure and put pressure on the opposite side. The province's Luo Ji forces ran around the battlefield and tried to block him.

After receiving the order, Admiral Lekto, after letting his troops rest a little, let the main force directly bring a batch of supplies and take a step first.

As for the construction of the supply line, it was naturally handed over to the logistics team at the back to slowly toss. After that, the maintenance line alone would cost more than 300,000 troops. At the same time, various supplies and equipment must be mobilized.

Later, the time came to the end of summer. According to the detection of the Wanjie Civilization and Meteorological Bureau, there was another typhoon on the South China Sea.

Nearby cities that may be affected by typhoon weather have issued warnings.

This is actually a bit of a habit for people who have lived here all the year round.

Affected by the tropical monsoon, they almost typhoon every year.

The only thing that needs to be guessed every year is probably this year's typhoon, which is getting big or small.

In general, if the wind is not big, the days will pass.

But if you want to have a strong typhoon like that, you need to take refuge in advance.

But under such bad weather, no one has noticed at present, a few hundred nautical miles away from the East Sea of ​​their world civilization, a steel fleet that has already spread its battle is slowly approaching!

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