The batch of craftsmen provided by Tang Song can be said to have helped Luo Ji a lot.

They don't need to do anything else, they just need to help him forge the dwarf alloy.

This is one of the unique metals of the dwarven civilization. It is made of armor plate, and its strength is higher than that of ordinary human.

The only drawback is that it must be forged by dwarf craftsmen.

This makes the production efficiency of dwarf alloys very low compared to ordinary armor plates.

In today's civilization of all realms, the dwarf alloys are needed for the mech manufacture of the Goblin Mech Army and the Dwarf Tank Mech Army.

In other words, the production efficiency of the dwarf alloy will directly affect the production of the mechs of the two major mech legions.

Thanks to the increase of the dwarf labor force, the production efficiency of these two production lines has begun to increase.

Currently, Zhao Pan sits in the battlefield in the northern border, but Luo Ji is still very at ease.

Regarding the future battle situation, Luo Ji also called Guo Jia, and had a good discussion.

His border army, combined with the advantage of home court, under Zhao Pan's command, even if the enemy sent a million troops, it was not so easy to break through his border.

The current situation, the focus is really on Song Hui's side.

Once Song Hui ’s territory is finished, then on this continent, basically Luo Ji and Ajal Bald are left to single out.

Of course, Luo Ji didn't want to face it at all.

Although from the overall strength point of view, Song Hui really is too far behind Ajer Balder, but Song Hui ’s existence really helped him to disperse Ajer Balder ’s strength and reduce the amount he needed to bear. pressure.

Under this premise, the most ideal situation for Luo Ji should be to keep fire with Song Hui and attack together to defeat Ajal Bard.

But this thing is simple, but it is far from that easy to do.

He and Song Hui are now in a defensive state.

Outside the northern border, Ajer Bald is under pressure from a million troops.

Facing this force, unless the opponent reveals flaws, let them seize the opportunity, otherwise, facing the million troops, wanting to fight back, it is really not an easy thing.

According to the report sent by Hill, and some information provided by Saxon Admiral Sissen, it was Ajal Bard's number one general, Lekto, who was carrying a million troops on the northern border of his northern civilization. Admiral.

For General Lekto, Sisen ’s statement is that it is an old monster, and fight with him, you do n’t expect him to show any flaws. If you want to win, you may only rely on hard power to fight and crush him from the front. Is the easiest way.

If Xi Sen did n’t lie, then this information is really heartening.

So, this battle, if you want to break the game, you have to watch Song Hui's play. After all, Song Hui, you absolutely don't need to face the battle of this million army!

With this idea, Luo Ji quickly talked about the situation in the chat group.

For Ajer Balde's Million Army, everyone froze.

"@ 罗 编, what battle is it on your north side? How do I feel that we are not fighting the same battle?"

Song Hui, who saw the news, couldn't help but say a word.

On the side of his border, in the face of the suppression of Ajer Bard ’s technological power, he sent 200,000 troops to the opposite side, so he could not stand his head up.

And Luo Ji's northern battlefield, his strength is at least five times more than his side? ! This gap in combat power is not as simple as five times!

For this, Tang Song and Hua Ye were also secretly shocked.

Although Tang Song has lived in the east of Luo Ji for nearly half a year, to tell the truth, what is the situation on the battlefield in the north of Luo Ji, he really is not very clear. Too.

In the face of this situation, Luo Ji did not spit out any bitter water, but directly said ...

"From the current situation, it is impossible for me to break the game, @ 宋辉, the key to this game must fall on your battlefield!"

"Me? But to be honest, I can't beat the opposite!"

Song Hui admitted very simply that he couldn't beat Ajal Bald's 200,000 army.

In this battlefield of total war, this is not a shameful thing.

For a civilization striving for technological development, the suppression of scientific and technological power is too fatal.

"So you need some support."

After a message was sent, Luo Ji quickly got Hua Ye.

"@ 华 烨, can you send troops from the sea to support Song Hui's border?"

"Yes, I think so too."

Seeing this news, Hua Ye directly responded to the incident.

Although he was invaded by the army of Ajer Bard before, and he was beaten enough, but in this battlefield, if the four of them ca n’t solve Ajer Bard, then there is a good chance that they four It's all done.

Under this premise, even if they pay a small price, they must win!

Hua Ye's statement made Luo Ji and Song Hui relieved.

During this period, Tang Song, who had been watching, couldn't help showing his attitude ...

"@ 罗 環, do you need me to send troops to support your northern border? I also have some troops in my hand."

According to Tang Song ’s current position, it is impossible for him to support Song Hui. Too far, he has to go around most of the continent, but if he supports Luo Ji ’s northern border, he can still do it.

For Tang Song's proposal, Luo Ji actually had a good discussion with Guo Jia before launching this group meeting ~ ~ According to the results, Luo Ji directly said ...

"@ 唐宋, I hope your troops can assist the East Border Garrison."

"Dongjing? You mean ..."

"Yes, I suspect that later the Saxon army might choose to attack my eastern border."

After a message was sent, Luo Ji immediately took over the follow-up analysis ...

"The current purpose of the opposite is to suppress me so that I have no spare time to support others. Under this premise, the enemy forces do not actually need to die with my northern garrison. To put it bluntly, they just need to bring me enough Threat is enough. "

"And now I am in charge of sitting on the border of my northern border. My generals are the best at defensive warfare. In the face of the million-strong Saxon army, it may be difficult to fight back, but if it is just a defense, the other party wants It is impossible to break my northern border easily. "

"Under this premise, I can't rule out the possibility that the Saxon side may choose to distribute some of its troops and suddenly attack my other border."

"In the west, the possibility is very small, because there are large mountains in the middle. It is too difficult for the technology side troops to march. Therefore, if the other party really wants to start, the biggest possibility is to choose the east!"

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