The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2560: , Not even qualified for hanging

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A whole set of words, although Luo Ji did not use words like “absolute” at all.

But whether it was Hua Ye, Tang Song, or Song Hui, they felt a sense of self-confidence from the line between the words.

Luo Ji is very confident. Even in the face of the Saxon million army, his northern border will not be broken!

At the same time, Tang and Song naturally responded to Luo Ji's proposal.

Compared with the large-scale transfer to support the northern border and assist the eastern border garrison, it is undoubtedly a more labor-saving job for him.

And more importantly, in this way, it is also convenient for him to manage the population temporarily placed in the eastern border.

After this, due to the continuous bombing of the army some time ago, Ajer Bald had to settle down for a while so that he could stabilize the situation behind him.

During this period, the seasons are changing, and in a blink of an eye, it will be summer.

At twelve noon, the hot sun was over the city of Dingjing, as if it was a whole city under the scorching, spacious lanes. Due to the noon peak, a large number of vehicles were completely blocked on the road and issued continuously. The horn sound of 'Didi Didi', coupled with the hot weather outside, made many drivers feel upset.

I have to say that today's civilized cities of all realms have been completely submerged by the modern atmosphere.

The Luo Ji, who is blowing the air conditioner in the Palace of Political Affairs, does not need to go against the scorching sun, but he is still looking through the pile of documents.

The two years have been fighting, and it is clear that fiscal funds cannot be slack.

Excluding the expenses of the various armies, the damage of the elf magic warships and magic cannons in the dark elf fleet, as well as the severely damaged naval warrior giant soldier, the loss is really too painful. Too.

At the same time, the pilot of the naval warfare giant warrior is currently, according to the hospital diagnosis, basically already a vegetative, so this pilot has to be re-selected.

In addition, there are a lot of damage to aircraft carriers, ships and carrier aircraft.

Various maintenance costs add up to another astronomical figure.

There are also pensions for retired wounded soldiers, which has further increased the financial pressure.

The newly appointed Minister of Finance is still too young to even hang up, and can only grind his teeth.

"Well, this group of soldiers, just arrange it like this."

During the speech, Luo Ji handed the document in hand directly to Guo Jia.

This is a document report on the arrangement of some injured soldiers. Of course, it is not an ordinary wounded soldier, but a wounded soldier retired from each troop troop.

Many soldiers were seriously injured or even disabled in the previous battles, which led to the backwardness of cultivation.

According to that state, of course, it is impossible to let them stay on the front line to fight.

But it would be a pity if they were retired directly.

In response to this situation, Guo Jia made a little arrangement and arranged the retired veterans to serve as instructors in the military training camps of the various units.

Here, it is worth mentioning that there are two types of training camps for military soldiers in the military and the military of the world civilization.

A type of training camp is a military recruit training camp.

Most of the soldiers in this training camp have a certain amount of martial arts talent, but because they have just joined the army, their strength is not very good, and most of them do not even have a forging body.

Let the veterans who originally had the skills of martial arts warriors to become instructors for the new recruits.

So, there is a second type of training camp.

That is the independent training camp of each trump card or elite troops.

For example, there are independent training camps for the special forces such as the Xuanjia Army, Fengyan Iron Horse, Eagle Horse Army, Bayonet Army, and Iron Wall Army.

This type of troops picks people, usually directly from the elite of each military region.

The soldiers who were picked, at least also have a ten-square border repair as the base.

Of course, this is just the first step, not to say that if you are selected, you will be 100% able to enter the Xuanjia Army or Fengyan Iron Ride. It is still early.

After this, the selected soldiers will be sent to the individual independent training camps of each unit for more rigorous training.

Pass the training, join the army, not join, all brush down!

And this group of retired veterans, let them go to this training camp to serve as an instructor, it is undoubtedly suitable.

During this time, the number of documents sent has obviously increased, and it is a long absence for them to return to work.

Until 12:15 in the noon, the work in the morning was officially concluded.

Stretched a lazy waist, looking at the three people below, Luo Ji said directly ...

"Lv Yang, Henry, Hanks, don't stop running to the cafeteria. I'll ask the kitchen to bring some food and eat together in the side hall."

For this, Lu Yang and the three people who had been busy all morning did not refuse to say anything.

And just as Luo Ji was about to get up to eat in the side hall, Barenk ran in quickly from outside the hall, and said to Luo Ji ...

"Your Majesty, the forging department has sent the newly forged Ji Ding over, and now it is placed in the Taihe Hall."

"okay, I get it."

Hearing Barenck ’s report, Luo Ji was very calm.

The design of the four-star man-made spectacle Ji Ding, he had already got it.

Since then, the Forging Department has sent a total of eight Ji Dings. The result is no exception, all are failed products, and now this is the ninth.

At this point, Luo Ji's mentality has long been flattened. What else can be calm?

Don't rush to see it, eat before talking.

His stomach has been called for a while. For him now ~ ~ The sky is falling down, and it is not important to eat.

Lu Yang ’s eating efficiency is as high as ever.

In the early years, because of the heavy workload and the precious time, everyone was competing for time while eating, and each one was not the kind of master who would eat slowly.

After the summer, the working hours were adjusted according to the season. The time to work in the afternoon was 1:30. After eating, there was still a little time before work in the afternoon. All three of Lu Yang decided to squint for a while and follow Luo Ji After speaking, he left.

And Luo Ji originally planned to have a lunch break, but before that, he was naturally going to see the Ji Ding that the forging department had just sent.

Walked into the Hall of Supreme Harmony, a mouthful of bronze big tripod, just placed in the middle of the hall, let Luo Ji see at a glance

No nonsense, Luo Ji swiped his fingertips, accompanied by the pop-up of a virtual interface, system prompts, followed by ...

System Tips: Congratulations to the players of the Chao Dynasty ‘Luo Ji’ for obtaining the four-star artificial wonder ‘Ji Ding’

System prompt: It is detected that the Tianchao player Luo Ji also holds other Kyushu tripods.

System prompt: Confirmation is in progress, please wait ...

System Tips: Congratulations to the players of Tianchao ‘Luo Ji’ for obtaining the five-star artificial wonder ‘Kyushu Tripod’


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