The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3366: , Return to the main star (1)

In the first few days after returning to work, Luo Ji could not feel the sense of busyness that could be called ‘dark sky’.

   During the half-month of his deep meditation, although Lu Yang had a lot of work, they were able to help him handle it, but he still had to go through it, and at the same time, he really needed to handle some of the work himself.

   In this wave, he was absent from work for half a month for no reason. Didn't this matter just pile up?

   The most terrible thing is that the written work that needs to be reviewed is only a small part, and most of it needs him to run back and forth.

   Fortunately, he has no problem with his physique. Otherwise, he would be replaced by Lu Yang's small body, and after so many years of training, he would have been tossing like this for several days.

   After processing all the accumulated schedules and tasks, he sat back in the spacecraft and flew back to the heavenly palace. Luo Ji let out a long sigh of relief.

   "Finally, everything is done."

   In the next few days, Luo Ji basically entered a normal daily work state. The only difference is that his work efficiency seems to be higher than before.

   Throughout the whole day of work, the mind has always maintained a high degree of clarity, in excellent condition, and it takes no time to approve a document.

   2:37:21 in the afternoon, work is over...

   This can be said to be a new record!

   The record before Luo Ji was more than 2:51 pm.

   Although this has something to do with the daily workload and the difficulty of processing each document, Luo Ji obviously did not intend to entangle this issue.

   After taking a short rest, he quickly began to practice.

   Speaking of it, since that deep meditation that lasted for half a month ended, today is really his first practice.

   After all, the previous few days have been too busy. When there is a job, Luo Ji still focuses on work, and cultivation matters are temporarily put aside.

   Now that he started practicing again, he felt a little bit of a long absence.

  In the spiritual world, Luo Ji is directly in the posture of that giant as soon as he enters.

   "By the way, let's first try to see if I can reduce the body shape in the soul form like Jie Zichuan..."

  Although his giant form?    also lasted for a while?    But after quitting the spiritual world, he will return to a normal person's perspective.

  This causes him to experience a round of perspective changes every time after the end of his practice and practice?    In this state of switching back and forth, it is almost impossible to get used to it?   .

   So, if you can change the body in the form of the soul?   back to the normal human size?    Luo Ji, of course, can’t ask for it.

   took a deep breath and concentrated his mental power, Luo Ji began to try to control his body with mental power.

   Maintaining this state, Luo Ji's body in the form of his soul began to shrink.

   But unfortunately?    This state?    did not last forever.

   The entire huge form stopped after shrinking about three times.

After   , Luo Ji relaxed slightly, and the whole body suddenly rebounded, and he was back to his original body shape all at once.


   Surprised?    This is still a technical job!

   Just now, while he was trying to shrink his body?    and controlling it, Luo Ji discovered that this method of    was actually much more laborious than he expected.

   just shrink the body?    and stabilize it?    I feel that it can already exert a kind of exercise effect on mental power.

   now?    Jie Zichuan's hand is very difficult.

   Not to mention other aspects, in terms of mental power control, Jie Zichuan definitely exploded him.

   "Forget it, this one will try again later."

   The focus of his practice this time is entirely on the Holy Word.

   He wants to see if he can change his original state and let him learn the Holy Words after he has completed the fusion with the soul and obtained the state of ‘one with nature’.

   However, the Holy Word is the top divine art of the Wingman civilization. If you practice it for one day or two days, you want to see the results. That is like a dream.

   In order to come to a conclusion as quickly as possible, Luo Ji has also completely entered a state of immersing himself in training for the divine art of Holy Word.

   Just like that, some time passed...

   Outside the space base outside the main planet, the fixed space doors of their Ten Thousand Realms Civilization Army opened quickly, and spacecraft quickly flew out of it.

   After confirming the identity, the large spacecraft are now generally not allowed to fly inside the planet, and they are all docked on the star harbor outside the planet.

   After arriving at the port, An Lijie, wearing a formal suit, looked at the main planet that was already in front of him through the platform near Starport. At this moment, she felt a little embarrassed.

   Calculate carefully, as the state pope, she has been busy spreading the doctrine of the state religion on Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. The reason for establishing churches everywhere is that she has not returned to the main planet for many years.

   Although she often communicates with her father and mother via video, she hasn't met face-to-face for too many years, so she misses it.

   As soon as I thought of this, An Lijie couldn't wait to go home and have a look.

   "Go and ask, how long will the spacecraft be ready."


   From a space base outside the planet into the inside of the planet, there are basically only two options today.

   One option is to take a space elevator, and another option is to take a small spacecraft that is allowed to fly within the planet.

  According to An Lijie and the others, their choice is of course the latter.

   At the same time, the six-winged holy wing natives with their hands and feet handcuffed were also taken down from their spaceship by Vivian himself.

   After all the interstellar voyage, the state of the six-winged holy wing species is actually quite calm.

  , after all, has been a ‘god’, so I won’t be shocked by this little battle.

   After all, according to the strength of this six-winged holy wing species, it has already reached the point where it can break through the atmosphere and fly into space.

   Therefore, he actually has some basic concepts about space and planets.

At the same time, there are human kingdoms within their planets, and they are not small in scale. He actually knows a lot about these technological aspects. In addition, on the way, the spacecraft is in the space stations of Saturn, Venus and Jupiter in order to rest. Have been docked for a while.

   At first, he might still be a little surprised about some of the devices and equipment of the Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, but now, he is used to it...

   But in the process, this Six-Winged Saint Winged species also vaguely realized that the group of Wingers who destroyed his kingdom and captured him alive may be really different from what he expected...

  PS: The code word is not easy, please support Chuangwang, QQ reading and starting|*点*中*文*The genuine of the net

  :. :

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