The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3367: , Return to the main star (2)

The spacecraft prepared for them at Xinggang transferred to the space base, with the military license, naturally broke through the atmosphere and flew into the atmosphere without hindrance.

   Here, by the way, it’s worth mentioning that there is actually a ‘road’ in the sky.

   It's just that this road is constructed by some equipment on the side of technology, combined with the enchantment deployed by the magical civilization array mage.

Between a road and a road, although there are only dashed lines of light and shadow, if the spacecraft driving on this road dared to fly, then when the alarm is triggered, the spacecraft will be directly locked into a special enchantment. In the small black room, until the traffic police came to get people.

   At this moment, the spacecraft that An Lijie was on board was a special passage for troops stationed on the planet of their civilization.

  In the current stage of the civilization of the world, the number of spacecraft is increasing, and traffic jams occasionally occur. However, within this military passage, it is obviously much better, and it is completely unimpeded.

   During this process, An Lijie and the others did not deliberately imprison the indigenous Six-Winged Holy Wing. Under the premise that the other party was in shackles, they did not prevent the other party from looking out of the spaceship.

   For an aboriginal, sometimes, he can't understand the power of the interstellar spacecraft and the space station. On the contrary, it is easier to be shocked by the huge urban architecture and the scale of civilization on the planet.

   In fact, let alone the indigenous Six-winged Holy Wing species, even An Lijie, looking at the development in the main planet today, feels like a world away.

  In comparison, the development on the three planets of Venus, Jupiter and Saturn is undoubtedly a lot worse than the main planet.

  Especially Saturn, as the last planet developed by their civilization of the world before the discovery of this new aboriginal planet, it took hundreds of years for this planet to  tossing the ecological environment?  .

  Even if it develops to the present, on Saturn?  The current state of development?   is like staying in the last century.

  Of course, even the Saturn of the last century?  The development progress is estimated to have crushed countless golden civilizations...

On this road?  The space army soldier sent by the space base to pilot the spacecraft?  You should also know that they have not returned to the main planet for many years under the title of the Pope. Therefore, on the way, they also introduced directly to En Lijie?  In this In the process?   His face is also full of pride.

   This should be a common problem for every star person.

After so many years, with the successive development of Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, within their civilizations, apart from the difference between cities and races, it is also inevitable that there will be rulers, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn. People?   and these distinctions between more special lunar people.

  The situation of the lunar man is undoubtedly the most special.

  In the beginning?  Only on the moon, the staff’s family members?  A community was formed on the moon and a shopping street was opened.

   After?   Ye Qingxuan carried out large-scale development of the moon?   opened a moon resort.

  The emergence of this resort?   has caused more staff and their families to flock to the moon.

   These people basically live on the moon all year round. After a few generations, the term "lunar man" will naturally appear.

   Therefore, in today's civilization of the world, if people are asked where you are, before the specific place name, you must add ‘master star’, ‘Jupiter’, and ‘Venus’.

   even directly said that he was a man from the main planet, a man from Jupiter, and the place names behind it were omitted.

Regarding the introduction of the soldier, An Lijie also listened with gusto. Although she had some understanding of the development of the main planet, her main energy was still on Saturn over the years, so some specific things, She really didn't know.

   "Under the crown of the Pope, the city of Der Spiegel is in front of you."

   Upon hearing this, An Lijie subconsciously looked into the distance.

   After so many years of development, several cities around Mingjing City were also merged one after another, and all became a district under the control of Mingjing City.

This makes the size of the entire Der Spiegel City more than twice as large as when Enrijie left. At the same time, the height of the amazing buildings is even more exaggerated. In addition, the buildings are densely packed with fast shuttles. Spaceship.

   The indigenous Six-Winged Saint Wings were almost dumbfounded.

   And An Lijie, her whole attention was suddenly locked on the city in the center of Der Spiegel.

"That is……"

"Oh, that is the Tiangong. It was built many years ago. It was rebuilt from the original palace. We have received a docking permit and can land on the external docking apron on the 450th floor of the Tiangong. ..."

   The soldier is still introducing, but Enrijie is not listening.

   At this moment, her entire attention was completely focused on the huge light and shadow condensed above the heavenly palace and almost penetrated into the clouds.

   "It's my father..."

   An Lijie had no idea what was going on, but she could feel that the huge light and shadow was Luo Ji!

   Under this premise, as if to confirm something, An Lijie quickly looked at Vivienne aside.


Hearing An Lijie’s voice, Vivian, who had undoubtedly noticed the huge light and shadow, suddenly regained consciousness, and then nodded respectfully at An Lijie, and made a respectful gesture towards the huge light and shadow in the distance. attitude.

   Needless to say, she and Vivian had seen it, but the soldier who was in charge of driving the spaceship and the indigenous Six-Winged Saint Wings did not seem to notice.

   Out of precaution, An Lijie, who was aware of this situation, directly contacted Luo Ji through the magic of god.

   After receiving the news from her daughter, UU reading Luo Ji was undoubtedly very happy, and hurriedly asked them if they were coming soon.

   Obviously, he had received the news as early as when An Lijie and the others arrived at the outer space base on the main planet.

   Regarding this, An Lijie told Luo Ji about the situation while saying that their spacecraft had arrived at Der Spiegel City.

   At that time, people were in the pavilion in the top garden. After hearing Enrijie’s words, Luo Ji subconsciously looked up at the sky, and then briefly explained to his daughter.

   This kind of huge phantom that covers an entire heavenly palace, to put it bluntly, is that his soul strength is too high. As a result, once he relaxes, part of his soul power will be unconsciously released, forming this huge phantom.

   This phantom, his followers, seem to be able to see it.

  Non-believers can actually see it, but in that case, Luo Ji needs to deliberately release his power.

   At the beginning, Luo Ji still planned to constrain consciously.

But later he discovered that the appearance of this phantom would have a general effect of'manifest the sacred in front of people'. At the same time, its nature is also close to the idol. It will gather a lot of faith power, gather towards him, and improve The output of faith in the city and the conversion efficiency of believers have many benefits.

   After realizing this, he simply left it outside.

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