Latest URL: "Analyze the enemy's attack and upload all data to the database."

Suffered a head-on attack from the Great Wall of the Void, and received an order from Admiral Tronia, the fleet of mechanical civilization began to retreat temporarily.

During the retreat, the statistical report of the mastermind of the mechanical civilization fleet continued. However, just after seeing the opportunity, Du Yuanzhi, who had a big explosion, could have caused the mechanical civilization fleet to withdraw like this?

Inside the mechanical civilization fleet, the siren soon sounded again...

"Warning! Warning! A large number of enemy units are approaching at high speed!"

Almost at the same time the warning sounded, a virtual interface was already unfolded in front of General Tronia.

On this virtual interface, it is the map of the battlefield where they are located.

In addition to the enemies chased from the front, on the left and right wings, unsurprisingly, enemies also appeared.

In this wave, their mechanized and civilized fleet might not be so easy to retreat easily.

The flying golem army and the orc army directly chased out from the front battlefield.

In addition, there are two interstellar fleets in the rear.

It is Esther’s Dark Star fleet and Olet Thrall’s Doomhammer fleet.

Although it was considered in advance that a mechanically civilized force would have a huge technological force to suppress scientific and technological equipment, but within a battlefield, it really needed the power of the magic fleet.

Moreover, Luo Ji chose to transfer the Dark Star Fleet and Doomhammer Fleet to Battlefield II instead of transferring the Blazer Fleet and Hyperion Fleet to Battlefield II. There is actually a reason for this assignment.

The main reason is to concentrate on the commander-in-chief of each fleet.

The configuration of the magic warships of their ten thousand civilizations is basically unified under normal circumstances.

However, according to the difference of the commander-in-chief of the fleet, the combat style of the four veteran magic fleets, and even the combat effectiveness demonstrated by their deeds, are completely different!

Because their own talent bonuses and skill bonuses, and even race bonuses, all have a significant focus.

To give a simple example with the sharpest contrast, it is Esther's Dark Star Fleet and Gao Yi's Hyperion Fleet.

Astor’s Dark Star fleet? The output firepower of his magic weapon? It is the strongest of all fleets!

However, when everyone’s configuration is basically the same, how can this happen?

That’s because Esther’s own racial bonuses, item bonuses, talent bonuses? and even skill bonuses? are all different from other commanders. His entire overall? is focused on the magical side plus So it can show such an effect.

As a goblin general, Gao Yi? He is the opposite situation? Because of the goblin clan, his own racial item bonuses are also focused on technology, so his series of bonuses are all Focus on the technology side.

Therefore, the existence of a commander-in-chief will directly affect the type of an entire fleet.

Under this premise, Olette Thrall, as a dwarf general, is not on the side of the magician himself, but his bonus? is basically concentrated on the ‘firepower’, which is a more versatile configuration.

Luo Ji sent Esther’s Dark Star fleet and Olette Thrall’s Doomhammer fleet here? It is precisely because they are the two least affected by the technology side.

Moreover, for the special circumstances of these two fleets? Consider the possibility that you might be confronted with mechanical civilization.

Luo Ji, who was in the development stage at that time, also took a little risk and directly carried out a large-scale transformation of the configuration of the two fleets.

To the greatest extent? Reduced the internal technology side devices of the two fleets and installed magical side equipment to suppress the power of technology and minimize the impact on them.

This approach, in fact, will more or less affect the overall combat power and performance of a magic warship.

However, considering the special circumstances of mechanical civilization, this is no alternative.

The successive entry of the Dark Star Fleet and the Doomhammer Fleet has undoubtedly greatly increased the pursuit firepower of the Ten Thousand World Civilization Forces.

At the same time, as an important combat force on the non-tech side of the civilization of the world, how could the elves and martial arts troops be absent?

At this moment, the Swift Eagle Commander troops headed by Kalgan are giving full play to their speed advantage, circling all the way from the side battlefield, quickly cutting into it.

Immediately afterwards, behind the rapid eagle rider troops, headed by Clad, the elven druid troops who maintained the eagle spirit transformation.

Further on, the Royal Griffin Knights, headed by Terrell, landed further behind.

After all, although the short-distance burst speed of the Royal Griffin Riders is amazing, they do not actually dominate the long-distance flight.

Under normal circumstances, in the first two rounds of confrontation, the Royal Griffin Knights of Terrell will definitely not be able to catch up. His unit is mainly prepared for the subsequent battle.

And just as the speed of the Elf tribe troops was approaching at high speed from the side battlefield.

On the other side of the battlefield, outflanked, there is no doubt that they are the martial arts troops of the ten thousand civilizations.

Among them, the leader is the general Guo Zhen who is in charge of this battle zone!

Now Guo Zhen is riding a flying dragon to take the lead.

Following him, in addition to the trump card sandstorm troops he brought out, there were other martial arts troops in their army.

The soldiers of the sandstorm troops are all riding two-footed dragons.

As for the other martial arts units that followed, their mounts could only be described in a variety of ways.

Some of the troops inside are riding the same two-legged dragons as the sandstorm troops, while some are riding eagle beasts, and some are riding lions and scorpions...

To be honest, among the three mounts, the Wyvern with two feet is the most suitable for rapid attack, because it is fast enough, explosive, and not bad at the same time.

Under this premise, the ordinary eagle beast and lion scorpion are a little bit close.

The eagle beast is in speed and physical strength, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is relatively average, but the lion and scorpion, for the martial arts unit, are completely the same as a battlefield transport aircraft.

The lion and scorpion have good physical strength and can move long and long distances on the battlefield with martial arts soldiers on their backs, but its speed is the slowest of all mounts.

Therefore, the speed of these rapid assault troops swiftly increased, and the distance between them, depending on the mounts, naturally increased.

However, there will be such a situation, which is largely impossible.

Although these years have passed, the number of monster mounts in Luo Ji's Ten Thousand Realms Civilization has been increasing.

But can there be more than soldiers?

There is no way for everyone to have a unified mount, so they can only pool a little here and a little over there...

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