But ignoring that inconsistent mount, in terms of combat effectiveness, it is still relatively secure.

   The rapid assault troops on both sides approached all the way at the fastest speed.

   discovered their existing mechanical civilization fleet, and once again sent a Type 702 unmanned fighter to intercept.

   But looking at the overall battle, the fleet on the mechanical civilization side made it clear that there was no idea of ​​staying and fighting them.

   The firepower output demonstrated by the Void Great Wall firepower system just now undoubtedly made the opposing mechanical civilization fleet vigilant.

   Out of caution, Admiral Tronia has undoubtedly decided to temporarily retreat, and after analyzing the newly acquired intelligence, launch a new round of offensive.

   However, how could Du Yuanzhi let the opponent go so easily when he finally caught the opportunity?

   He is not a silly military master, but it is not so easy to line up troops within their own territory of the civilization of the world, and want to go on the other side!

   Facing the Type 702 unmanned fighter plane that swept over, the Elf tribe and martial arts troops cut up from both sides of the battlefield were not afraid at all.

   On the side of the rapid eagle rider troops headed by Kalgan, when they raise their hands, they will attack with a composite wizard magic arrow of tracking arrows and split arrows.

As for the martial arts unit, although the battle is not as big as the fast eagle rider unit, the attack of the battalion of the gods is powerful. The arrow that breaks through the air is just like an anti-aircraft rocket, but it hits the target. , It can easily destroy an unmanned fighter.

   The two troops are smashing along the way. Their civilized troops are no strangers to the unmanned fighter.

  Even when preparing for war in his early years, taking into account the situation of mechanical civilization, Luo Ji specially used the ‘swarm’ unmanned fighter planes to conduct actual combat training for each unit, so that they were used to fighting unmanned fighter planes.

   Now the unmanned fighters on the side of mechanical civilization can't stop them at all.

   At the same time, in just such a short time, the carrier-based aircraft of the Dark Star Fleet and Doomhammer Fleet in the rear have exploded to the front line at the fastest speed!

   The ‘Swarm’ unmanned fighter plane is obviously useless in this battle against mechanical civilization.

   Therefore, all of the latest Black Hawk fighters piloted by dwarf pilots are all assigned to Battlefield II in this wave!

  The intelligent system is directly removed, and the magic technology is added, allowing the dwarf pilots to operate purely by hand? Avoid the electronic warfare invasion of the mechanical civilization fleet? Do your best to let the combat power of the fighter unit be thoroughly displayed.

   The Black Hawk fighter unit that came up to support? It was not aimed at the starship of mechanical civilization. They had a clear goal? Directly at the Type 702 unmanned fighter on the opposite side.

With the support of the Black Hawk fighters, Kalgan and Klad, who saw the opportunity, directly led their troops to tear through the encirclement of the enemy 702 unmanned fighter. They killed the mechanical star in the distance. Ship.

   Inside the mechanical civilization fleet? The alarm reverberated crazily, and there was no tendency to stop.

   Admiral Tronia used the main brain of the fleet without expression to quickly process the intelligence information that was constantly fed back.

  Different from the Zhenger Bajing mechanical soldiers, their mechanically civilized unmanned fighters? Basically belong to the kind of assembly line mass production? The low-level combat power that wins by quantity.

   And in this wave, the troops sent by the enemy clearly made it clear that it could not be simply handled with this kind of low-level combat power.

   Although, continue to increase the number of low-level combat power, directly into the sea tactics? It should also rely on the number of fighters to effectively contain the opposing advance.

   But if this is the case? The loss of the 702 UAV will inevitably become a little too large...

  Considering that their troops are currently at the front line? The border of their mechanical civilization is too far behind, and at the same time, the fixed space gate is not built at this stage? The efficiency of troop supply is relatively slow.

In this wave? In the previous attack on the Great Wall of the Void, they have directly lost nearly 600 starships, even for the mechanical civilization fleet with a total number of more than 5,000 starships. Ship losses are also a number that cannot be ignored.

   Under this premise, if the use of machine-sea tactics and the loss of a large number of 702 unmanned fighters, it will inevitably be detrimental to their next battle.

   At this point, Admiral Tronia also intends to deal with it seriously.

   At least we have to defuse the enemy's offensive.

   So, through a large system of the mechanical civilization fleet, Admiral Tronia’s order was issued almost in an instant.

   After receiving the order, a large number of mechanical warriors flew out of the starships.

   "Be careful, there is movement!" The full text of the text is the fastest んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/ The new 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://www.@x81zw@@

   Perceived the abnormal condition of Calgan, he reminded him immediately.

   And almost at the same time when he issued this reminder, the enemy's energy attack had already strafed over!

Between the lightning and flint, the fast eagle under Kalgan's seat directly flipped his body and made an evasive action. At the same time, Kalgan also lowered his body, and the whole person was almost directly attached to the back of his fast eagle partner. Above.

   The extreme action allowed him to successfully evade the attack. At the same time, Kalgan backhanded from the quiver behind him, UU reading www.uukanshu.com drew a special wind chasing arrow.

   As soon as he raised his hand, it was a set of three consecutive shots, shooting towards the culprit of the attack just now!

Using a five-hundred-year-level spirit wood, supplemented by the infusion of wind attribute vindictive energy, the specially-made wind chasing arrow is amazingly fast. Under the surging force of the wind element, directly in this void, it brings three rays of light. Arc, attacked toward that target.

   At that moment, the individual main brain had already noticed the threatening mechanical warrior, and immediately opened up the force field shield around him.

   The whistling arrow of the chasing wind was directly blocked by the completely transparent force field shield that seemed to have only a thin layer.

   But obviously it is not over.

   There may be a time difference of only a few tenths of a second.

   The second wind chasing arrow hit the tail of the previous wind chasing arrow with great precision!

   On the surface of the transparent force field shield, the ripples spread rapidly in circles, and the advancing force greatly increases the frequency and speed of the ripples.

   Immediately afterwards, at the moment when the third wind chasing arrow hits, the first wind chasing arrow completely penetrated the force field shield in front of you!

   At the moment of the moment, the mechanical warrior who caught the attack reacted swiftly. A sideways evasive action made him avoid Kalgan's three consecutive shots while the force field shield was penetrated.

   However, at that moment, Kalgan, whose longbow in his hand quickly switched to a spiral war spear, had already slammed into his eyes!

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