The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3485: Light Fleet

The appearance of the Pope is of great significance to the soldiers of the Winged Race.

After all, the state Pope An Lijie has a very special position among their civilizations.

Even if she put aside her identity as the ‘Papacy of the State’, An Lijie was still the princess of their civilization and the daughter of their emperor. At the same time, she also mastered the reincarnation technique, which is a vital top-level magic.

For various reasons, she basically stayed away from the battlefield.

Because they must have a person who masters the reincarnation technique in the back of their civilization.

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Now that An Lijie can go to the front line, Luo Ji has successfully mastered the reincarnation technique, which is naturally one of the most important reasons.

But even so, Luo Ji's first reaction was inaccurate when he knew that his precious daughter was going to the battlefield.

Put his daughter on the battlefield? It's not as good as if he directly recruited him directly!

However, this time the situation is different from before.

Originally, he basically only needed to face one enemy, so there was nothing to entangle with in Yujia's personal campaign.

But this time, he was enemies on both sides.

Under this premise, as the emperor of ten thousand civilizations, he seemed unsafe to rush to one of the battlefields easily.

Therefore, it was only when Guo Jia and Lu Yang tried their best to dissuade Luo Ji from thinking.

In the end, he was somewhat unwilling to accept the arrangement of having his daughter An Lijie set off on his behalf and rushed to the first battlefield.

This arrangement made Luo Ji's recent state seem a bit worried, unable to calm down, and even his work efficiency has declined.

Although his daughter left the soul crystal behind, the worst case is nothing more than resurrection in the reincarnating pool, but as an old father, Luo Ji could not help but worry.

Compared with her worried old father, An Lijie herself is not much nervous.

To be honest, Enrijie is not actually the first time she has been on the battlefield. In addition to her so many years of being the pope, she has seen more big scenes, and she should not be so panicked. .

In the void environment, such a dazzling Holy Light fleet naturally attracted enough attention.

On the battlefield, the unknown variables that appeared again made Marshal Bahat frowned.

If he could, he really hoped that the enemy army on the opposite side would be so obediently, under his chase and counterattack, heading for defeat.

But unfortunately, the opposite obviously didn't plan to cooperate like this.

A quick visual glance at the size of the strange fleet did not seem to be too big, just two to three hundred warships.

If it is a technology side battleship, then the suppression force of the mechanical civilization electronic warfare unit is almost absolute.

However, looking at the appearance of the battleships on the opposite side, I am afraid that it does not look like a technology side battleship...

"This is really going to cause me trouble!"

Needless to say, just like their emperor prepared a ‘great gift’ for the other party in response to the situation of the civilization of the world, the other side also prepared a ‘great gift’ for them.

This is really a typical ‘reciprocity’.

In the face of this ‘great gift’ carefully prepared by the enemy, Marshal Bahat did not dare to relax.

The first one to meet, let some of the warships turn to fire, and want to test it first.

In response to this, on the side of the Holy Light Fleet, the huge battleship shield quickly opened, and it was no surprise that all the naval gun attacks from the Imperial battleship were blocked.

Although it has also been greatly improved by the characteristics of their civilization and the project BUFF, the battleship of the holy light is ultimately a military item belonging to the Wingman civilization.

While enjoying the BUFF bonus of the Wingman Civilization Project, the functions and overall performance of the entire warship are actually different from the most common magic warships in their Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, or the focus is not quite the same. same.

For example, the holy light shield of the holy light battleship, with the bonus of the Wingman civilization full-level item BUFF, the holy light shield of the holy light battleship is at least stronger than the holy light shield of the magic warship , 50% higher!

The intensity is amazing!

But in contrast, as a trade-off, the Holy Light itself does not actually belong to that kind of core combat unit. In the Wingman civilization, the positioning of the Holy Light is more focused on assistance, and it is used to support the Wingman Army. Special units can be understood as the backing of the Winged Army,

In the early full-scale war, the warship of faith sent by the civilization of the world was actually one of the predecessor items of the battleship of the light.

Now the Holy Light Fleet enters the arena. Under the baptism of the Imperial Fleet’s artillery fire, within those Holy Light battleships, winged human soldiers wearing Holy Light armor quickly fly out, laying in the void around the fleet. Opened the formation.

However, at this stage, they seem to have no intention of directly rushing up. The heavily armed winged human soldiers are still staying within the envelope of the fleet shield.

At the same time, in the center of the Holy Light Fleet, among the Pope, now the main flagship, was dressed in a magnificent and solemn armor robe, and a figure with brilliant golden six wings flapped behind him, quickly flying out of it.

At this moment, Enrijie, who officially entered the battlefield, had already raised the Pope's scepter in her hand during the flight.

At the top of the scepter, a fist-sized, crystal clear white gold crystal is emitting a bright light, like a dazzling new star in the void, illuminating the entire void around it!

This fist-sized white gold crystal undoubtedly has a certain background. Although it is not rare, it is extremely expensive. It is called the crystallization of faith.

There were basically only two ways to store belief power in the original Wingman civilization, one was to store it in one's own body, and the other was to store it in the idol.

There is nothing to say in his body, but the idol is too bulky and not convenient enough.

The Holy Light battleship was dispatched directly, and the battleship was used to carry the idols. There was no problem, but the question was what if it was a single-soldier operation? It is undoubtedly very inconvenient to move one or even several statues everywhere.

And if it does not move, the ability to continue combat will be limited.

In response to this Luo Ji and they had an idea.

The essence of faith in the reincarnation pool itself is the product of the huge concentration of belief power, but due to its particularity, it can basically only be carried by the reincarnation pool.

Then can they also come up with something similar to facilitate some winged soldiers to carry as a backup force of faith?

After this idea was produced, the project was soon established.

After years of research, with the help of magical civilization and alchemy civilization, they finally came up with the crystallization of faith.

Although the faith crystallization of the same quality does not exceed the essence of faith, the power of faith contained in it cannot exceed the essence of faith, but it is more convenient to carry and can even be directly embedded in weapons and equipment for use.

Now facing such a large-scale enemy army, An Lijie did not dare to have any reservations. While offering the crystallization of faith, she directly used the strength of her holy words to the maximum!

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