Holy Word Art is a top-level divine art that is very difficult to practice in the Wingman civilization.

People who don't know enough about the Holy Words will think that the Holy Words spread and produce effects through sound, but they are not.

The so-called voice is actually just an auxiliary means, in this way, to give the other party a kind of spiritual hint, so that the Holy Word can achieve a better effect.

But in fact, the Holy Words are essentially spread through the spiritual power of the caster, and directly apply their own will to the target.

This is also the fundamental reason why even on the extremely noisy battlefield before, the ‘voice’ of the operator can be heard clearly by everyone.

Raising the pope's scepter in her hand, An Lijie immediately used her full strength when she came up. With the crystallization of faith, with the support of huge faith and spiritual power, the effect of the Holy Word quickly spread and enveloped in an instant It has nearly one-sixth the size of the Imperial fleet.

That being said, it may feel that the coverage is not large.

But you must know that within this sixth of the imperial fleet, the number of warships is estimated to be about 2,000!

After experiencing long-distance marches and the harassment of the Trident Fleet and the Raging Wave Fleet, followed by fierce battles with the garrison troops of the Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, most of the soldiers in the Imperial Fleet were not in a good state of mind.

Now that Anrijie’s holy word art was opened, a large number of emperor soldiers under the influence of holy word art within the scope of the holy word art suddenly became confused and rebelled on the spot.

The emperor soldiers in the battleship would never have imagined in their dreams that the comrades who stood side by side in the first second pointed their guns at them and pulled the trigger.

For a while, riots within the emperor continued.

At this moment, the intelligence feedback of multiple warships was quickly confirmed, and Marshal Bahat's expression was already gloomy and almost dripping.

After all, for them as enemies, the effect of this holy word can only be described as ‘disgusting’.

In this process, the civilization of Ten Thousand Realms will not be idle.

Almost as soon as the Holy Light fleet entered the arena, the five magic fleets that had maintained the retreat momentum immediately changed to offensive.

At the same time, on the side of the Holy Light Fleet, holding the book of commandments and fanning the golden six-winged Latier, there are six huge golden fireballs behind him, just like six golden suns, slowly turning.

Later, I saw Latier stretch out his hand, one after another, the wheel of Judgment Day, suddenly blasted towards the warships of the Imperial Fleet in the distance!

The defensive technique collapsed, and the Imperial battleship that was under the attack of the Judgment Sun was bombarded to pieces on the spot.

At this moment, Latier's attack, completely for their Wingmen Legion, fired the first attack!

Using the attack of the Judgment Day Wheel as a signal, around the Holy Light Fleet, with the brilliant golden six wings behind them, Vivian and Gerald in the front line pulled out the holy sword at the waist almost at the same time!

"All members enter the'trial' mode and fight for my king!!"

"Fight for my king!!!"

At this moment, countless Heavenly Winged and Holy Winged soldiers lit up a pure white holy flame.

"The whole army charged!!!"

The order was issued, and the momentum of the charge brought forward, so that the advancing wingman army, like an incandescent meteor shower, Vivienne and Gerrard took the lead, leading their respective Templars and the Blazing Legion. The emperor in the distance!

The fire situation at the two ends made Marshal Bahat's head like a fight.

Hurrying to signal the imperial sorcerer regiment and the sorcerer army to intercept the Wingmen Legion and the martial arts unit, Marshal Bahat is also commanding the imperial fleet and responding to the counterattack enemy's sorcerer fleet. , While quickly confirming his own situation.

The mechanical civilization and electronic warfare forces are still suppressing the science and technology power of the civilization of the world. Even if the five magic fleets seize the opportunity to counterattack, the science and technology firepower that cannot be used because of the suppression of science and technology can basically not be compensated.

This caused a considerable gap between the two rounds of firepower output for the five magic fleets, which had a huge impact on the entire combat power of the magic fleet, and even the combat mode.

For Marshal Bahat, who was the supreme commander of the emperor, this was definitely a good thing.

Marshal Bahat, who temporarily stabilized the situation on both sides, is now fully confirming the situation of the imperial forces affected by Holy Word.

Inside the imperial battleships, it is not to say that all imperial soldiers were affected.

Under normal circumstances, the stronger the spiritual power, the less affected by the Holy Word.

The system of magical civilization’s ‘magic technique’ requires mental power as support, so the spiritual power of magic pilots is mostly not bad.

Although there are some special circumstances, it can be roughly understood that the ordinary magic pilots of the Imperial Magic Pilots will be interfered with by the Holy Word, but under normal circumstances, they still have a certain resistance and will not be Easy to control.

As for the magic pilots of the ordinary magic forces, because their overall strength is basically one level worse than that of elite soldiers, within the scope of the effect of Holy Word, the situation of being controlled will be much more serious, but it is not all. Annihilated.

This allowed Marshal Bahat to obtain sufficient information smoothly.

Unlike the situation where the poisoning caused hallucinations after being hit by the opposite insidious trick earlier, this time, the soldiers who rebelled suddenly seemed to have been forcibly brainwashed.

When he suddenly attacked his comrades beside him, his mouth was still chattering, not knowing what he was saying.

In the face of this method, the only thing Marshal Bahat can rejoice now is that their imperial fleet is probably not all clustered together. The relatively evacuated fleet formation has largely reduced the number of warships and ships affected. The number of soldiers.

Marshal Bahat, who had a general understanding of the situation, is now commanding the battle and is gradually entering the state.

The situation is not as bad as he thought...

Enrijie’s holy word art, although UU reading www.uukanshu.com caused nearly two thousand imperial warships in his imperial fleet to fall into civil strife, unable to provide combat power.

However, in this wave of their emperor, the state of the fleet was not good. Until now, it is mainly relying on the thirteen imperial magic pilots and the large-scale magic pilots.

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The unmanned fighters on the opposite side, under the suppression of the mechanical civilization forces, completely lost their combat capabilities, unable to continue to contain their large forces of magic pilots, allowing their combat power to be thoroughly displayed.

Under this premise, basically every warship is stationed with magic pilots, as long as these magic pilots are not annihilated.

Under normal circumstances, facing those warship soldiers who have been brainwashed, the magic pilots can completely control the situation by force.

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