The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3536: , See the trick

In the past half month, Luo Ji, who has basically lived on the side of the National Church Cathedral, has also completely lived a life of recuperation.

In these days, Luo Ji didn't do anything at all.

After the first few days of the worst condition, Luo Ji also slowly began to process some documents, and arranged the order of resurrection for the fallen generals.

Then, with the gradual recovery of his mental power, he successively performed the reincarnation technique on the fallen generals and resurrected them.

As soon as he recovered some mental power, he immediately performed a reincarnation technique.

This approach is actually the same as forcibly tearing off the scab right after the wound has stopped bleeding.

If Luo Ji had settled down for a while and hadn't used the reincarnation technique, and recuperated, the recovery effect would definitely be much better.

But actual conditions do not allow it!

It takes time for the resurrected generals to restore their own state and cool down the soul crystal, which makes Luo Ji have no time to take his time.

Just after performing another reincarnation technique, Luo Ji successfully resurrected a general. While exhaling a long breath, he directly picked up the brewed refreshing tea next to him and gave him a drink. Then he collapsed immediately after he poured it. Rest on the lounge chair next to him.

This condition of pinching his mental strength and using the reincarnation technique made his overall recovery effect very poor.

But he had no choice, which made people more desperate.

In this way, after more than a month, I have to ask whether Luo Ji's state has improved? It must be there, but the effect is not obvious, and there is no way for him to do anything.

And it was during this time that the imperial army, which had experienced five subspace shuttles, officially arrived on the front line.

The troops from the rear arrived, and the front-line army was almost rested.

From this moment on, Marshal Bahat is undoubtedly impossible to be as ‘honest’ as before.

Under his command, the imperial fleet and the magic pilot unit quickly launched operations, starting from Planet One, crossing the border defense line of the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization One, and approaching the inside of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization. .

In this process, Zhao Pan, who had already taken the border garrison and retreated to the second line of defense, was of course impossible for Marshal Bahat on the opposite side to advance too smoothly. He directly asked Dak Beim and Zhao Yi to send small-scale troops. The guerrilla fleet began to fight guerrillas with the invading imperial fleet.

Although it is a repeat of the old technique, it makes good guerrilla tactics almost insoluble.

In this wave, in a more familiar combat environment, Dak Beim and Zhao Yi played them with greater confidence. Once this guerrilla tactics were deployed, Marshal Bahat wanted to parry, but it was really not so. easy.

Several rounds of preliminary trials failed to achieve very good results. Instead, several rounds were consumed by the guerrilla fleet on the opposite side.

In the face of this result, Marshal Bahat was very calm.

After all, he had already deeply experienced the methods of opposing guerrilla warfare once before.

He has been harassed all the way before. Now, what is there to calm down?

After confirming the situation, Marshal Bahat had a calm face, and in one breath he increased the number of troops sent out for investigation by five times.

At this scale, this is actually a decent small fleet.

The increase in hard power and the number of warships will allow them to spread a larger ‘net’ as they advance.

If this guerrilla fleet is not in place, it will be covered by this ‘net’ accidentally.

Facing this simple and rude action by Marshal Bahat, as experts in guerrilla warfare, Dak Beim and Zhao Yi directly responded in the simplest and rude way.

That is, they also increase the number of guerrilla fleets.

The opposite side uses a larger fleet size to suppress them, and in contrast, they use a larger number of guerrilla fleets to parry.

Between you and me, both sides are constantly increasing their forces there.

And following this momentum, the first thing that can't be held up is definitely the civilization of Ten Thousand Realms.

In the previous battle, both of their fleets suffered huge damage, although in the early stage, the magical fleet relied on its superiority to suppress the Imperial fleet several times.

But later, with the successive entry of mechanical civilization and electronic warfare units and rear reinforcements, the imperial fleet quickly returned to its color.

Even during the full retreat of the garrison of the civilization of the world, the imperial army was still under the command of Marshal Bahat, bringing a lot of extra casualties to the garrison of the civilization of the world, further expanding the advantage. .

Therefore, to this point of shopping, in terms of fleet size, the Imperial Army still has a clear advantage.

Not to mention the arrival of the rear troops, it also added a lot of force to them.

Under this premise, the conquering King Colossus and the destruction of the Great Wall of the Void on the Civilization side of the Ten Thousand Realms successively lost two important spectacle blessings in the home field of the Ten Thousand Realms Civilization. This has undoubtedly been very important for their combat power. obviously.

When there was a small-scale conflict before, the side of the civilization of Ten Thousand Realms could still give play to the flexibility and mobility advantages of their magic vanguard, avoiding hard power confrontation, and UU reading turned to fight technology with the opposite. , In order to achieve their tactical purpose.

However, with the continuous expansion of the fleets of both sides, in a state of increasingly stronger hard power, it has gradually become impossible to avoid the rivalry of hard power.

And when the hard power confrontation becomes inevitable, the shortcomings of the lack of hard power at this moment will soon be exposed if the garrison of ten thousand civilizations blessed by the two wonders is lost.

Seeing this, he conducted a few more rounds of trials. After ensuring that nothing went wrong, Marshal Bahat resolutely issued an order, and the Imperial Army immediately launched a more powerful attack on the side of civilizations!

At this stage, less than five months have passed since the previous big defeat.

The civilization of the Ten Thousand Realms has not even recovered from the loss of the previous big defeat. The generals who died in the battle are even recuperating in the National Church in the rear, fighting hard. It can be said that There is no chance of winning.

At the same time, Zhao Pan's current task was not to fight with the opposing Imperial Army, but to buy time.

At any rate, we have to wait until they relieved this breath, and the resurrected generals have also completed their recuperation and returned to the front line.

Until then, the main focus is to preserve troops.

When there was really no other way, Luo Ji also gave Zhao Pan enough arbitrariness, allowing him to appropriately place a few planets to the opposing imperial army.

Anyway, most of the planets in the border area have no atmosphere.

Although they have built a base and a defense line on it, their own value is still relatively limited, and it is not impossible to abandon it.

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