Crossing the border defense line, there was a small planet about 13 light-years away. It was a planet without an atmosphere. In fact, a lot of planets like this kind of planet were discovered in the process of opening up the universe by their civilization.

Although according to their current scientific and technological capabilities, when encountering such a planet, as long as there is enough time, they can build an artificial atmosphere, improve the internal environment of the planet, and slowly develop.

However, since they originally had planets with an atmosphere, they were completely adequate, so they didn't need to spend too much effort to toss this matter.

In the end, these planets without an atmosphere were basically transformed into space transit stations, or military bases and strongholds.

At this time, the planet Zhao Pan and the others retreated originally existed as a back stronghold to support the Great Wall of the Void.

Taking into account various circumstances, a lot of military equipment and materials have been stockpiled inside.

This made them need not be bothered by the issue of supplies when they were withdrawn after an emergency.

Now that the enemy imperial army is under the command of Marshal Bahart, Zhao Pan, who is guarding the stronghold of this planet, has no plans to hand over this planet easily.

In a strategic sense, the geographical location of this planet is still very important.

It is impossible for the Imperial Army to bypass them and fight directly behind.

Because in this vast galaxy, if the Imperial Army wants to go deeper, it will inevitably need this planet to serve as their transit point.

For an expeditionary army, what they need is a stable supply line and retreat.

From one point to another, once the distance is pulled too far, the risk will greatly increase.

Having already reached this point, Marshal Bahat must not want to take this risk.

Therefore, for this border planet, Marshal Bahat is basically inevitable.

At this moment, both of them are roughly aware of the other's thoughts.

Marshal Bahat wants this planet, but Zhao Pan will not let it easily, but Marshal Bahat is not afraid at all!

Soon, in a star field outside this planet, the two armies started a formal confrontation.

However, unlike the previous time, this time, the garrison troops on the side of the civilization of Ten Thousand Realms were almost completely suppressed.

"Looking at this situation, we don't seem to have any need to take action."

In the void in the distance, the magical technique in front of Colinken's eyes flashed, and he quickly confirmed the situation on the battlefield, his expression on his face showed a little relaxed.

"Don't be careless, even if the enemy has no room to fight back, we must crush the opponent ruthlessly! This is what our Imperial Army is doing!"

In Colincoln's view, the commander Trager's view belonged to the typical old-school thinking of the Imperial Army, but he didn't really hate it.

There is no need to use ‘Apollo’, it is quite tiring for the time being.

Opening the huge equipment box behind him, Colincoln directly set up a counter-ship-level magic rifle, with the cover of the upper trager space technique. At this time, Colincon was completely transformed into a counter-ship gun. Turn the mouth, point to where to hit, where to hit, where to burst.

Although there is no top unit like Vitas in the imperial army.

But when the firepower is outputted alone, the magic pilots in the back row of the same level are stronger than the front row in most of the time.

Today’s imperial army itself has an advantage in strength. As soon as the mechanically civilized electronic warfare unit intervenes, the advantage is even greater. Coupled with the rear firepower combined by Trager and Colinkin, this advantage is overwhelming. The level of sex.

Zhao Pan and Yuan Xi, of course, have no problems in command ability, but clever women can hardly cook without rice, and the gap in hard power makes it difficult for them to stand up.

If it wasn't for the critical moment, he still had Zhao Pan's talent for being'immobile as a mountain', forcibly stabilizing the morale of their garrison at sixty points.

Facing an offensive like the Imperial Army, the ordinary army might have been defeated long ago.

"The defender on the opposite side is really tough enough?"

After attacking for a period of time, compared to Marshal Bahat who had been mentally prepared for his old opponent, Colincoln, who had just arrived, were undoubtedly surprised by the tenacity of the Ten Thousand World Civilization Garrison, even Trager was no exception. .

Trager has been on the battlefield for countless years, big and small wars, I don't know how many veterans have participated in.

But when his hard power is completely at a disadvantage and his opponents are completely suppressed, he can still perform such a tenacious garrison. He really doesn't encounter many...

Ordinary troops, caught in such a situation, should have collapsed in morale and defeated like a mountain.

This situation made Colincoln, who had not taken seriously in his heart, obviously became more serious in the next offensive.

Even in a state of overall disadvantage, such a tenacious force can behave, it is time to seize the opportunity and completely crush the opponent to death in one breath. can't give the opponent any chance to comeback!

Seriously, Colinken had a great influence on the entire battle.

For the firepower of his back row, he must learn to use his brain to fight. Although he still has not used the'Apollo', compared with the previous random state of playing wherever he sees it, the current Colincoln will be more Seriously look for points of attack.

A powerful attack on the ship class, while posing a threat to the magical warships of the civilization side of the world, they can always hit key points to curb the actions of their magical fleet and assist the imperial army on its side to continuously gain advantages. .

In this state, the imperial army has completely entered a state of snowballing, and the whole advantage is getting bigger and bigger.

Even with Zhao Pan and Yuan Xi and others doing their best, this planetary line of defense only lasted less than two months, and completely collapsed under the hard power of the Imperial Army.

The border garrison withdrew in a comprehensive manner to ensure that their border defense capabilities would not be completely destroyed.

But this time, Marshal Bahat was obviously also prepared, all sorts of outflanks and interceptions, trying to destroy them all here.

At the critical moment, Yuan Xi commanded the fleet to stay behind and saw all the moves. While resolving Marshal Bahat’s offensive, he also covered the evacuation of other troops.

Outflanking and blocking, that is Yuan Xi's strong point, so he is naturally very good at dealing with it, but after covering the evacuation of other troops, it is difficult for him to retreat.

What's more, there is this difficult guy Colincoln.

In the end, Yuan Xi was blown up and killed by the imperial army's frantic pursuit...

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