The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3672: , Let's talk about winning first!

During the exploration mission of the golden dragon Scarlett, it was obviously impossible for the raiding fleet of the magical civilization to be idle, and still frequently dispatched to harass the frontline planets of the civilization of the world.

In this regard, Hill and Dominique Adolf are both doing what they should do when they see their tricks and defuse the attack.

If they can't even reach this level, do they still have to live their days as a frontline army?

Even optimistically, the enemy's attack fleet is often not too large. For such controllable small-scale battles, they are just used to train troops, so that recruits from the rear can pass through this small-scale battle first. , Familiarize yourself with the entire battle rhythm of actual combat and the frontline battlefield, lest you don’t have any experience when you start a large-scale battle later, and you will be unhelpful.

Maintaining such a mentality, a period of time passed...

During this period of time, the ancient star-core tree, which has been absorbing the energy of the planet, can be said to have completely healed, and the entire intensity has basically recovered.

But on the other hand, the border planet of the magical civilization that was rooted by it has been pumped away from a large amount of planetary energy. Today, the state of the entire planet is much worse than it was at the beginning.

As a planet that has undergone large-scale development of magical civilization and exists as a component of the border defense line, the natural environment inside this border planet is inherently poor, and there is basically no vegetation.

But now, as the planet's energy is getting less and less, this situation can be said to be completely gone. The only small amount of vegetation in the planet has also completely withered.

The entire planet’s land is gradually being deserted, and even severe areas, mountains, rivers, and even the sea have dried up.

The cracked ground formed a series of huge cracks, many of which even extended directly to the crust, and even the atmosphere began to become thinner and thinner.

All of these situations are telling everyone that this planet is gradually going to extinction.

This situation can actually be restored.

Surrounding the "Star Core Ancient Tree" military project, with the unlocking and upgrading of a series of surrounding strengthening items, Luo Ji discovered that in addition to being able to absorb energy, restore itself, and provide nutrients for its own growth, it actually It can also inject energy into the planet.

Luo Ji, who discovered this enhancement project, naturally had a discussion with the fairy king Hassan Medvedev.

After a discussion and analysis, according to the two people's speculation, if the ancient star-core tree is rooted on a planet without an atmosphere, and then energy is continuously injected into that planet, then, after the energy is injected to a certain point, the star A planet without an atmosphere is likely to be'upgraded', and with the injection of energy, it will gradually be transformed into a planet with an atmosphere and even full of vitality.

Of course, this is only the result of Luo Ji and Hassan Medvedev's analysis.

After all, at this stage, what the ancient star-core tree needs most is to absorb energy and strengthen itself. When its energy is not enough, who is free to inject energy into the border planet of the magical civilization?

However, if the ancient star core tree can really do this, its value in the development of civilization will be too great.

In the process of civilization development, it is really not easy to find a planet with an atmosphere.

Players like Ivan Raster and the others who are beyond the specification level have accumulated countless years of accumulation to expand their civilization area to such a level.

But this ancient tree with a star core can create a planet with an atmosphere and suitable for living things, which is very powerful.

If there is a suitable opportunity, Luo Ji intends to test it out on a planet without an atmosphere within his own civilization.

But definitely not now, at least until after the end of the war.

Before the end of the war, Luo Ji still needed the old star core tree to improve combat effectiveness more than he needed to develop and construct.

As for other things, they are all imaginary, so we won't talk about it before winning!

After confirming this policy, this planet that is getting worse and worse is undoubtedly going to be completely transformed into the nutrients of the ancient star-core tree.

However, it will take some time to completely absorb the energy of this planet.

During this period of time, with the task of confirming the position of the enemy planet, the golden dragon Scarlet, who had been walking outside, finally confirmed the position of an enemy planet under the frenzied harassment of the enemy forces.

After Scarlett came back with intelligence, Hill and Dominic Adolf who understood the situation, after a little confirmation, decided to let Rayong and Scarlett work together on the next mission to destroy the enemy planet.

As for Bai Ze, he stayed on their frontline planet.

Opposite there is the top combat power of Vitas, for this, Hill and Dominic Adolf are clear.

If they send out all their top combat power.

In case the opponent suddenly took a sudden attack and let Vitas lead a team to attack the planet they are on, UU reading, facing the top combat power of the enemy Vitas, they On the side of Ten Thousand Realms civilization, no one will be able to contain it in time.

As for Bai Ze and Vitas, they happened to have played against each other many times.

From this point of view, it was really appropriate for Bai Ze to guard Vitas.

In comparison, Luo Yong, who practices "Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong", has the advantage of strong vigor and stronger continuous combat ability compared with Bai Ze.

At this time, sending Rayong to perform this mission and leaving Bai Ze to stay behind was a very reasonable deployment in the eyes of Hill and Dominic Adolf.

Of course, at this point in time, Bai Ze and Rayong's own spirits have not yet fully recovered to their peak state.

However, the battle power of the Martial God Realm is already there, and only the total amount of Qi Qi in the body is affected.

In addition, even if there is an emergency, there is also Scarlet's super golden thigh that can save the field. Basically, there is no accident.

After confirming this arrangement, Rayong took the task directly. After a night's rest, Rayong set off with Scarlett the next morning.

After the previous battle, Scarlett, who knows Rayong's speed well, controlled his speed a bit.

Under the impetus of the explosive force, Rayong can still bring up the speed.

However, once he entered the long-distance movement, his speed was not outstanding among the strong at the same level, it could only be said to be average.

From the frontline planet occupied by the armies of the Ten Thousand Realms civilization to reach the target planet, the distance between them is not short. In this process, if Scarlett does not control his own speed, then Rayong will soon be completely destroyed by him. Throw away.

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