The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3673: , Rampage is just one pass!

After the planet was exposed, Marshal Vlad had been sending people to watch the movement there all day.

Without letting them wait too long, the golden dragons Scarlet and Rayong soon appeared.

In the first time, Marshal Vlad, who discovered their whereabouts, directly issued an order to let the magic pilots who had spread out a large-scale formation outside the planet to attack.

With a large number of magic pilots working together, the huge magic spells quickly unfolded.

Then the trigger was pulled, and the first round of shooting, the magic pilot unit directly used the special tracking magic missile to try to contain Scarlett and Rayong.

However, the ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny.

Among the top fighters, Luo Yong's body style is definitely far from flexible, single-handedly, it is estimated that many fighters in the unparalleled realm are above him, let alone Bai Ze.

However, facing the tracking magic missiles fired by the magic pilots, Luo Yong at this moment wanted to deal with it, but it was more than enough.

This is not because he is too fast and flexible, but because these tracking magic missiles seem to him to be too slow!

In the midst of the bullet rain, Rayong's figure flashed straight through, and then the speed broke continuously. The tracking magic missiles that followed him and turned his head could not catch up with Rayong!

Compared with Rayong who knows that he is not good at defensive power, he can still avoid all attacks from the enemy. Scarlett is much simpler and rude. He usually doesn't even bother to hide. , Directly carry it directly!

In terms of physical fitness, Scarlett has almost no shortcomings and can be called a hexagonal warrior.

Those special magic missiles, at the moment they hit his body, couldn't even leave a mark on his golden dragon scale, they were shocked by the impact he carried.

Just crushing it all the way, the defensive technique jointly launched by the enemy's magic pilots and troops was as crisp as thin paper in front of him, and was smashed by Scarlett.

During this period, the magic pilots in the rear, originally in accordance with the long-awaited attack plan, wanted to disperse and flee, and then proceeded to focus on Scarlett through the positions in all directions.

However, their reaction and speed were completely unable to keep up with Scarlett, and there was no time to react. They were rushed by Scarlett's galloping force, and they were crushed into blood mist. !

In this process, due to the reason that his own qi has not fully recovered, there is Rayong who is paying attention to saving consumption, but he is about to converge a lot.

That whole battle was not as exaggerated as Scarlett, but it also easily penetrated the formation of the enemy's magic pilots and approached the target planet at the fastest speed.

Although outside of this planet, the battles have been very large, and the number of magic pilots who jointly intercepted and killed them here is as many as 100,000 or 200,000.

But whether it was Scarlett or Rayong, they obviously did not intend to stay here to mow the grass.

If these hundreds of thousands of magic pilots were all gathered together and killed them all in a few strokes, it would be nice to say, but once the formation was completely spread out and the range expanded, they would be very hard to kill.

In Rayong and Scarlett's view, they don't need to waste time on such things.

Breaking through the planet's atmosphere in an instant, Scarlett and Rayong turned all the way down, approaching the magical civilization defense facilities deployed on the planet's surface.

At this moment, the defensive facilities in the planet opened fire frantically, trying to interweave into a dense firepower network to intercept Scarlett and Rayong.

However, in the face of top powerhouses like them, the attacks of these defensive weapons are basically useless.

Scarlett smashed directly down like this, like a comet falling to the ground, slamming against one of the defensive facilities.

In an instant, accompanied by a loud noise, the spreading power immediately crushed the surrounding defensive facilities into pieces and flew out! A large-scale destruction was caused to that whole area!

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During the period, Rayong on the other side was also unambiguous. Under the operation of "Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung", he beat the ground cleanly, the power of the dragon elephant spread out, and the damage caused was basically not inferior to Scarlett. How many.

And here, by the way, it’s worth mentioning that I don’t know if it’s because the environment within the planet is completely different from the void environment.

The space within the planet seems to be tougher than the space in the void environment.

In the void environment, a blow that can tear space on the spot, placed in the planet, may not be able to achieve this effect.

But this does not affect the strength of Scarlett and Rayong.

In the face of these two enemy’s top-level combat forces, which were so strong that they were beyond their common sense, the magic pilot units originally deployed in the void, UU reading, after receiving the order, began to give back to the planet. , Chase Rayong and Scarlett.

For these magic pilots, Scarlett basically ignored them directly.

To put it bluntly, the attacks of these magic pilots didn't even deserve to tickle him.

Not to mention, when Scarlett and Rayong's speed soared, it was impossible for these ordinary magic pilots to catch up, and they were thrown away in an instant.

However, in this process, Luo Yong undoubtedly paid more attention to those magic pilots than Scarlet, who completely ignored the existence of the enemy.

It's not that I'm afraid of them...

It's because veterans like Luo Yong have experienced more battles, and most of them will habitually judge the situation during the battle and confirm the situation.

Unlike Scarlett, he basically doesn't think about anything when he fights, his head is empty, and the rampage is just a hit!

At this moment, Luo Yong had noticed that the enemy didn't seem to send any high-end combat power to intercept him and Scarlet.

Not to mention the combat power at the commander level, even some officer-level combat power does not seem to be available.

Of course, this is not a particularly strange thing.

After experiencing the previous battle, the enemy's army commander should have probably counted the combat effectiveness of him and Scarlett.

Under this premise, the other party will definitely know that even if it sends out the commander-level combat power, it cannot be his and Scarlet opponents, and it will only die in vain.

After establishing such an idea, the other side would not send high-end combat power out to die, instead reassign low-end combat power, and use absolute numbers to consume them. The idea of ​​fighting a war of attrition is better understood.

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