The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3674: , A grasshopper on a rope

According to Hill and Dominique Adolf and the others, unless a high-power unit is sent out from the other side, they will stun them, otherwise, their main targets are military installations on the planet.

However, the work of this ‘Planet Demolition Office’ is a big project. Even if it is a powerful person in the Martial God Realm, it is impossible to tear him down in a short period of time.

Unless they have mastered the means of destroying the stars, or other means of super large-scale destruction, then the situation will be different.

But Scarlett and Luo Yong, they basically attacked with punches and feet, and did not have such a large-scale attack method.

This makes the battle between Scarlett and Rayong destined to be protracted.

But even so, Scarlett and Rayong didn't mean to retreat temporarily, take a rest, and then kill after a wave.

When they have already reached the enemy planet, retiring and running back and forth are just a waste of time for them.

Therefore, the two of them intend to fight directly to the end.

Needless to say, the golden dragon Scarlett is completely capable of that.

As for Luo Yong, under the premise that he does not need to fight against the strong of the same level and start a high-intensity battle, according to the current fighting intensity, he will fight for two or three months without a problem.

Wherever they rushed and where they were dismantled, the movement of Scarlett and Rayong along the way was not small.

And just as Scarlett and Rayong carried the banner of the'Planet Demolition Office' and worked hard to'work' on the planet of magical civilization, as the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Army, Marshal Vlad certainly did not May do nothing.

Seeing the right time, outside the border planet of Ten Thousand Worlds civilization, a fairly large-scale imperial fleet appeared soon!

As early as the moment the golden dragon began to search for the location of their planet, Marshal Vlad had already begun to arrange this hand operation.

Now as soon as the intelligence from the planet came back, he immediately launched the action at the fastest speed.

He couldn't stop the two top combat powers over there. That's right, but it's a big deal, everyone can exchange it! If you come to attack my side, then I will also attack your side.

This imposing imperial army quickly attracted the attention of the garrison on the front line of the civilization of the world, and the harsh sirens echoed in the command room inside the planet.

Looking at the images captured by the patrol fleet from outside the Void Defense Line and sent back in real time, good guys, this is not just the Imperial fleet!

In that entire large-scale army, in addition to the imperial fleet, there is actually a large-scale mechanical civilization fleet!

Judging from the actual situation at hand, there is no doubt that the mechanical civilization has sent troops, and Caesar Trunk has launched support for Ivan Last.

This result is not surprising to Hill and Dominic Adolf.

After all, in the earlier tactical meeting, everyone, including Luo Ji, had already intensively discussed this type of issue.

At this stage, in this battlefield, the mechanical civilization of Caesar Trunk and the magical civilization of Ivan Rast are completely grasshoppers tied to a rope. If they are finished, they will be finished together.

Even out of self-interest, it is impossible for Caesar Trunk to let Ivan Last fall.

And at this moment, through the faith network, Luo Ji, who learned of this situation from Hill and the others, quickly contacted the second battlefield where Zhou Yi and Guo Zhen were seated, and wanted to confirm there. Case.

The result is that just now, the mechanical civilization fleet that has been pressing on their second battlefield has begun to retreat on a large scale...

In fact, as early as before, the mechanical civilization fleet had launched several small retreats.

However, in a protracted war, it is common for the armies of both sides to advance and retreat and pull the front.

Even in Zhouyi, there is no way to directly judge whether the opponent is really going to retreat through this move, rather than simply retreating adjustments.

But now that the result is in front of you, there is no need to guess.

Obviously, even a powerhouse of the level of Caesar Trunk, can't bear to face the Styx civilization army, and dispatch two more troops to simultaneously invade the second battlefield of Luo Ji's ten thousand world civilization and support Ivan. · The frontier of Rust.

Judging from the current results, in the face of this problem, Caesar Trunk undoubtedly made a choice and chose to abandon continuing to attack Luo Ji's second battlefield defense line, and instead transferred his troops to Ivan Last. Sorcerer civilization provides support here.

Judging from the situation at this stage, on the second battlefield side, you can breathe a sigh of relief for the time being, but on the frontline side, the situation is more complicated.

After experiencing the ravages of the earlier mechanical civilization and electronic warfare units, in response to the electronic warfare invasion, UU reading and their forces of the world civilization have made some precautions in these years.

According to their current scientific and technological capabilities, they want to surpass mechanical civilization in a short time, or reach a point where they can compete head-on with each other...

Unfortunately, it is impossible.

However, they can choose to avoid this issue.

In the years after the end of the Uranus War, Luo Ji carried out large-scale adjustments and modifications to the existing magic warships with the main purpose of "even if all the equipment on the technological side was scrapped and could not be used, it could ensure most of the combat power." , As for the newly-built magic warship, let alone.

Nowadays, the mechanical civilization fleet, once again appearing on this side of the battle, the other side’s electronic warfare invasion, there is still a little bit of influence on their armies of civilizations of the world, time is too tight, I want to completely eliminate technology Side equipment, it’s impossible, but their impact has been minimized by them.

At this moment, the army of civilizations stationed on the front line quickly assembled in the shortest time.

The armies of both sides, facing each other at an astonishing distance, have not formally entered the range of each other's attack, and the electronic warfare invasion of mechanical civilization has already come first without surprise.

The unexpected situation did not bring much substantial impact and influence on the army of civilizations of the world.

During this period, the combined army of enemy’s magical civilization and mechanical civilization continued to advance. After reaching a certain distance, the mechanical civilization fleet took the lead in firing on the side of the current battlefield with the farthest attack range among the three forces. .

At that moment, almost overwhelming energy rays, just like this, burst out toward the position of their army of civilizations! ! !

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