The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3694: , Reach a consensus

After the information was returned, Marshal Bahat didn't have much thoughts about the defeat of the attacking troops.

How difficult the opponent was this time, he realized it earlier than Marshal Vlad.

At the same time, this one-handed operation was originally an easy operation he had done during the negotiation with the chief commander of the mechanical civilization fleet.

In the current situation of their imperial army, if there is any clear advantage, it is probably a large enough force.

Since the advantage lies there, it is natural to play a role.

After confirming that in addition to a golden dragon and a top combat force, the opponent also sent a large enough force to **** the super huge tree-shaped creature forward.

Without a word, Marshal Bahat directly issued an order, the next round of attrition, directly from the new barracks, drew 200,000 magic pilots to attack!

Although it was an easy operation, it is impossible for a veteran like Marshal Bahat without his own calculations.

At this time, Marshal Bahat wanted to put pressure on the civilization of the world by means of adding troops.

In this process, if the enemy also sends additional troops and fights against his troops, then he intends to directly move the main battlefield to the area where the super huge tree-shaped creature is located, and then find it accurately. Chance, relying on the power of the meteor cannon, to kill that super huge tree-shaped creature along with the enemy army!

On the contrary, if the enemy does not send additional troops, the Imperial Army under his command will naturally be able to regain a significant advantage in strength.

Under this premise, whether they want to deal with the enemy forces while attacking the giant tree-shaped creatures, or kill the enemy's **** troops first, and then attack the giant tree-shaped creatures, whatever they want to do It depends on the situation at that time.

On this side, although he has not yet negotiated with the commander-in-chief of the Mechanical Civilization Fleet, Marshal Bahat's thinking is undoubtedly clear.

Regarding this, the civilization of the Ten Thousand Realms also received the intelligence message sent back.

From the results of this game alone, Hill and Dominique Adolf are relatively satisfied with the performance of the recruits.

The recruits of the Budo Corps and the Wing Man Corps were not allowed to keep guarding around the old star core tree.

After carrying out a proper pursuit and expanding the results, they soon withdrew to the magic transport ship located in the rear.

It's time to rest, to cure the injury, and to keep a distance from the old star core tree anyway.

After all, even for them, it is impossible to know when the meteor cannon on the opposite side will fire.

In comparison, the threshold is low, and only one to three years of military training is needed to train a group of magic pilots.

The cost of recruits for the Budo Corps and the Wingman Corps is much higher.

On the side of the martial arts regiment, if you want to be able to fight in the space environment, at least it must be the base of martial arts cultivation in the hundred battle realm.

And an ordinary soldier of their Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, after receiving the formal training of the martial arts corps, can train to the physical training level within three years, which is a normal level, and can reach the ten directions, which can be regarded as outstanding. , If it goes well, you can directly enter the elite troops in the martial arts regiment, and even the ace troops, as for the Hundred Battle Realm, that is directly a genius.

Not to mention that starting from the Shifang Realm, the threshold for each great realm of martial arts cultivation is one level higher than the next level. To reach the Hundred Battle Realm, it also has high requirements for qualifications. Many ordinary soldiers spend their entire lives. They may not be able to become a warrior with a hundred battles.

As for the Wingmen Legion, let alone.

The Winged Human Race is a race that is very particular about bloodlines. The purity of its bloodline determines the upper limit of their cultivation and what magical skills they can practice. At present, all the Wingmen Legion can be joined by the Skywing. For an entire race, almost 70% of the population has been screened out.

This threshold requirement was placed there, and it was destined that Hill and Dominique Adolf could not easily take their precious troops to risk.

On the side of the Imperial Army, the second round of operations soon began.

Compared to before, the larger force made Hill and the others clearly aware of the intentions of the other side.

In this regard, Hill did not intend to send more troops.

But there is no plan to withdraw troops.

After all, once this period of time has passed, where will the recruits have the opportunity to accumulate actual combat experience?

Although the opponent has increased its strength, the overall strength of the army has become even greater.

But on the side of their Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, they also have an advantage that they absolutely don't have. That is the existence of the golden dragons Scarlet and Rayong.

As long as the recruits have Scarlet and Rayong as their cores, they will fight against the enemy's strength. With this strength, they will not be able to take advantage of them.

The result did not exceed Hill's expectations.

They are recruits here, but they are basically recruits on the opposite side. Under this premise, the side with the ranks of Scarlett and Rayong can fully rely on it even if its strength is at a disadvantage. Hard power pulled back, even back pressure.

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But what is undeniable is that after this battle, the casualties of the recruits of their Budo Corps and Wingmen Corps have indeed increased a lot. At the same time, the attacks on the ancient star core trees have also increased significantly during the battle.

But it's not a big problem. Even actual combat training requires some training intensity.

Compared with the one-sided battle before, the actual combat training effect of the current battle is undoubtedly better.

In this way, a period of time passed, while giving the recruits a chance to fight, their expeditionary army of civilizations of the world also completely completed all the preparation work before the attack.

Then an order was given and the army set out!

Just in case, Bai Ze took the first step and caught up with the ancient star core tree as quickly as possible, and completed the rendezvous with Scarlett and Rayong.

On the other hand, the recruits that had been following after had withdrawn and rushed to join the expeditionary force that was advancing on another marching route.

During this period, the Imperial Army spent a lot of time and energy, and Marshal Bahat finally negotiated with the commander-in-chief of the mechanical civilization fleet.

Unlike Marshal Vlad's command style, Marshal Bahat didn't mean to fight to the death with the army of civilization.

However, that super huge tree-shaped creature, the sooner you kill it, the better.

These two things do not actually conflict.

He can completely make the main force drag the main force opposite, and then use meteorites to bombard the super huge tree-shaped creature...

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