The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3695: , Match again

Although the enemy's top combat power is strong, when it comes to threats to their entire empire, it is definitely the super huge tree-shaped creature that is even more terrible.

As long as the super huge tree-shaped creature can be resolved smoothly, then their Imperial Army can open the situation to a certain extent.

In order to ensure that this action was foolproof, Marshal Bahat also used a little trick to pull up the mechanical civilization fleet.

This thing is simple.

Since the war, the information collected by the mechanical civilization fleet should have been sorted out and analyzed long ago, but the actual effect is not yet known.

For this reason, the mechanical civilization fleet also needs to launch a new round of battle, through the battle, to test the intelligence they collected and the results of analysis.

In this link, if there is new information, then continue to collect, and if there is an error in the old information, then adjust.

This is almost the general mode of action of the mechanical civilization unit

After confirming this, as a troop with ‘intelligence’ as its core, the emergence of super-giant tree-shaped creatures and golden dragons cannot fail to attract the attention of the mechanical civilization fleet.

In response to this kind of existence, the first thought of the commander-in-chief of the mechanical civilization fleet, needless to say, must be to collect intelligence!

In this way, Marshal Bahat only needs to use the reason of ‘gathering information’ to pull up the mechanical civilization fleet relatively smoothly.

Of course, in this battle, the mechanical civilization fleet is still focused on intelligence collection and result verification, and there is no plan to go shopping with the expeditionary force of the civilization of the world.

But for Marshal Bahat, as long as the mechanical civilization fleet can participate in the war and provide corresponding combat power, this is enough.

Because considering the situation of the mechanical civilization fleet, at this stage, he has no plans to start a shopping battle with the Expeditionary Forces of the Ten Thousand Realms Civilization. He just wants to quickly kill the super huge tree-shaped creature at this stage.

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Always confirm the information returned.

At the same time, the imperial army under its command also took the initiative to attack, preparing to intercept the advancing enemy army.

During this period, let the meteor cannons that had already confirmed their deployment positions be prepared, but don't fire for the time being.

Out of caution, Marshal Bahat intends to use his army to contain the expeditionary army of the civilization of the world, and during the battle, confirm the position of the enemy's top combat forces, and then use the meteor cannon to target the super huge The tree-shaped creature launches an attack to avoid any unexpected situation in the middle.

In this battle, the commander-in-chief of the two sides had their own thoughts, and the armies on both sides soon faced up again in a vast, almost endless star field!

Relying on the advantage of firing range, it was the first to meet, and the mechanical civilization fleet unsurprisingly once again seized the first-hand advantage from the armies of civilizations of the world.

This is also the main reason why Marshal Bahat insisted on dragging onto the mechanical civilization fleet to act together.

At this point in the battle, facing this difficult opponent, whether they can seize the first-hand advantage becomes very important, because it allows them to successfully master the dominance of the battle.

With the successive firings of the two fleets, once again against the combined army of magic civilization and mechanical civilization, combining their previous combat experience, Hill and Dominique Adolf also made certain adjustments to their original style of play.

In the previous battle, they directly bombed the mechanical civilization fleet with higher spells and the wheel of judgment, trying to use a wave of bursts to get the mechanical civilization fleet out of the field at the fastest speed.

But the result is not satisfactory.

A set of high-level spells cannot be said to have no effect at all.

But considering the issue of income, the outbreak at that time was really close to nothing.

Hill obviously has no interest in planting twice in the same pit.

This time, the explosion of the upper-level spells of their Ten Thousand Realms Civilization was still fighting, but the target was changed. The target was replaced by the imperial fleet of the magical civilization and the magical pilots that had already killed!

In the magical technique system of the magical civilization, there are actually some means of attribute restraint.

However, the strength of their little means obviously failed to reach the level of the mechanical civilization force field shield.

A set of high-level spells blasted over, looking at the imperial battleships in the void that were bombarded into ruins by the energy of the high-level spells. Including Mia and Iverson, a group of imperial wizards The mages secretly breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

No way, the result of the previous battle was really a bit of a blow.

And this time, their hearts became balanced.

In this battle, two commanders, Hill and Dominique Adolf, had a clear division of labor.

Hill commanded the troops on the front battlefield to fight the front, while Dominique Adolf commanded the troops on the flanking battlefield, cooperating and cooperating from the flanks.

In this way, a whole set of offensives of the Expeditionary Army of Ten Thousand Worlds of Civilization began quickly.

Following Hill's instructions, UU Reading was led by a group of high-ranking mages from the Royal Mages, and the mages were directly transferred to the Fire Empire Army in this battle.

Under this premise, on the side of the mechanical civilization fleet, they certainly can't let them just do whatever they want. Naturally, a troop must be sent over to take charge.

Needless to say, the candidate is the Budo Corps!

This is probably the most suitable force on this battlefield to deal with the mechanical civilization fleet.

In order to bring enough damage and suppression power to this mechanical civilization fleet, this time, during the tactical discussion stage, Hill and Dominique Adolf reached a consensus to use the full combat power of the martial arts army to suppress the machinery. Civilized fleet.

Among them, it is Zhou Xian and Wang Kai who have taken the lead in the charge on this battlefield, with the highest martial arts cultivation base, reaching the level of Wushuang Realm Consummation!

In response to this situation, while the mechanical civilization fleet released unmanned fighters for interception, a large number of mechanical warriors were also dispatched one after another, causing the intensity of the battle to rise sharply.

At the same time, as another important combat force of the combined army of magical civilization and mechanical civilization on this battlefield, this imperial magical aircraft regiment is undoubtedly handed over to the Wingmen Legion and the Dwarf Legion.

Although the last time they fought, the imperial sorcerer regiment was mainly dealt with by the Winged Legion and the Dwarf Legion, but the situation at that time, after all, the Budo Legion still had a lot of combat power here to help.

But this time it was gone, which made the Wingmen Legion and the Dwarf Legion inevitably have to bear more pressure than before in this battle.

With the full-scale fighting of the two armies, lightning flashed in the void. As the only seedling of their Imperial Army, Vitas, wearing a Zeus armor, appeared on the battlefield again!

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