Taking into account the flight speed of the large magic transport ship, at this time, more or less, there will still be a little error.

Therefore, the built-in wake-up program in the dormant warehouse where Kaidiwen and Gerret were located had already started operating as early as a week ago.

For the safety of the dormant, this "wake up" will take a while.

After a long period of dormancy, it is impossible to wake up all at once.

For the next few hours, Kaidiwen and Jarrett lying in the dormant warehouse, along with the operation of the wake-up procedure, the whole person has been in a state of half-dream and half-awake.

This is a process that must be experienced from deep sleep to light sleep.

When they opened their eyes, it was already half a day later.

The time required for this process is actually directly related to a person's physical fitness and mental state.

If you change to a warrior with good strength, you may wake up after a while.

As for Kaidiwen and Jarrett, it was undoubtedly because of poor physical fitness and poor mental state, so it took such a long time.

After waking up, the first thing Kaidiwen, who was gradually waking up, was to confirm the situation of the kid Jarvan.

After seeing Jarvan who was staying in the room and practising magical skills honestly, Kaidiwen was relieved.

Although Jarvan was still young, he was very curious, but because he had lived in an underground camp since he was a child, his character was relatively lonely.

In addition, before he lay in the dormant barn, Kaidiwen repeatedly told him, therefore, on the way, he also honestly didn't cause any trouble to Kaidiwen.

In the next week, I don’t know if it’s because they have had enough rest in the dormant cell, or if their bodies have become a little accustomed to the reason of the subspace shuttle. The state of both Kaidiwen and Gerrett is actually both. It's ok.

With this as a prerequisite, Kaidivan is busy checking Jarvan's homework these days.

As for Jarrett, he was sitting aside, thinking about his own affairs.

On the way, the time is quite long for the time being.

Therefore, Kaidiwen also assigned enough homework to Jarvan.

As a result, who could have imagined that according to Jarvan, all the assignments and goals set by Kaidiwen had been completed more than a month ago.

There is no doubt that this time the situation is regarded as a mistake in estimation by Kai Diwen.

In the past, when Jarvan and the others lived in the underground camp, the living environment was poor, and at the same time, there was not much food every day. They could only eat one meal a day, and they might not be able to get enough.

Under this premise, if Jarvan was allowed to practice the magical technique, his cultivation efficiency would definitely decrease, without even thinking about it.

Now, it's different. Although it is on the boat, there is no need to worry about three meals a day. Coupled with the better rest environment, Jiawen's training efficiency will naturally increase.

This point is undoubtedly taken into consideration by Kai Diwen.

So when he arranged his homework before, he had deliberately increased the amount of homework.

As a result, even he did not expect that Jarvan's learning efficiency was even higher than he expected.

In the case that he deliberately increased the amount, he could finish it more than a month in advance.

But what comforted Kaidivan was that in the following month or so, Jarvan, who had completed the task, did not run around and wasted time.

Instead, all the extra time was spent on the consolidation of the previous content and the basic training of magical techniques.

In this process, Jarvan also accumulated a lot of questions about his practice, and he was ready to ask him after he woke up.

After taking the question sheet and glanced at it twice, just as Kaidiwen was about to answer Jarvan one by one, the announcement sounded inside the ship...

"Notice that this ship is about to arrive at its destination. All personnel are requested to return to their respective positions, fasten their seat belts, and prepare to leave the subspace channel."

Just like an airplane taking off and landing, there may be vibrations, and you need to fasten your seat belts to avoid accidents. When entering and exiting the subspace channel, due to changes in space, the main body of the ship will also experience this type of situation. Please return in advance. When you get to the position, fasten your seat belt, which is a necessary measure.

Now that they received the notice, Kaidiwen and Gerrett naturally didn't dare to take it carelessly, called Jarvan, and returned to their respective positions, fastened their seat belts and sat down.

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At the same time, on the border of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, the Void Mobile Base of the Dwarves...

"Die-drop-drop -"

"Space gate B1B002, received the signal."

"Confirm the identity code."

"Identity code confirming..."

"The identification code has been confirmed, and the number is Y0716 large magical transport ship."

"Confirm the pass."

"The pass is being confirmed..."

"The pass is confirmed and there is no problem. Five minutes later, open the space door B1B002."

After receiving the signal, the staff on the dwarven void mobile base side quickly confirmed the internal ship information and pass, and directly pinched the time. UU reading www.uukanshu.com controlled their side. The fixed space door opens the entrance and exit.

Immediately after that, within a short while, the large magic transport ship with Jarrett and Cadeven quickly flew out of the fixed space door.

Then control the flight speed, follow the signal guidance from the Void Mobile Base, and slowly fly to Star Harbor not far away, ready to call at the port for inspection.

This process is basically the same as going through customs.

And considering that they were busy on their way, the periphery of the dwarven void mobile base, tentatively set up a rest area for the crew to rest.

There are a lot of things that need to be checked on their large magic transport ship.

It's estimated that it's impossible to get it in a half-day.

Originally with a mentality of ‘if you can not stay on the boat, you can’t stay on the boat’, Gerrett and Kaidivan planned to get off the boat and go to the rest area to take a good rest.

Who knows, this has just stepped off the boat, and has not yet reached the rest area, the entourage responsible for following them has already raised his hand at them and made a ‘please’ action.

Following the opponent's movements, a relatively small ship, estimated to be only five to six hundred meters long, immediately caught their eyes.

Co-authoring them next, there is no need to follow this large magic transport ship at all? Did you just change the boat?

Before they even had time to breathe, Kaidiwen and Jarrett, who realized this situation, felt a burst of bitterness in their hearts.

However, on the surface, he still looked calm, and followed the entourage towards the ship.

This ship was clearly sent to pick them up.

Apart from that, there is nothing else. After a few people got on the ship, without a word, set sail...

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