After the ship set sail, it was undoubtedly still a subspace channel.

However, this time, Kaidiwen and Gerrett could clearly feel that this ship was much more comfortable to sit up than the large magical transport ship before.

In fact, it is true.

As a large magical transport ship, its most important thing is, of course, the amount of transportation. As for comfort, it is secondary.

Unlike this one, it's a manned ship with a well-rounded civilization in the world.

The people of their ten thousand civilizations, when moving between the planets, are basically this type of ship.

And only this type of ship will specifically consider the comfort of passengers.

Halfway through many planets to rest, this allowed Kaidiwen and Jerette to get a proper rest during the long-distance movement, and it also allowed them to gradually see the prosperity of the civilization of the world.

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After all, after leaving the border area, the star harbor and rest area of ​​the inner planet of this civilization are too prosperous and lively.

Tourism is also an important part of the planetary economy.

Although the war hasn't ended in a real sense, they have ceased war for hundreds of years.

In the past hundred years, they certainly could not have blocked the traffic between the planets.

In fact, three years after the end of the war of magical civilization, the traffic ban between the planets has been gradually lifted.

Today, the Star Harbor rest area on this planet is full of people coming and going. There are various dining and snack bars, gift and souvenir shops on both sides, as well as a large number of entertainment facilities, which are enough to dazzle people.

While the spacecraft is resting, they can even take the space elevator and go to the planet for a proper turn. As long as they don't run too far, there is basically no time for them.

Therefore, this road is also very exciting for them.

Even Kaidiwen and Gerrett, who have experienced the imperial period, have a kind of breathtaking feeling for the prosperity of the civilization of the world, let alone Jiawen who lived in the underground camp when he was a child?

With the sound of the Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, the border planets of the Magical Civilization are simply remote mountain villages.

Thanks to Kaidiwen's stare at people, it's pretty tight, otherwise, people have to run away after turning their heads.

In this way, Kaidiwen and Jarrett reached the main planet of Ten Thousand Worlds civilization happily all the way, and then began to get a little nervous.

Next, they need to meet, but the emperor of civilization who once defeated their imperial army in the war!

At the thought of this, even Kaidiwen and Jarrett, who were used to seeing strong winds and waves, became a little nervous.

Only that stinky kid from Jarvan, still heartless, like a monkey, dashed about there.

"Kandi, Jarvan is going to follow us to meet, right? Would you like to exhort you?"

Jarrett's words reminded him.

Even though Jarvan had told him once before, but this kid's current performance is really uncomfortable...

Thinking of this, Kaidiwen also hurried up two steps, pulling the kid Jarvan aside.

"Teacher, teacher, why are you pulling me again?"

"Jiawen, afterwards we met with His Majesty the Emperor of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, you remember that you must..."

While talking, Kaidiwen would tell Jarvan seriously about the things that needed to be told.

Jarvan was confused.

"Teacher, you have told me this before."

"Then you will listen again! Memorize every word I say! The emperor that we will meet at that time is the most powerful person in this entire civilization. What if you do something? Come, I can't keep you!"

Probably feeling the tension and seriousness of Kaidiwen, Jarvan nodded quickly, and then became a little nervous.

After that, the entourage took them to the hotel and settled down.

Originally, according to the ideas of Kaidiwen and Jarrett, next, they may have to wait for a long time.

As a result, who could have imagined that they would be summoned by the emperor of the civilization of the world the next morning.

When confirming the news at the time, Kaidiwen and Gerrett subconsciously glanced at each other, the expressions on their faces looked at each other for a while.

However, Jarrett was the head of the Imperial Ordnance Research Headquarters after all, and he quickly calmed down.

"It seems that the emperor's majesty attaches great importance to us. This is a good thing."


Upon hearing this, Kai Diwen nodded quickly.

As long as the visit goes well this time, their brand-new life after returning to a civilized society will soon officially begin!

However, what the two of them didn't know at this time was that the reason why Luo Ji would summon them so quickly was purely because of leisure...

Nowadays, the internal affairs of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization are basically handled by Ye Qingxuan's Palace of Political Affairs. Luo Ji himself handles military affairs every day in addition to practicing.

However, this battle with magical civilization, UU reading has been over for more than a hundred years.

In the past 100 years, although the military strength of their Ten Thousand Realms civilization has not yet recovered to its heyday, the military affairs that need to be handled by Luo Ji himself are actually not much.

Therefore, after receiving the report yesterday, after learning that Kaidiwen and Jeret had arrived in Der Spiegel, Luo Ji, who was thinking that he would have nothing to do with his spare time, simply summoned them the next morning.

The five-hundred-story Tiangong towers into the clouds, this is an absolutely impossible building for the magical civilization.

Although they have seen a lot of towering buildings along the way, as the tallest building of their civilization, the impact that can bring to people still cannot be ignored.

Especially Jarvan, completely dumbfounded.

If it is said that Jarvan before, it was a bear child who was bold enough, but afterwards, it was only because he was nervous to see the teacher and was infected by the nervousness of Kaidiwen, so he also became a little nervous.

So now, through everything around here, Jarvan gradually realized that the next thing he wanted to see seemed to be a very powerful person.

"It's over, it's over, Lao Lao Lao, Teacher, I seem to be a little nervous."

Kaidiwen: "..."

Jarrett: "..."

Looking at Jarvan who was still a little careless before, as if he didn't take things to heart, suddenly, suddenly, so nervous that he even stammered, both Kaidivan and Gerrett felt a burst of dumbfounding at this time.

"Anyway, you talk as little as possible when the time comes, do you understand?"

After taking a deep breath, Kaidiwen adjusted his state, and finally exhorted him.

Jarvan listened and nodded vigorously.

"Understand! I speak less."

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