The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3867: , New enemy

Under Wall's personal operation, the suppression of the firepower network formed by the numerous floating guns is still quite threatening.

   And in the process, Wall saw the real face of the attacker...

   Compared with the regular mechanical clan, that is a mechanical clan warrior with a slightly burly stature.

The height of the main body should be 15 meters, but it is not as bloated as the special mechanical warrior in the distance. It looks like a medieval royal knight. The armor on the body presents a smoother streamline. shape.

Above both arms, the structure of the right arm is a bit similar to the previous mechanical warrior, except that the part below the elbow of his right arm is not a blade, but a length of probably 20 meters, and the main body appears as a cone. The knight's spear is shaped like a knight, and on the left hand is a'door-level' big shield that matches its size.

   It’s hard to imagine that the machine family, known for its top-notch technology, still has such a retro design.

  While thinking about it, the floating gun operated by Wall himself had already fired again.

   In the face of the concentrated fire attack of this floating cannon, that special mechanical warrior did not seem to have the intention of evading, so he charged towards Wall in a straight line.

   During this period, the attack of the floating artillery was easily blocked by his defense force field shield.

   Floating artillery with relatively limited destructive power is obviously difficult to pose a threat to this special mechanical warrior in front of him.

   Facing this situation, Wall didn't say a word, and directly opened the thermonuclear energy cannon on the shoulder and launched an attack with the floating cannon.

   The power is comparable to a blow from the secondary main gun, and the ordinary single-soldier force field shield can't stop it.

   But, because before, Wall had already seen the reason for that kind of reinforced shield from another special mechanical warrior.

   Therefore, even if the attack is blocked at the end, he will not be too surprised.

   Even he has now set up the magic rifle in his hand, ready for the follow-up pursuit after the thermonuclear energy gun is blocked.

   However, the special mechanical warrior who was rushing towards him did not play cards according to common sense.

Facing the attack from the thermonuclear energy cannon, he quickly raised the large door shield in his hand, and at the same time, he actually lifted a part of the force field shield that was originally blocking the thermonuclear energy cannon and attacked the ballistic. His thermonuclear energy cannon shot in.

In the next moment, almost when the thermonuclear energy gun hit the shield surface, the four evenly divided armors on the door panel surface of the large shield suddenly opened out a bit, taking the circular hole in the center of the large shield as the core, forming Formed a cross.

   Then, an unexpected scene happened. At this moment, the attack of Wall's thermonuclear energy gun seemed to be drawn by some special force.

   In just a blink of an eye, he was sucked clean by the shield of the special mechanical race warrior.

   "Damn, the attack was sucked in?!"

In the cockpit, Wall, who saw this scene clearly, was slightly surprised, but his hand did not stop. When the trigger was pulled down, the magic missile came out of the gun, directly following the thermonuclear energy cannon. The gap in the hole got in.

After the    magic missile hit, a violent big explosion occurred on the spot, and the scene that had just happened before was staged again.

   The surging explosion energy was quickly absorbed by the big shield in the opponent's hand.

   Then, the opponent moved, and the right hand attached to the knight's spear was quickly raised.

   But to be honest, the distance between them now is not within the attack range of the knight's spear.

   Well, if it was really just a knight’s spear...

   But it turns out, no!

   Along with the opponent's lifting motion, the tip of the knight's long spear quickly opened, revealing a crystal barrel.

   The next thing, there is nothing to say, a powerful energy attack, just like this, it shoots directly at Wall.

   In this process, even though Wall tried his best to operate there, trying to control his ace mecha and make evasive actions.

   But to be honest, heavy-fire mechas like them have too many weapons and equipment, which makes words such as ‘flexible’ and ‘swift’ basically irrelevant to them.

   Even if the consciousness can keep up, but the mecha's mobility cannot keep up, there is no way.

   Fortunately, as a remedy, the strength of their mecha shields is good for the time being, far exceeding ordinary individual units, and with sufficient energy, most attacks can still be blocked.

   But this does not mean that Wall's avoidance operation becomes meaningless.

   In fact, even if there is no way to completely avoid the attack, proper evasive action can also allow him to avoid the situation of being hit by the enemy's weapon head-on, thereby reducing the pressure on the shield.

  At the same time, there are times when he can smoothly avoid the deadly key. With good luck, it is not a rare thing to save a small life.

   In addition, there is also a very important point is that if you rely on the shield to protect and face an attack, you will not dodge or dodge, then over time, you will develop a very bad habit.

   And this habit will cause your sensitivity to attacks to drop drastically.

   A soldier who often has to go to the battlefield, if he does not have enough acuity to attack, he will live on the battlefield not long. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

   Avoiding the frontal counterattack Wall, with the help of the shield of his ace mecha, he resolved the crisis.

   Then his first reaction was to shoot back.

   As a result, the trigger was about to be pulled down, but at the last minute, Wall's movements were frozen.

"Wait a minute, that guy's shield seems to be able to absorb my attack. If the other party can convert my attack into its own energy, then launching an attack now is not equivalent to sending warmth to the other side?! "

   Well, this situation is kind of disgusting to Wall.

   But at this time Wall, it's not that he has no idea at all.

   For example, at the beginning, he used floating cannons to form a firepower network to suppress the opponent. The opponent did not choose to absorb energy, but chose to use the whole body shield to block all the attacks of the floating cannons.

   This steel lump, I don’t think that the energy of the floating gun is the mosquito’s legs, don’t you bother to absorb it?

  It is not difficult to see from this point that if the enemy wants to absorb energy, it must pass through the large shield in his hand, or an energy absorbing device that looks like a large shield.

   Therefore, the opponent is a little bit unaware of the concentrated fire attack from all directions.

   But to be honest, the current situation, Wall’s discovery, did not help him much.

   Because the opponent only needs to use the energy-absorbing shield to block strong attacks, as for other small attacks with a harassing nature, the opponent can completely hand over the full-body force field shield to block.

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