The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3868: , The new enemy (2)

Judging from the current situation, in a small-scale battle, the defense level of this special mechanical warrior in front of him can be said to be full.

  To defeat him, according to Wall's current thinking, it is best to have multiple main gun-level firepower and launch a focused attack on it at the same time.

   This should be the easiest way to kill the opponent.

   But thinking about it further, this is equivalent to taking advantage of numbers in the battle with the machine race.

   It seems a bit difficult...

"In all likelihood, this guy is also an S-rank fighter of the machine race. Speaking of which, including this guy, and the two guys before, there are already twenty-six S-rank fighters in this battlefield, right? "

   Due to the reason that the S-class fighters of the mechanical clan can be directly replaced with spare bodies and consciousness bodies after being destroyed, and return to the battlefield in a short time.

   Therefore, for the question of how many S-rank fighters there are on the side of the mechanical civilization in a battlefield, it is actually very difficult to make a very accurate judgment.

In addition to the three new type of special S-level fighters they have confirmed, the most accurate number that can be confirmed so far is twenty-six, the remaining twenty-three, nineteen are in the void battlefield, and four are in the void. The battlefield within the planet.

In the war against the magical civilization, Caesar Tranke defended against the invasion of the undead army while also supporting Ivan Rast, sending reinforcements to him, with five S-class mechanical warriors inside. It.

   Although judging from the results, the guy’s fundamental purpose, in addition to collecting information on Luo Ji’s ten thousand world civilization, should be to abduct Ivan Last’s sun.

   But leaving it aside, it can be seen from this additional number that single-digit S-rank fighters are really nothing to the mechanical civilization of Caesar Trunk.

   Now he is on his own ground, fighting defensively, and deploying twenty or thirty S-class fighters to a relatively important planet in his civilization. It is not a rare event at all.

   Even speaking of it, this number is still a bit small.

   Otherwise, the opponent now, on the other side of the void battlefield, would not be under the command of Zhou Yi's army, all the way down and beat.

   As for the inside of the planet, it is true that because of the appearance of these three special S-rank fighters, I have faced such a little trouble...

   At the same time, on the other side...

   With dexterity and swift movement, Xu Ji, who kept avoiding attacks, quickly confirmed the three little tails that had been around him.

   One of them is the enhanced shield that blocked his high-frequency vibrating particle saber attack before.

   At this moment, the enhanced shield has been increased to three.

   At the same time, Xu Ji didn't know if this reinforced shield could still take out the fourth and fifth pieces, or even more.

   Judging from the current situation, this enhanced shield is very annoying.

   In addition to being able to surround the protector and passively defend, it can also take the initiative to attack as it is now, following the attacker all the way, as long as the attacker wants to attack, they will immediately rush to get in the way.

   When there were only one piece and two pieces before, Xu Ji could still rely on his speed to temporarily get rid of these obstructive little tails and launch some offensives, posing a threat to that special mechanical race S-level fighter.

   But after the little tail increases to three pieces, they can directly form an outflank and block it.

Moreover, Xu Ji discovered that the opponent had definitely calculated his mode of action and predicted his position. Three reinforced shields, coupled with the attack of the mechanical S-class fighter itself, almost crushed him to death. .

  As a ‘raidman’, after so many years, Xu Ji has encountered such a situation for the first time after he has successfully approached the target.

   Seizing the opportunity, Xu Ji quickly approached and launched another offensive with the high-frequency vibrating particle saber in his hand.

   And in the process, the reinforced shield that got in the way unsurprisingly reappeared.

   One shot retreated, Xu Ji didn't dare to stay longer, because at this moment, the opponent's firepower had already strafed over.

   Facing this opponent, even if he was half-beat slow, he would be bombarded by the opponent's firepower without leaving any scum.

   "How is it? Did you take a picture clearly?"

   Avoiding the attack, Xu Ji, who was connected to the troop's internal communication channel, quickly confirmed.

The attack just now was not meaningless. While launching the attack, he recorded the image, intending to analyze the attack image, and wanted to figure out what the number of ways the reinforced shield on the opposite side was. Blocking the attack of the high-frequency vibrating particle saber can't be just a high defense strength, right?

   Of course, he was on the battlefield, faced with the firepower of that S-rank fighter, but he didn't have the extra energy to analyze the image.

   Therefore, this job, without any accident, fell on their mech corps to support the troops.

   In addition to the mecha units, their mecha corps also has a large-scale support unit, which is responsible for providing assistance to the mecha units fighting on the front line in battle.

   This assistance includes, but is not limited to, mech maintenance, energy supply ammunition, the launch of spare weapons and equipment, and tactical planning.

   Intelligence analysis, of course, is also part of the work of supporting troops.

   Under this premise, the Mecha Legion has their exclusive mobile base in the void.

At this moment, in the commander-in-chief of the Void Mobile Base, a goblin lieutenant general wearing a mecha legion uniform with the rank of lieutenant general on his shoulders, frowning and confirming the battlefield information returned from various places. .

   "The images are synchronized, and the analysis team is analyzing."

   This goblin lieutenant general is named Li Ji, and he was also a pilot in the mecha legion in his early years.

   Its own driving skills cannot be said to be bad, but it can only be said to be average in the mecha corps where the elites gather.

   But the amazing thing is that although the team he was in was not an ace team, every time he played, he fought a battle, the record was quite good, and he was deeply trusted by other pilots and comrades.

This enabled Li Ji in his early years to become the team leader very easily. Later he was promoted to squadron leader and squadron leader. It was only when he was about to select the corps leader that Li Ji appeared as a candidate along with several other candidates. In Luo Ji's field of vision.

   Luo Ji has a five-star command, four-star intelligence, and his talent is ‘Mecha Commander’...

   Good guy, UU reading this panel, let Li Ji be a pilot, it is simply the wrong talent tree!

  Only in the position of commander can his ability be fully utilized.

   In the beginning, let him turn to the back to be the commander? Regarding the above transfer, Li Ji was still a little unhappy.

   Even the identity of this candidate was not applied for by himself, but his old chief who was about to retire added him without authorization.

   And Li Ji, in his heart, is targeting an ace pilot and wants to be a pilot.

   However, he, who was already thirty-six years old at the time, was considered an old man in the Mecha Army.

   Pilots are an army that needs reaction speed very much. After getting older, the reaction speed will drop, and then gradually begin to be unable to complete those complex and high-intensity operations.

In those years, even though Li Ji has tried his best to maintain his own state, he still cannot change the fact that his state is slowly declining. In the latest training results, he is almost at the bottom. Below him is a gangster. A rookie recruited.

   made him fully feel what it means to be unforgiving.

   Although it is a bit ugly to say that, the old leader of Li Ji took a lot of words to persuade Li Ji to be the commander of the army that he had no interest at all before.

   In the eyes of ordinary people, this may be a promotion and a peak of life.

   But for Li Ji, who is aiming at the ‘Ace Pilot’, leaving the cockpit of the mecha is always so unwilling and lonely.

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