The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3869: , The new enemy (3)

Although I don't want to admit it, it must be said that after becoming the commander of the mecha legion, the feats in the first battle almost surpassed the sum of his personal achievements for so many years.

   Having spent so many years in the Mecha Legion, he knows the abilities and fighting styles of the ace pilots in the Mecha Legion.

   This makes him very handy when mobilizing troops, formulating tactics and assigning tasks.

Facts have fully proved time and time again that his old chief’s vision is still okay. Compared to being a pilot, it can only be said to be a general driving skill. He is obviously better at sitting in the position of commander-in-chief. Go on, command the mecha legion to fight...

   Actually speaking, he is not stupid. He knew from the beginning that his little talent was nothing at all in front of the real genius pilots.

Especially Xu Ji, the guy’s driving skills are almost so strong that they will be seen by other ace pilots, and they will have self-doubt, let alone an ordinary pilot like him, that’s a genius. Genius!

   His old chief is indeed very accurate.

   In fact, his old chief had long asked him to transfer to the command post, but he was very persistent in his bones, so he just didn't go and stayed in the mecha unit.

   Thinking about it now, if he had listened to the old chief early that year, he would turn to the back and become a commander, his life might have become smoother years in advance.

However, after many years, he will definitely regret his original decision, regretting that when he was young, he did not work hard for his own ideals. This will be something he will never get through. Knot, has been brooding.

   But now it's different. He did everything he needed to fight, but he didn't succeed, but he didn't have a trace of regret in his heart!

   can still sit here even now, continue to shine for civilization.

   I met the old chief who was optimistic about him, and his majesty who was willing to entrust him with important tasks. From this point of view, Li Ji still felt that he was a very lucky person from the bottom of his heart.

   Under the full-speed analysis of the analysis team, the results came out very quickly.

   "Report to the general. Through image analysis, the opponent's reinforced shield may not have the same mechanism as the normal force field shield."

  While speaking, Li Ji's eyes have already been switched to a scene that has slowed down to the extreme.

  In the screen, it was the moment when Xu Ji hit the opponent's reinforced shield with a high-frequency vibrating particle saber.

   That whole process happened very quickly, even if the screen was put to the slowest time, it swayed all of a sudden.

   Fortunately, the analysis team stopped in time and provided explanations...

   "A force field shield is essentially a kind of energy shield. After an attack, a large number of ripples will be formed on the shield surface and spread out to disperse the impact of the attack, and finally cancel the attack completely, but..."

While    was speaking, the analysis team quickly zoomed in on a picture.

   "This special reinforced shield, while blocking the high-frequency vibration particle saber attack, we found that the other party's energy particles that make up the force field shield are also undergoing a super-high frequency vibration!"

   "You mean, cancel each other out?"

   Li Ji frowned, feeling a little weird.

   "But how is it possible? That kind of ultra-high frequency vibration, it should be impossible to achieve consistency."

   "It's really impossible. It's not so much that they cancel each other out, it's more that they destroy each other."

   At this point, the soldiers of the analysis team paused.

"At present, although it is only a guess, according to our analysis, you can understand the general as a high-frequency vibration particle shield. He uses ultra-high-frequency vibration to attack the high-frequency vibration particle saber on the particle level. The attack was destroyed."

   "Of course, as you said, it is impossible to reach agreement with this kind of ultra-high frequency vibration from both sides at the same time, so..."

   "They are losing each other, it depends on which side of the equipment can last to the end, right?"

   Li Ji took the conversation dignifiedly, and then pointed to the other communication device beside him...

   "Have you heard it all?"

"heard it."

   In the communication device, Xu Ji's voice rang.

"Don't be impulsive, the technology of the machine race is probably above our civilization of the world. If you use this method to fight against each other, we will definitely suffer in the end. You first evade and use long-range weapons to consume each other. Check Wall's situation."

  While speaking, Li Ji quickly cut to Wall's side.

   Before the results of the analysis team came out, Li Ji had already confirmed whether there were enough reinforcements in the nearby area that could be mobilized.

   The answer is no.

   In this way, according to the current situation, it is undoubtedly the only person who can support Xu Ji in time and has the ability to support him.

   "Wall, how is your situation there?"

   "It's a bit bad, I have a tricky stuff here!"

  While speaking, Wall quickly reported the situation here.

   During this process, Li Ji has pulled the three of them to the same communication channel to facilitate command exchanges.

"Do you have the surplus to support each other now? Wall, your firepower, you can find a chance to solve Xu Ji's enemy, and according to Xu Ji's mobility and close maneuvering ability, it should be able to suppress Wall on your side. Enemy, judging from the current intelligence, you only need to change opponents, and the difficulty of the battle will be significantly reduced."

   "That's true, but it's hard to tell the truth."

   Xu Ji's voice at this time is not at all relaxed.

"If you want to exchange opponents, UU reading, then I must get rid of the original opponent first, but this guy has a strong long-range firepower. As long as I go, the opponent's long-range firepower, although it can’t help me, it will definitely be For the first time, lock the body where Wall is located, and at the same time, we still don't know enough about them.

   Xu Ji's last sentence is undoubtedly the point.

   They fought so passively in this battle, and the opponent is very strong. They are S-rank fighters of the mechanical race. Of course, that is one of the reasons.

   But there is another reason that cannot be ignored, that is, lack of intelligence.

  All kinds of methods caught them off guard, and to a large extent, they increased the difficulty of coping.

At the same time, as Li Ji said, if they knew there were such two enemies from the beginning, then they couldn’t prevent the enemy with the energy-absorbing shield, exchange the targets that needed to be dealt with, and find the right ones. After the method, it will definitely be easier to deal with.

   "You need to cooperate."

   "General, what we are facing right now is the race that is best at cooperating."

   "Are you not confident in yourself?"

   "I have no confidence in that guy Wall (Xu Ji)!"

   At this time, in the communication channel, the two of them stunned each other almost in unison, and then again in unison...

   "Damn? What are you talking about?!"

   Li Ji couldn't help but laugh when facing the two people who were in unison.

   "Okay, listen to my slogan and do it!"

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