Under the report of the leader of the intelligence analysis team, everyone gradually deepened their understanding of this S-class fighter who was playing with four swords.

   The most important thing to pay attention to, apart from the opponent's speed and the high-frequency vibrating particle saber that replaced the limbs, is undoubtedly the weird angle of attack.

   This S-class fighter basically relies on flying to move, and his feet never land at all.

   Under this premise, his arms and legs as a weapon are basically twisted as they wish in battle.

   This makes his attack angle in close combat far more bizarre than ordinary enemies, and it is impossible to defend against.

  Although the opponent killed by explosive force.

   The decision of life and death is between one face to face.

   This four weapons can change the characteristics of the attack angle at will, coupled with the amazing attack speed, but it makes the opponent's combat power in the fight also rise in a straight line.

   At this point, the intelligence analysis team's analysis report on the S-class fighter of the machine clan has basically come to an end.

   "General Lombard, do you have anything else to add?"

  While speaking, above the main seat of the conference room, Zhou Yi cast a questioning look at Lombard.

   And Lombard shook his head, saying that he had nothing to add.

   Although he was the party involved in that battle, it must be said that the other party was far more professional than him in terms of intelligence analysis and sorting.

   After this, the leader of the intelligence analysis team also reported on the intelligence analysis of the other two S-class fighters of the mechanical clan.

   The situation is much simpler for the S-class fighter of the machine clan who will mainly output firepower in the future.

   Like this kind of unit, their essence is basically invariable. To put it bluntly, they have fierce firepower and long range.

   Among them, the mechanical warrior, half of his body combined with the huge armor on his body, can transform into a fortress-level energy gun, which is the most noteworthy point.

   Fortress gun-level firepower, you still have to be careful.

   In theory, the firepower of the fortress gun level is enough to pose a threat to 99% of the units on the battlefield.

  Under this premise, even the conventional fortress guns installed on the fortress cannot have the ability to fire continuously in a short period of time.

   And it is even more impossible to have a special fort cannon like this.

   After one shot, it is impossible to fire a second shot in a short time.

   But even so, ignoring the fortress artillery, this S-rank fighter has a long-range firepower that is significantly higher than other S-rank fighters based on other firepower weapons.

   The only drawback should be the extremely poor mobility.

   But the defensive power is not bad. In addition to their own force field shields, the presence of strengthened shields makes their defensive power stronger than ordinary mechanical S-level fighters.

   Among them, the high-frequency vibration particle shield has brought them extra trouble.

   At least for now, according to Wall, the ace pilot of their mecha legion, the shield is probably quite aimed at high-level special-made magic missiles, which will be detonated in advance, and ultimately cannot achieve the effect they expected.

   As for those ordinary magic missiles, it doesn't matter if they can't penetrate the reinforced shield horizontally or vertically, and whether they will be detonated in advance.

   Under this premise, since it comes to defense, then the S-level fighter with the strongest defense must be mentioned.

According to the information provided by Wall, the opponent’s main weapon is a knight’s long spear, but when the tip of that knight’s long spear is opened, it can be used as an energy cannon. far.

   The most surprising thing is that the knight's spear can directly form a gravity field to suppress the opponent after it is fully opened.

   "At present, it can be confirmed that the gravity strength has reached the point where it can suppress the ace mecha driven by Major General Wall immobile, and severely deform the surface armor of the mecha."

   "However, it has not yet reached the point where the mecha can be crushed directly, and most of the internal equipment can still operate normally."

   "In addition, the main weapon should not be able to fire under gravity. At least in the previous battles, the opponent did not show the ability to use the main weapon to maintain the gravity field and fire at the same time."

"From the battle, the opponent did not turn off the gravity device to deal with the threat from Major General Xu Ji. It can also be seen that this gravity field should be maintained continuously. Once removed or closed, Wall was always suppressed. The major general’s gravity field will be lifted, so the opponent has maintained the gravity field during the battle."

   "And judging from the distance in the battle, the attack range of this gravity weapon should not be far, and it can only be suppressed at close range."

   "Of course, this is only our speculation at the moment. If we want to fully confirm it, we need to conduct more actual combat to fully confirm it."

"For now, although the S-class fighters of this mechanical clan are also very strong, once they are involved in high-end battles, they will lack offensiveness. They are still focused on defense, containment, and control. Only when the firepower unit cooperates can it demonstrate sufficient threatening power."

   "From this, it can be seen that the opponent should cooperate with another S-class fighter of the machine clan."

   Hearing this, everyone in the meeting room nodded. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

They probably knew about the battle at that time. Although Wall made a lot of credit, it must be said that at the beginning, the mechanical S-class fighter with firepower output was restrained by continuous force killings, and then another one was urgently attacked and killed. The S-rank fighter, Xu Ji, who made the opponent uncoordinated throughout the entire process, played a key role in that battlefield.

   During this period, the leader of the analysis team also transferred the image to the large shield of the S-class fighter like a door.

   Obviously, this S-rank fighter has a lot of troublesome things. In addition to the gravity device, this energy-absorbing shield is also a big trouble!

   As soon as he saw this, Wall, who also participated in this meeting as a party, couldn't help but slam the table.

   "This thing is very troublesome to deal with, not only energy attacks, but even magic missile attacks can be absorbed!"

Just like the previous four-sword-style mechanical warrior, after being destroyed by Lombard, the standby consciousness and body were activated and returned to the battlefield. These two special S-rank fighters have undoubtedly returned to the battlefield after this. , And battle broke out with Xu Ji and Wall who also returned to the battlefield.

   After having the coping experience, it is indeed not as unprepared as it was at the beginning.

   But the existence of the energy-absorbing shield is still a headache.

  Who knows, just as Wall said this, the leader of the intelligence analysis team standing there shook his head.

   "Major General Wall, this energy-absorbing shield is indeed troublesome, but it may not be as troublesome as you expected..."

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