"What's the point?"

   Although he has been in the army for many years, the whole person has become a lot more calm, and he is no longer as impulsive as he was in his early years, but in the heart of Wall, he is still a hot and impatient.

   It's just that he has always controlled his temperament.

   But now, after being disgusted with the energy-absorbing shield for several times by the S-rank fighter of the machine race opposite, Wall's impatientness is also somewhat revealed.

   "Look here."

   While talking, the leader of the intelligence analysis team cut out a picture for everyone.

   That scene happened to be the scene of the S-class fighter using the energy-absorbing shield to resist the attack.

   However, the conditions on this battlefield are limited, and unlike the inside of the Void Mobile Base, there are cameras everywhere, and you can capture some of the pictures from all angles.

  On the battlefield, you can only look at the battle recorders equipped with various units.

   But battle recorders are basically the first perspective, and the images provided by the first perspective are very one-sided and have limitations.

   As for whether it can be taken from other angles, it depends on luck.

   For example, there happened to be other friendly forces near the battlefield, and their battle recorders also captured some intelligence.

   But to be honest, most of the time, I don't have that good luck.

  Under this premise, it really tests the ability of the intelligence analysis team.

In this wave, in order to study the special S-class fighters of these two enemy forces, the post-war intelligence analysis team also worked overtime continuously, confirming the images of other battle recorders one by one, while trying to see if they could find any clues with luck. , It is also to confirm and analyze the first-view image frame by frame.

   This process, they repeated it many times, but in the end they really found something.

   "This is just a speculation of our team. After all, the limitations of the angle are too great. We cannot guarantee that this speculation is 100% correct for the time being."

  Before explaining the situation, the leader of the intelligence analysis team gave everyone a shot to avoid any situation.

   "We can understand this, group leader, please continue."

   After Zhou Yi spoke, it was naturally impossible for everyone to have any opinions.

   After all, intelligence analysis itself is based on speculative analysis, and there is rarely a 100% certainty.

   What if the car is overturned?

   After being approved by Zhouyi, the team leader spoke again...

"Although the image of the battle recorder is not clear, and the distance is too far, it further blurs the picture, but according to the repeated research and confirmation of my team members, Major General Wall used this shot of the magic missile. The other party probably didn't use the energy-absorbing shield to block it directly. Just before the hit, something seemed to pop up."

   Hearing these words, Wall suddenly had some thoughts.

   "Replay the previous scene again."

   Regarding this, the team leader didn't say anything, and with a light press of the button, the picture suddenly went up frame by frame, and finally, it was frozen on the frame where they found the clue.

   To be honest, it’s very vague, even if it’s confirmed frame by frame, it’s not clear.

   If there is no group leader to freeze the frame for them and tell them clearly that the clue is in this frame, then they probably won't see any problems.

   After they knew that there was a problem, they finally noticed that there seemed to be a vague shadow in the picture for a moment.

   Then, the magic missile exploded.

   "Enhanced shield?"

   Wall thought of this for the first time.

"Does that energy-absorbing shield have a built-in enhanced shield?! That energy-absorbing shield should only absorb energy attacks. Only after the magic missile explodes, can it form an energy impact in the explosion, and before the explosion, the basic The above is a live ammunition attack!"

   "The energy-absorbing shield actually cannot directly accept the magic missile's attack. Therefore, at the critical moment, the opponent first blocked the enhanced shield and triggered the explosion of the magic missile."

   "After this, the enhanced shield was either blown up or recovered, and the explosion energy was absorbed by the energy-absorbing shield!"

   Speaking of this, Wall patted the table again and drank the refreshing tea in the cup in front of him.

"is this correct?"

"Yes, Major General Wall. However, we have one more thing to add. That is to ensure that the magic missile can be triggered 100%. The enhanced shield responsible for blocking this one should be particles with high-frequency vibrations. shield."

While talking, the team leader manipulated it again, and the next three-dimensional image appeared was a simulated image made by their intelligence analysis team itself, in order to simulate the situation at the time, so that everyone present could see it more clearly. And better understand.

"In this case, the easiest way is to launch a faster attack and hit the target before the opponent’s enhanced shield reacts. As long as the magic missile hits the target directly, even the subsequent explosion energy will be absorbed. , But the previous live ammunition attack will also cause damage to the energy-absorbing shield."

   While talking, the team leader also subconsciously glanced at Xu Ji.

   Obviously, Xu Ji, who entered the blast mode, did just that.

Excluding the few seconds that the body was rampant and uncontrollable because of its excessive performance, after gradually controlling the body, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com used a high-frequency vibrating particle saber to blast the opponent’s energy-absorbing shield, and then destroyed the opponent’s energy shield. Xu Ji only took a moment to get the energy stove, and the opponent basically had no time to react.

   After a glance, the team leader continued their analysis and speculation.

   "If you are lucky, if the live ammunition partially destroys the energy-absorbing device of the energy-absorbing shield, you may be able to make the energy-absorbing shield directly scrapped, or its performance may decrease."

   However, this is simple to say, but how can it be so easy to do?

   After all, if he could do it, Wall would have shot that guy up.

   However, after learning about this situation from the intelligence analysis team, it also gave Wall some new ideas.

   "Maybe, you can get a little closer and try shooting."

   In previous battles, Wall, under normal circumstances, maintained the maximum attack range and launched an attack.

   On the one hand, he has confidence in his marksmanship, and on the other hand, to ensure his own safety.

   After all, his magic mecha has shortcomings in terms of mobility, and his melee combat ability is not strong. This makes him basically less likely to take the initiative to get closer to the enemy, and there is no need for it.

   But now, this unnecessary thing becomes necessary.

   As the attack range gets closer, the reaction time left for the enemy after he shoots will inevitably decrease.

   In other words, in the face of this special S-class mechanical clan fighter, the closer you are, the lower the probability that he will block your attack.

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