The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3878: Although it is shameful to escape, it is useful!

"Be sober minded, second man, that S-rank fighter is not bad at close range combat. If you zoom in, you will become a food gift if you are not careful."

   In the meeting room, Xu Ji, who was sitting on the sidelines, said to Wall unceremoniously.

   "Xu Ji, are you special..."

   When facing Xu Ji, Wall was a little bit annoyed. As a friend who had fought each other for so many years, Wall subconsciously wanted to go back, but suddenly, he really didn’t know how to refute it.

   In fact, Xu Ji, although he said awkwardly, he said the truth.

   Wall After all, he is still a unit that clearly focuses on rear output.

The existence of    Floating Cannon has strengthened his self-protection ability to a certain extent, but this does not mean that he can compete with the front-row units of the same level.

   S-class fighters of the mechanical clan, that's not a rookie.

   People wanted to pierce your face, but you still took the initiative to send it forward?

   After getting closer, it will become a food delivery if you are not careful. This is a fact.

   And since this trick is too risky, it's best not to use it. In the face of the blocking strengthening shield, basically, the only means they can use is consumption.

   The strengthened shield opposite, after blocking Wall's attack, then retracted. Although there is a possibility, but to be honest, it is not realistic. In all likelihood, you will have to endure the explosion.

   Under this premise, the reinforced shields on the opposite side cannot be endless.

   Therefore, the simplest and most rude way is to use a magic missile of sufficient strength to explode all of the opponent's enhanced shields, and then explode the energy-absorbing shields.

  The biggest problem with this approach is that it takes time and money.

   After all, the magic missile that can directly explode the opposite strengthened shield is definitely not good.

   As for speaking, besides this method, is there any better way?

   Everyone discussed it for a while, and then they had three ideas.

  The first idea was to shoot weapons.

   If you can launch two or even three magic missiles at the same time, the opponent's enhanced shield can block one shot, it does not mean that you can block the second and third shots, and it can greatly increase the success rate of destroying the opponent.

   But the problem now is that most of the continuous fire weapons face a fatal injury with insufficient power.

   If this power can't be raised, and it doesn't meet that standard, then the opponent will directly use a force field shield to block all of it, and it doesn't take so much effort.

   And this second thought is still based on the perspective of ‘continuous shooting’.

  Since the burst weapon is not powerful, how about two-to-one with two magical rifles with sufficient power?

   This method does not need to be tried at all, and the success rate is definitely high.

   This is like there is a Martial God Realm powerhouse on the opposite side. You send two Martial God Realm powerhouses to fight him, two against one, can you not win?

   Playing more with less is a huge advantage in itself.

   But don’t think it’s too beautiful.

   Don’t forget, for mechanical civilization, quantity is also their big advantage.

   This time, the opponent only sent three special S-rank fighters. It should be that Caesar Trunk didn't predict that Zhouyi would suddenly break out such a strong offensive.

   In an emergency, this side of the battlefield can only send three special S-level fighters, and there are no more for the time being.

   But, wait until the next official fight, according to the urine **** of the mechanical race.

   Zhouyi has almost foreseen that the number of such special S-rank fighters will definitely increase dramatically.

   The mechanical civilization relies on the advantage of quantity, and it is more likely to fight against them than they relies on the advantage of quantity to fight against the mechanical civilization.

   So and so, the last thought should be the one with the highest success rate at this stage.

   That is to let Wall and the others flash to the side, and let a unit with high mobility like Xu Ji to deal with that special S-rank fighter.

   This method may make Wall feel uncomfortable, or even unhappy.

  Because it will make him feel humiliated by defeat, as if he had lost.

   However, evasion is shameful, but it is useful!

   In the end, it was decided by Zhou Yi, and this matter was set for the time being.

   The military order was like a mountain, and it was also during the war. Although Wall was upset as a professional soldier, he eventually accepted it.

   After this, Zhou Yi reported to Luo Ji the latest situation on their side through the Belief Network, and at the same time emphatically explained the affairs of the three special S-rank fighters.

   Because the offensive efficiency is completely inferior to Zhou Yi's side, Luo Ji's side has not encountered such a situation for the time being.

  Caesar Trunk sneaked up some troublesome things again. This situation caused Luo Ji a little headache.

   Fortunately now, it should be that they have successfully mastered some information.

   After this, Luo Ji hurriedly let people pass on the information.

   In this way, even if they encounter those special S-rank fighters, they will not be defenseless.

   During this period, in the large production factory behind the second line of defense of mechanical civilization.

   On that extremely complex production line, a body of a machine clan is constantly being produced.

   If Zhou Yi and the others saw this scene, they would definitely recognize it at a glance. At this time, the production lines of these large factories were the bodies of the special mechanical warriors they had encountered before!

   There are so many, almost to the point where it makes the scalp numb.

   I have to say that Zhou Yi and the others guessed it to a large extent. This is indeed the S-class body of their mechanical civilization, and at the same time, the number is indeed not a few!

   In the mechanical civilization, the bodies of the mechanical warriors are also divided into models.

   At the same time, there are also types of consciousness.

   does not mean that all types of bodies and consciousness are universal.

   If you compare them to computers, then the levels of S-level consciousness, A-level consciousness, and B-level consciousness are equivalent to the CPU level.

   The processing power and computing power of the A-level consciousness body is higher than that of the B-level consciousness body, while the processing and computing power of the S-level consciousness body, UU reading www.uukanshuu. Com is higher than the A-level consciousness body, and so on.

   Under this premise, different bodies have different combat modes.

   What type and level of body you want to use, you have to download that type and level of combat module first.

   And this has to involve a problem of ‘storage space’ and ‘download time’.

A combat module basically includes all combat information and response plans of that level and model. This big data stored in the'local' is to ensure that they can quickly obtain results and respond in some high-intensity battles. The biggest reliance.

   If there is a situation that cannot be solved by local data alone, and needs to connect to a civilized mastermind and consult a large database, it will take a little longer.

   In addition, there is a large amount of general information, which basically needs to be downloaded and stored.

   Such and such, how big a combat module is, you don’t have to think about it, and it takes a long time to download.

   Unless it is an active demotion, an S-level conscious body downloads the B-level conscious body's combat module, otherwise, a conscious body can basically only accommodate one combat module of the same level.

   And if that conscious body really made this kind of active demotion, then his combat effectiveness would also drop drastically.

   Even though it is better than ordinary B-level fighters, it is limited to this.

   Therefore, this action was judged by the machine family as an action that basically does not have a cost-effectiveness, and no machine family will do this.

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