The mobilization of a large amount of combat power has made the offensive of the civilization of Ten Thousand Realms even more fierce.

In this battle, it is impossible for Caesar Trunk’s celestial computer to calculate that during the implementation of his plan, the Expeditionary Army of the Ten Thousand Realms Civilization led by Luo Ji will suddenly attack his second line of defense. This is the hand drawn from the bottom.

But to be honest, in order to kill Zhong Mo's army of undead people and suppress it to death, the main force on the front battlefield is indispensable.

Under this premise, even if the energy restrictions are lifted, a mechanical civilization that can explode madly, within a limited period of time, its military strength cannot reach the point where it can simultaneously fight two super-specification civilizations.

Not to mention that during this process, the planet under Caesar Trunk has been declining, resulting in a decline in productivity. At the same time, the strength of the defense lines has always been affected by Luo Ji and Zhong Mo’s army before this. Stop consumption.

In this state, while resisting the offensives of the Styx Civilization and Ten Thousand Realm Civilization Three Route Army, the force in his hand can increase positively, thanks to the high efficiency of his mechanical civilization.

Even to speak of it, he was able to defeat the undead army in a wave, not by the strength of mechanical civilization, but by the unexpected black hole attack!

In this way, now on the flanking battlefield, it is almost impossible to send a force that can completely suppress the expeditionary force of the civilization of the world. It is already the limit to contain the opponent.

In this process, the mechanical civilization of Caesar Trunk naturally had to bear certain risks. Sacrifice as

However, he is not unprepared...

A large number of mechanical warriors were quickly thrown into the battlefield.

Blade-type, fire-power, and guard-type bodies are not exclusive to S-level fighters. In fact, A-level fighters and B-level fighters are also equipped.

It's just that the overall combat power decreases in order according to rank.

The enrichment of types, coupled with the large amount of intelligence collected before, has made the combat effectiveness of the mechanical civilization army almost a qualitative leap compared to before.

However, as long as the civilization of the Ten Thousand Worlds can stabilize its position, choose to fight slowly, and gradually expand its advantages, according to the current gap in the overall combat power of the two armies, the odds of the civilization of the Ten Thousand Worlds are still very large.

However, the biggest problem at the moment lies in the current situation. Luo Ji simply doesn't have the time to deal with the opponent steadily and steadily! Diminish

He needs to attack! Pressure! In the shortest possible time, defeat the army of mechanical civilization and break through the opponent's second line of defense, so that they can regain their superiority and dominance in this battle!

With this in mind, on the side of the Expeditionary Army of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, the forces of the Martial Arts Legion, the Elf Legion and the Mecha Legion entered the battlefield in turn.

Luo Ji's continuous increase in strength has made the expeditionary force's comprehensive combat power rise wildly.

At this time, the army of civilizations of the ten thousand realms tried to use the purest hard power to forcibly crush the army of mechanical civilizations in front of them.

Under pressure, the mechanical civilization army began to retreat before it suffered heavy casualties.

Looking at the situation, it should be that he wanted to withdraw the second line of defense and use his home court advantage to deal with Luo Ji's army of civilizations.

After all, they took the initiative to attack before, in order to avoid the black hole destroying their second line of defense.

And now, the black hole has been released, and the undead army has also retreated. At this time, they are being chased and killed by the main force of their mechanical civilization.

Under this premise, there is no reason for this army of mechanical civilization to continue to press outside, and the home field advantage of the second line of defense behind it is no longer needed.

At this moment, just as Caesar Trunk knew the purpose of their army of civilizations, the generals of the army of civilizations, headed by Luo Ji, also knew the purpose of each other.

Home field advantage is indeed a big problem.

The scale of this army of mechanical civilizations is not small, and it is not difficult for them to win the army of civilizations! But it is difficult to defeat the opponent in a short time and win the battle.

Once the opponent returns to the second line of defense and gains home court advantage, this difficulty will undoubtedly be elevated to a new level.

But in the face of this move by this army of mechanical civilization, they have nothing to stop it.

The only thing that can be done is to reduce the opposing force as much as possible before the opponent withdraws to the second line of defense and gains the home field advantage, so as to create an advantage for them in the next battle.

Today, this battlefield is not far from the second line of defense. As far as possible, the mechanical civilization army, which has reduced the loss of its own troops, has almost withdrawn within the range of its second line of defense at the fastest speed.

Zhou Yi and Dominique Adolf, who wanted to avoid the opponent's home court advantage, tried to use the comet cannon of the main fire ship to maintain the maximum attack range to consume the opponent.

But unlike the early days when they were suppressed by their comet cannon by their attack range, after obtaining new energy, UU read www.uukanshu. The com mechanical civilization side unlocks the production, but it is not just those specially enhanced mechanical clan bodies! In addition, there are a large number of weapons and equipment that have been discontinued due to excessive energy consumption.

One of them is the fortress-level antimatter energy cannon!

At that moment, on the mechanical turret of the second line of mechanical civilization, huge fortress-level antimatter energy cannons fired one after another after rapid recharging.

In an instant, the power of the main guns of the S-class starships was even stronger, and the fortress-class antimatter energy cannons, which had a longer attack range, fired at the same time!

The terrifying energy attack cut through the void and swept straight toward their main firepower fleet on the side of civilization.

Detecting the approaching of a powerful threat, the internal alarms of the main firepower were mastered. The defense system was opened for the first time, and the attack trajectory was locked, and a more powerful defense array was deployed.

It can be said that the defensive performance of this defense system has been pulled to the extreme in one breath.

But even so, it failed to block a blow from the fortress-class antimatter energy cannon of mechanical civilization! Mi He Mi

Layers of defense were pierced on the spot, and even the main fireship that was being protected was hit by a devastating blow at this moment.

In just one round of fire, dozens of main firepower ships were ruthlessly destroyed by the opposite side.

At this moment, there is no need to even calculate the loss afterwards. With this wave of offensive alone, they are already the biggest loss for their army of civilizations and autonomous firepower warships after they enter this side of the battlefield!

The mechanical civilization side, at this moment, in the simplest and rude way, told the army of civilizations of the world that their attack range advantage has disappeared! !

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