
In the command-in-chief room, Xi Sen, who confirmed the latest situation, vented the bad emotions in his heart in the simplest way.

He is in charge of the battlefield on that side.

Mechanical civilization, a fortress-level anti-matter energy cannon, can be said to be a direct reliance on hard power, and it has nothing to do with command and tactics.

However, the loss of this wave of the main firepower still smashed his forehead after all.

The responsibility that should be borne is still to be borne.

In the command-in-chief room, including Xi Sen's lieutenant, everyone is obviously accustomed to their commander, who is bluffing and cursing in the process of commanding operations.

Xi Sen is the kind of person who can vent his emotions, and in the process of venting his emotions, he will quickly adjust his state.

In other words, this is actually a means for him to ‘reset’ his state.

People who are not familiar with him may feel that Xi Sen is not stable enough.

And people who are familiar with him sometimes wonder, so frizzy? How did Xi Sen sit in this position?

But the facts have proved that Xi Sen, this guy can always curse and arrange the enemy clearly!

The bluffing and cursing are just the appearance of this guy, and this guy is actually careful in his heart.

No, while cursing, he has already completed the redeployment and deployment of troops under his command.

And his adjutant, and the other soldiers in the command room, have long been accustomed to working in Xi Sen's cursing voice.

Even after getting used to it, it is wonderful to have so much peace of mind?

It will make them produce a kind of ‘Well, the sir still has the strength to swear, indicating that the problem is not big. 'a feeling of.

The original offensive plan that revolved around the main fireship's range advantage could undoubtedly be crumpled up and thrown into the trash can.

The fortress-class anti-matter energy cannon deployed on the second line of defense on the opposite side must be well managed, otherwise, according to the firepower and attack range, it would be very fatal for their magical fleet of civilizations of the world.

In the Faith Network, a group of frontline generals headed by Luo Ji quickly confirmed their response plans after brief discussions.

At this point, under the premise that they need to defeat the second line of defense of the opponent's mechanical civilization in the shortest time, they have nothing to hide, and they directly raise their cards!

Upon receiving the order, a group of soldiers quickly got busy in a certain base behind...

"Your Majesty ordered confirmation, and the verification is correct!"

"Confirm the position of the target interstellar coordinates."

"The location of the target interstellar coordinates is confirmed!"

"Calculate the attack range."

"Go forward 0.2 light-years and enter the maximum attack range."

"Lock the interstellar coordinate position, start moving forward, calibrate the attack angle, notify the whole army, and clear the attack trajectory!"

Orders were issued quickly, and a giant cannon slowly appeared in the void.

Immediately afterwards, with the spreading of a large number of magical techniques and strengthened arrays, the giant cannon fired. The moment the specially-made cannonball came out of the chamber, it crushed the entire surrounding void on the spot, and then shredded the space all the way. , Blast towards the second line of defense of mechanical civilization!

Needless to say, this is the magical civilization annihilating star weapon, the meteorite gun, successfully developed after they obtained the materials from the civilization of the world! Diminish

Of course, it is not the original version. After the successful research and development, Ye Xuan and Jeret have improved the Meteor Cannon to a certain extent. Sacrifice like lolxsw.com sacrifice like

However, this improvement is not to increase the power of the meteor cannon, but to reduce the cost of use and manufacturing.

After all, this meteor cannon is already a star-killing weapon, and it is difficult for your power to rise any more.

Today, although the core materials of this meteor cannon have not changed, Ye Xuan and others have found some way to replace the consumption of some ultra-rare materials with other materials and technologies.

But even so, the meteor cannon they have built at this stage is very limited. According to Luo Ji's plan, this meteor cannon is best used to attack enemy planets.

Because after blasting the planet, the meteor cannon itself can produce a powerful energy reaction with the nucleus, eventually forming a black hole, causing more powerful and extensive damage.

But if it is used to attack the base line of defense, there is no way to achieve this effect.

The movement here is really too big.

In addition, before firing the gun, in order to clear the attack trajectory, the army of civilizations of the world, which was pressed outside the second line of mechanical civilization, had to cooperate with them to make a large-scale mobilization.

This resulted in the Meteor Cannon being forced to become a ‘righteous’ weapon, which was difficult to use secretly.

However, as the commander-in-chief of the army, Zhou Yi and Dominic Adolf still did a good job.

In this wave, they directly commanded the army, freeing up seven attack trajectories, distributed throughout the battlefield, in order to interfere with the judgment of the opposing mechanical civilization.

But to be honest, the effect is actually very limited...

"For spatial tracking, UU reading www.uukanshu.com locks the location of spatial fluctuations."

"Space volatility is locked."

"Confirm the response plan and choose the highest priority plan by default."

"The plan is being implemented..."

In the command-in-chief of the second line of defense of mechanical civilization, a group of devices quickly launched an emergency response under the control of the intelligent system and the main brain of the base.

Where this meteorite gun passed, the space was shattered all the way, according to the means of mechanical civilization, following the vines, tracking the fluctuations in the space, and finding the source of the attack, it was really not a difficult task.

Not to mention such a big movement, within a certain range, even if a space crack is opened, the space detection equipment on the mechanical civilization side can detect it. This is also the powerful aspect of the scientific and technological power of the mechanical civilization.

Once this direction was confirmed, under the screening of the main brain of the fortress, five of the attack trajectories could be eliminated in an instant. The directions were unified, and the most likely attack trajectories were left with only two at once.

This makes the mechanical civilization side, the area that needs to be focused on defense is greatly reduced, and it is completely concentrated in the area in front of you.

Carrying a shattered void along the way, it was crushed by the new type of meteorite cannon after their Ten Thousand Worlds civilization, and it soon entered the detection range of the mechanical civilization.

All civilizations already possessed large-scale magical pilots, and they were even able to form a large army. It would be no surprise for Caesar Trunk to take out a weapon like the Meteorite Cannon. Mi He Mi

Under the calculations of his celestial computer, this possibility has always been there, neither low nor high.

At best, this scene now completely proves this possibility...

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