The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3900: , Counterattack (2)

This choice of Caesar Trunk gave Zhong Mo a headache.

After calculating the battle situation and the pros and cons, if this group of steel knots decides to continue pursuing, then it is really going to chase to the end.

But regardless of whether the opponent withdrew or not, Zhong Mo couldn't let the opponent continue to pursue it anyway.

He must quickly regain the dominance from the mechanical civilization!

Continue to be pursued by the opponent. Over time, the loss of troops continued to increase. Sooner or later, their undead army would be beaten to lose the power to resist.

With this thought, in the army, the wailing horn of the undead blew...

In a short time, the army was headed by the Yaqi Orochi, facing the chasing army of mechanical civilization, the army of undead who had been chased and killed resolutely launched a counterattack!

Among Zhong Mo's undead army, there are actually many monster-level units.

But to say the most resistant, it is undoubtedly the eight-qi big snake that he transformed into an undead creature.

Among the units at the same level, the defensive power of the Baqi Orochi can only be said to be above average, but the 70% attribute resistance has brought a qualitative change to the Oki Orochi! Let its defensive ability be directly elevated to a new level.

Since the Great Snake was transformed into an undead creature, Zhong Mo will inevitably let the Great Snake take the lead whenever he needs to use strategic units in a battle, and this one is naturally no exception.

The counterattack of the undead army is not unexpected.

However, the main army of mechanical civilization in the pursuit was not in a hurry to let an entire army spread out to meet the attack.

This is mainly to prevent the undead army from making a false shot, showing the momentum of counterattack, inducing them to spread out the attack formation, and in the process, they suddenly evacuated and flung off the pursuit.

This is also a routine for the time being. Mechanical civilization has been developed for so many years, and it is not unheard of.

And the best way to deal with it, to put it plainly, is to act in batches.

Let some troops maintain the state of chasing and be ready to continue chasing at any time, while the other part of the troops will spread out the firepower formation to meet.

The advantage of this response method is that it can attack and retreat, and it won't be easily tricked by the opponent.

汜 汜汜. But the shortcomings are also relatively obvious. As the chasing side, the chased side, against their attack, initiates a counterattack in this short period of time, is actually their excellent output time.

Because the opponent has a lot of force, they basically have to rush up with their firepower.

Under this circumstance, as long as the firepower is strong enough and the luck is better, it is not always certain that you will be able to completely defeat the opposite counterattack in one wave.

But now, it's definitely out of play.

The undead army's counterattack momentum was very fierce, and Zhong Mo directly used heavy troops when he came up.

In the void battlefield, the Lich tribe with the strongest and most powerful forces, under the command of the Lich King Sorenk, pushed forward frantically.

During this period, as a strategic-level special assassin unit, it was transformed into a void burrower of undead creatures. In this situation, it is still easy to use.

A large number of void burrowers directly followed the space cracks and directly attacked the position of the mechanical civilization.

Spatial fluctuations exposed their existence, allowing the main force of mechanical civilization to be prepared for their attacks in advance.

But Zhong Mo and the others didn't expect the Void Borrower to attack successfully from the beginning.

The reason why the Void Burrower is easy to use is because they have a powerful space shuttle capability. Compared with other arms, they can threaten the enemy's rear position more quickly and complete the face.

Under this premise, the strength of the body is also high, and the overall quality is quite good. After cutting into the enemy line, it will not fall into a box and die instantly. It can effectively help the undead army that has launched a counterattack, and disrupt the machinery to a certain extent. Civilized rear formation and attract firepower.

After the Void Burrower cut in, the Void Centipede immediately followed, further disrupting the back-row formation of mechanical civilization!

At this moment, Caesar Trunk, whose first priority is to destroy the army of the undead, has no time to take care of Luo Ji's army of civilizations, and directly put all the capabilities of the mastermind of civilization on this side of the battlefield.

With the help of their large database of mechanical civilization and the high-speed calculations of celestial computers, they continuously deduced the battle situation and issued orders.

With Caesar Trunk in control of the overall situation, the main force of their mechanical civilization cannot be truly messed up.

An entire rear formation is chaotic and orderly. When mobilizing troops, they will siege the Void Burrowers and Void Centipedes as quickly as possible. While restraining the opponent's actions, they are also commanding the front troops to spread out the fire formation. , Enter the high-efficiency firing mode, and bring a blow to the undead army who launched the counterattack.

Energy attacks with attribute traits have limited effect on Yaqi Orochi, and they will be absorbed by the opponent to counterattack.

The main force of mechanical civilization who knows this information, although in the process of firing, has deliberately avoided the Yaqi Orochi.

But even so, the two armies exchanged fire, and under the premise that the other side did not deliberately evade, so many energy attacks, it is impossible to not hit the Yaqi Orochi at all.

Even to speak of it, this Yaqi Orochi is quite cheap.

Sometimes, if you don't fight it, it just moves forward and takes the initiative to attack you.

After several rounds of attacks, the Yaqi Orochi, which had absorbed enough energy, took a big mouth in the blood basin and directly exploded and breathed out, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com shot over!

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. After the first blow, the Yachi Orochi who had taken a break for a while began to move again. Basically, while maintaining the momentum of propulsion, where the firepower was intensive, it drilled wherever it was. The more energy it absorbed, the stronger its counterattack would be.

The same was true this time. The Yaqi Orochi, which got into the area with the most intense firepower and absorbed a wave of energy, was about to open its mouth and launch a breath attack.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the head of the Yaqi Orochi who was about to breathe was suddenly hit continuously!

It was good this time, a whole snake head was thrown in the void directly, and the fine fragments of snake scales were scattered in all directions, and the rotting flesh was also opened in large areas, revealing the pale skull below.

During this process, the breath attack that had already reached the mouth, naturally followed the snake head that was thrown up, crooked to the edge, and even almost accidentally injured the nearby own troops.

On the side of the undead army advancing from the front, because of the uncontrollable soil element of the Ochi Orochi, the scene was really chaotic for a while.

On the mechanical civilization side, obviously there is no intention to stop the attack.

Mi He Mi. They can say that they have been preparing for this offensive against the Yaqi Orochi for a long time. Now they have finally made the main force of the mechanical civilization catch the opportunity, so they can't fight to death? !

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