The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3901: , Counterattack (3)

Under the calculation of the mastermind of civilization, the offensive on the side of the mechanical civilization against the Yachi Orochi maintains the best attack frequency to ensure that their offensive can cause enough damage to the Yachi Orochi while also being able to do so. Form a continuous repressive force.

And this targeted attack from mechanical civilization is undoubtedly much heavier than Yaqi Orochi expected.

Although it would not make the Yaqi Orochi completely lose the power of resistance in a short time, and the undead creatures did not have any pain, but the suppressing effect was quite obvious.

In just a few rounds of attacks at the same time, the head of the snake that Yaqi Orochi had been taken care of was already exposed to the void, and even the surface of the skull was faintly visible with fine cracks!

This situation surprised the undead army, and Zhong Mo quickly ordered someone to confirm the situation.

Soon afterwards, it was discovered that what was launched from the firepower position of the mechanical civilization army and caused continuous heavy blows to the head of the Yaqi Orochi was not any energy attack, but a pile of metal pestles.

In this wave, the mechanical civilization aimed at the situation of the Yaqi Orochi, and specially produced and developed a weapon called the ‘heavy material cannon’.

The easiest way to deal with the characteristic that the Yaqi Orochi can absorb energy attacks and give counterattack is to put it bluntly without using energy attacks to hit it.

So the "Heavy Material Cannon" was born!

The principle of this ‘heavy material cannon’ is actually not complicated, and it is very similar to the space-based weapons in the golden civilization.

The three words'heavy matter' in the'heavy matter gun' refer to high-strength, high-density matter.

And they used the highest-strength alloy known within their mechanical civilization.

The artillery shell itself, apart from alloy smelting and refining technology, does not have any technical content.

Therefore, the focus of this'heavy material cannon' is actually on the launcher.

Only when the propulsion force of the launcher is strong enough, these high-density alloys can form amazing destructive power during the propulsion process.

In terms of destructive power alone, compared with their mechanical civilization fortress-class antimatter energy cannon, it is still slightly inferior.

However, the victory is that it can not be affected by the resistance of the Yaqi Orochi, and there is no need to worry about energy being absorbed. Sacrifice like sacrifice like

After all, this ‘heavy material cannon’ is, strictly speaking, a serious physical attack. This is a physical overthrow and is not part of the magic side control.汜减bX*wX*.C o汜

The meaning of the main force of mechanical civilization is obvious, that is, to blow the eight heads of the eight snake heads one by one!

At that time, even if the Yaqi Orochi relies on the characteristics of undead creatures, what will happen if it survives? As long as it can't launch a breath attack, the Yaqi Orochi is almost abolished, and how many threats are left?

But Yaqi Orochi is not stupid, and it is impossible to stay in place and be beaten stupidly.

In fact, long after it was attacked in the first round, its huge body had already instinctively danced and made evasive movements.

It’s just that hiding is not going well...

With the support of huge intelligence data and supplemented by the super calculation ability of the celestial computer, Caesar Trunk has already simulated the action mode of the Yachi Orochi and calculated all its response policies and avoidance routes. .

With this as a prerequisite, at this time all the operating systems of the'heavy material guns' of their main mechanical civilization fleet are connected to his celestial computer.

To put it simply, it is all controlled by Caesar Trunk himself, and combined with the calculation results of the celestial computer, it shows an attack of the level of ‘foresight’!

No matter how it hides, the ‘heavy material cannon’ of the mechanical civilization can always come first.

It cannot be said that all the attacks of the ‘Heavy Material Cannon’ have all hits, but it is basically able to ensure a hit rate of about 70%.

But to be honest, it was enough, the attack that almost left it nowhere to hide, it felt like it was about to beat the suspicion of Yaqi Orochi.

Except for the one time before his death, Zhong Mo's Pluto dragon stepped under his feet, Yaqi Orochi really hasn't been so suffocated!

Although he could not feel the pain, the feeling of humiliation made Yachi Orochi's emotions become more and more irritable.

"Your Majesty, if this continues, Yaqi Orochi may run out of control."


Hearing the words of the Lich King Sorenk, Zhong Mo's mental power suddenly spread out.

At that moment, the Yaqi Orochi, who was about to run out of control, felt the presence of Zhong Mo, suddenly stunned in his heart, and immediately converged a little.

Among the undead army, the Yachi Orochi relies on its superb strength and has always been doing whatever it wants. Even the three kings under Zhong Mo's command, it doesn't take it very seriously, it's completely a posture of not accepting it. .

But he was the only one who was extremely taboo against Zhong Mo.

At the time of the war, Zhong Mo was stronger and defeated it head-on, which was naturally one of the reasons.

But the more important reason was that after the Yaqi Orochi was killed in battle, Zhong Mo personally used the undead spell to transform it into an undead creature.

In this transformation process, Zhong Mo and Yaqi Orochi, UU Reading naturally established a master-servant relationship.

Zhong Mo is the master and Baqi Osnake is just a servant.

This level of master-servant relationship makes it impossible to resist Zhong Mo at all.

As long as Zhong thinks, he can torture and ravage the soul of the Baqi Orochi anytime and anywhere, making it painful, and at the same time easily letting it go away.

So even if it is no longer willing, it can only obediently obey orders.

When it comes to mechanical civilization, apart from his Styx civilization, which is somewhat incompatible with mechanical civilization, Zhong Mo himself is actually very restricted.

For example, his Pluto dragon form, the breath of the Pluto dragon, although there is substantial damage, but the strongest point is that it can directly attack the enemy's soul.

But there is a soul to the iron knots of the mechanical race? They only have data, and no matter how strong a soul attack is, there is no way to attack a bunch of data. This makes Zhong Mo Pluto's advantage unable to be used at all, and the combat power is greatly reduced. Mi He Mi

In this way, in this battle against mechanical civilization, instead of strenuously controlling the Pluto dragon, he might as well focus on commanding the army under his command, and by the way, he can also command the Yaqi Orochi.

Caesar Trunk used the celestial computer to calculate the action pattern of the Yachi Orochi.

Once Zhong Mo intervened in the command, the actions of Yaqi Orochi would no longer be able to follow his own consciousness. This also caused a new round of'heavy material artillery' attack, which resulted in a prediction error and large-scale emptying.

Seizing the opportunity, Zhong Mo began to command the outbreak speed of the Baqi Orochi, and with them the undead army of the Styx civilization, he narrowed the distance with the main force of the mechanical civilization in one breath! Almost to complete the sudden face!

The lord of ten thousand worlds who like civilization, please collect it: () The lord of ten thousand worlds of civilization has the fastest update speed.

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