The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3905: , Advance and retreat 2 hard

"Lord of Civilization (!

For the battle with the army of civilizations of the world, Caesar Trunk undoubtedly also used celestial computers to calculate.

Compared with the Styx civilization, from the current stage, the battle between his mechanical civilization and the ten thousand world civilization, after experiencing the previous battle, their chance of winning the mechanical civilization has increased to 7%. Eleven nine three!

The second line of defense was blasted by the Meteor Cannon, and the army under his command also suffered heavy losses. After a large-scale retreat, the odds of winning did not fall but rose?

This is not a bug in Caesar Trunk's celestial computer.

One of the most critical points is that after this battle, the civilization of Ten Thousand Realms, Bai Ze, Wang Kai, and Rayong, the three martial **** realm powerhouses, will all fall into a weakened state due to the negative effects of the incarnation of the martial god, and there will be no way to break out. Out of the ultimate combat power of the Martial God Realm!

And what about their mechanical civilization?

The three X-rank fighters, General Tronia, Manlinda, and Yale, were indeed completely wiped out during the previous battle with the three Martial God Realm powerhouses.

But their mechanical civilization, with a backup consciousness and a backup body, will soon be resurrected.

Even the X-rank fighters Balloch and Kulin, who died together with Skeleton King Wu Chuang before, have also been resurrected at this stage.

In other words, in the next battle, there will be five X-rank fighters on their side!

The more the mechanical clan, the stronger the number. The increase in these two X-level fighters can bring them more combat power than three plus two equals five.

On the other hand, on the side of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, when the three Martial God Realm powerhouses can no longer show their top combat power in a short period of time, how much top combat power can be used?

The golden dragon Scarlett is one. According to the calculations of the Caesar Trunk Celestial Computer, that golden dragon is more threatening than any of the three great war gods: Bai Ze, Wang Kai and Luo Yong.

However, the opponent has not shown up until now, and his whereabouts are a mystery.

Under this premise, Caesar Trunk’s celestial computer calculated for them a winning rate of only over 70%. This is actually a conservative consideration of the endless emergence of various methods in the civilization of Luo Ji’s Ten Thousand Worlds. Estimated.

Otherwise, the odds of winning are definitely higher.

Luo Ji certainly took into consideration the fact that the three of Bai Ze fell into a weakened state and the combat power that they could show next was limited.

But there is no way. At that time, in the face of the X-level fighters of the machine clan who had turned on the annihilation mode, if the Bai Ze trio carelessly underestimated the enemy and did not use the martial arts state to fight against each other, then in the end, I was afraid that they would not have to die in those X-levels. Soldiers' hands.

This is not alarmist. In theory, the X-class fighters of mechanical civilization are also among the top combat power.

Even, on the premise of collecting enough intelligence and launching joint cooperation, these X-level fighters can instantly become the most threatening existence among all top combat forces.

At that time, the three martial gods of their Ten Thousand Realms Civilization went directly back to the reincarnation pool, and the meteor cannon was detonated in advance and intercepted by the opposite side.

Then the offensive of their Ten Thousand Realms Civilization is tantamount to a misfire.

If this wave was not played well at that time, then the opponent would gradually enter a virtuous circle by relying on the second line of defense and taking advantage of the home court. The dominance would not fall into the hands of Luo Ji’s army of civilizations. This battle Naturally, it will not be so easy to fight.

In the current situation, Luo Ji was paying the price and blasted the opposing second line of defense.

Next, wait for the three of Bai Ze to get out of their weakened state and regain their combat power before launching an offensive. This move seems safe, but in fact it is dangerous.

A mechanical civilization with sufficient energy is too capable of blasting troops.

Luo Ji wanted to wait for the three of Bai Ze to get out of their weak state and launch an offensive again. At this stage, he must slow down the offensive and gather his forces.

And by doing so, isn't it equivalent to giving mechanical civilization a chance to accumulate forces and regroup?

But if they choose to continue the offensive, no three Martial God Realm powerhouses can provide top-level combat power, which will make the offensive risk of their Ten Thousand Realm Civilization Army rise straight.

Not to mention, at this stage, the opponent's main force is still in a frantic battle with Zhong Mo's Stygian civilization. There is no room for him to relax in this battle.

Suddenly, this situation really made Luo Ji a little dilemma.

"Or, let's turn the spearhead and lead the army to support the undead army of the Styx civilization?"

In the brain meeting of the Belief Network, Luo Ji put forward his own ideas.

After that, I heard Guo Jia speak...

"Your Majesty, Weichen feels that this is not appropriate."

As the Chief of Staff of the Rear Staff Headquarters, Guo Jia is now mainly in charge of the rear. While ensuring the stability of the rear, he is also ready to cooperate and support the frontline battle situation.

When Luo Ji's faith network is present at important front-line meetings, Guo Jia will naturally not be absent.

In the early stage of the conference, Guo Jia, who was not particularly familiar with the frontline battle situation, naturally focused on "listening."

After waiting for the generals on the front line to discuss most of the situation, Guo Jia is also familiar with the battle on the front line.

This was the first time he spoke after listening to Luo Ji's thoughts.

"Guo Jia, tell me what you think."


After answering, Guo Jia, who had just finished sorting out his thoughts, started speaking without any haste.

"Your Majesty, if our army needs to turn the spearhead to support the undead army of the Styx civilization, then we must abandon the second line of defense of the mechanical civilization that has just been captured."

"After all, in this position at the moment, the remaining troops that cannot be garrisoned are basically waiting to die, and there is a high possibility that they will be swallowed by the garrison of mechanical civilization.

Having said that, Guo Jia relaxed a little.

"Furthermore, the undead army of the Styx civilization is facing the main force of the mechanical civilization at this time, and the scale is much larger than the garrison army we have faced before."

"Although the undead army is launching a counterattack, from the intelligence point of view, the counterattack momentum is limited, and the main force of the mechanical civilization side has shown strong suppression."

"Under this situation, if our army intervenes without authorization, suppose the main army of mechanical civilization suddenly changes its attack target, and UU reading will attack our army instead. According to the current state of the undead army, I am afraid it is very It is difficult to contain the main force of mechanical civilization, and our army will surely pay a heavy price."

"In addition, during this process, the rear garrison of mechanical civilization is also highly likely to take the initiative to press forward. The more troops the mechanical civilization has, the more combat power will double, and the rate of increase. This advantage far surpasses other civilizations."

"Our army of ten thousand civilizations and the undead army of Styx civilization are united. The two sides lack tacit understanding and may not be able to cooperate. However, the army of mechanical civilization definitely cooperates, and the degree of tacit understanding will surpass what is known. Any army along the way."

"Therefore, Weichen believes that turning around to support the undead army is not a good strategy!"

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