The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3906: , Advance and retreat 2 difficult (2)

"Lord of Civilization (!

Of course, Guo Jia also knows that continuing to attack or doing nothing is not a good idea.

He knew the efficiency of the resurrection of the mechanical civilization.

On their side, Bai Ze, Wang Kai, and Luo Yong, the three martial arts realm powerhouses, are now in a weak state with the release of the state of the martial god, he also knows.

The current situation is really a dilemma for their army of civilizations.

When you meet a really difficult opponent, you will find that the choice before your eyes is basically not a good choice.

In fact, this is the norm.

Only in the case of abuse of food, or when one's own strength is clearly dominant, is the time to take advantage of the largest and most thorough time.

And when you can only make a choice from ‘bad’ and ‘worse’, then everyone can only choose the relatively better ‘bad’.

For today's army of civilizations, continuing to attack is currently the best option.

However, in the offensive process, things should be careful, you still have to be careful.

Needless to say, the X-rank fighters on the mechanical civilization side.

At this juncture, the most headache for everyone is the black hole attack that has been used once before by mechanical civilization, and once caused the undead army to lose a lot of money!

"Previously, when mechanical civilization used black hole attacks to severely damage the undead army, logically speaking, it could also use black hole attacks against us at the same time. In this way, mechanical civilization can complete the Jedi turnaround in an instant, and set off a counterattack momentum in one breath.

"But the other party didn't do that. That can only mean that the mechanical civilization only had a black hole attack at that time, but we still have to be careful!"

Speaking of this, Guo Jia has a solemn expression on his face.

"Nothing before, doesn't mean there is no now either."

"That's right, but the problem is that the black hole can't be beaten, nor can it be guarded, how should we beware?"

In the brain meeting, Zhou Yi, who asked this, his face was full of headaches.

Regarding the issue of black holes, other frontline officers have of course thought of it, but they just didn't think of how to solve it.

In the face of this problem, Guo Jia also has a headache.

The most powerful thing about the black hole of mechanical civilization is that it basically has no solution.

But Guo Jia's thinking is still a little bit.

"The best way to deal with it right now is to start from the formation. When the black hole was first born, it was very small and its scope was extremely limited."

"Although the mechanical civilization side can actively provide energy for the black hole by means of self-detonation, so that the black hole can skyrocket in a short period of time, and greatly increase the black hole's reach, but as long as the effective formation of troops and evacuation of the formation can be achieved Our losses are minimized."

"Under the premise that there is not enough energy and matter for it to absorb on a large scale, the black hole cannot be maintained for a long time and will disappear very quickly. As long as we can successfully avoid the first wave of erosion of the black hole, the following things will actually be easy to handle. ."

"In the platoon, Staff Du is the number one in the army, and Staff Lao Du has to worry about it."

While speaking, Guo Jia turned his attention to Du Yuanzhi, who also participated in the meeting.

In these remarks, Guo Jia's evaluation of Du Yuanzhi is not low.

In fact, if Du Yuanzhi only recognizes the second in this platoon of troops in the Ten Thousand World Civilization Army, basically no one dares to recognize the first.

It's just that, under normal circumstances, no one will tell this matter.

After all, there are so many people in this staff, and once these words are said, it is a bit offensive.

According to Guo Jia's position in the army, he is naturally not afraid of offending anyone, but he will not be idle and find himself uncomfortable.

The reason why I did this now, to put it bluntly, is to inspire Du Yuanzhi.

Because he also knows that this job is not easy to do!

Effective formation of troops? Evacuation formation? Reduce losses?

This is very relaxed, but how do you put your formation? At that time, how should we mobilize? How to do it? You can do it and let me see?

The matter here is complicated.

No, in the face of the praise and encouragement of Guo Jia, the chief of the general staff, Du Yuanzhi's face basically did not see much joy, and some were just full of headaches and solemnity.

But in the end, he could only bite the bullet, smile bitterly and let the horrible work go on.

Obviously Du Yuanzhi also knew that apart from him, no one else could do this.

Fortunately, Guo Jia did not act as a shopkeeper, and soon said that he would think about this formation.

After confirming the general policy, what you should pay attention to now is...

"Judging from the previous use of black holes by mechanical civilization, that black hole should not be launched directly from a long distance. It can only be triggered by a mechanical warrior, or some other unit, after rushing into the target location with it."

"This is very important. If it is not for mechanical civilization to deliberately use false information to disrupt our analysis, then our defensive focus can be placed on units that are likely to transport black holes. Maybe it can be grabbed. When the black hole is triggered, this action of the other party can be contained in time."

The generals who heard this nodded.

Indeed, if the black hole can be killed directly in the cradle before it is triggered, then things will be simple.

And even if they can't reach this point, if they can lock in a general target range, it will be more convenient for them to carry out operations in actual combat, and it will also be convenient for Du Yuanzhi to lock the target faster when the time comes.

"The most likely to transport the black hole is undoubtedly the X-level fighters of the mechanical clan. They have a strong combat power. On the battlefield, they can threaten them with only a handful of combat power, which makes them more stable to send the black hole to the target location , And triggered smoothly."

"But X-level fighters are only a minority after all. Is it possible that the opposite party intentionally hides black hole weapons on lower-level fighters? Or starships?"

Facing Guo Jia's speculation, Dominique Adolf put forward an idea.

At this time, before Guo Jia could speak, Zhou Yi shook his head.

"I don't think it is possible. The Mecha Race is a race that speaks by data. According to their behavior patterns, they should default to placing the device on the unit with the highest success rate, but also the most stable and not prone to accidents."

"For low-level units, on this battlefield, there is a risk of being destroyed at any time, and it is not safe. As for the starship, the target is too large and the movement is not flexible enough. If you carry a black hole device, you can transport the unit halfway. Was destroyed, UU reading, then their plan was ruined?"

"The black hole device should be very precious to the machine race. I don't think they will take this risk according to the behavior pattern of the machine race."

Among the generals in this room, the one who has the most experience in combating mechanical civilization is Zhouyi.

Coupled with the fact that his own strength and qualifications were there, Zhou Yi immediately got the approval of most generals when he spoke.

In fact, even Guo Jia's ideas are basically the same as those of Zhouyi.

As a civilization that speaks by data, how can mechanical civilization behave like a ‘gambling’?

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