The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3910: , Straighten up his face, spray him!

Latest website: Here, among the five X-class fighters, Yale and Balloch are mechanical fighters who focus on close combat and take speed as the advantage.

The generals of Tronia and Manlinda belong to a more comprehensive all-around type, while Kurin focuses on the rear firepower, but does not have a defensive defensive type.

The three guard-type X-class fighters are now chasing and killing the undead army of the Styx civilization, not on their side.

As a result, the x-level configuration on their side is slightly incomplete.

Under this premise, the five X-level fighters on the scene, the combat modules currently installed are all combat modules that are most suitable for them. Changing the type will definitely make their own combat power play and be affected to a certain extent.

At the same time, it takes time to change the combat mod.

This whole process can't be done in a few hours or days.

Of course, Caesar Trunk also knows the problem of incomplete configuration, but he still configures it like this.

Naturally, there is sufficient evidence there.

Yale and Balloch, as melee speed type X-class fighters, basically, as long as they don't lose the wind in speed, they won't lose out against any opponent.

As the generals of Tronia and Manlinda are all-rounders, they can deal with any situation, and they are definitely suitable for dealing with the civilization of the world who don't know what hole cards are still hidden.

On this premise, plus a Kulin focused on the rear firepower.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this combination.

However, before that, Caesar Trunk made a mistake in his judgment on the top combat power of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization.

The result proved that the combat power displayed by the top combat power of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization was even more amazing than the celestial computer calculus before the war.

General Tronia, Manlinda, and Kulin were directly destroyed by the opponent, and the second line of defense also fell along with it, forcing his mechanical civilization garrison to retreat.

In fact, after that battle, Caesar Trunk had already adjusted the configuration here.

The three guard-type X-class fighters sent to hunt down the undead army could not be transferred back, and at the same time it was too late to be transferred back.

The only way at present is to pick one out of the five existing X-level fighters to'change their careers'.

In the most intuitive comparison of data, changing the combat module and participating in the battle as a guarded X-level fighter will be the least affected by the combat power, that is, Admiral Tronia.

After the battle on the second line of defense, the main brain of the army has already begun to adjust the existing spare consciousness and body of Admiral Tronia, and is equipping him with a guard-type body and equipment at the fastest speed. , And adjust the most suitable combat module for him.

It’s just that I haven’t adjusted it yet...

Before that, in order to make up for the lack of defensive power, the easiest way is to deploy a few more targeted enhanced shields for X-level fighters who still have a deployment position.

So far, the effect is actually okay.

Nidhogg, the bear boy, wanted to breathe chaotic dragon breath. It was too obvious. In addition, he was forcibly interrupted by a group of X-level fighters who threatened him with antimatter energy cannons before. Now he wants to fire again, four An x-level fighter has already taken countermeasures.

At that moment, between Niederhogg and the four X-rank fighters, eight reinforced shields specially used to attack dragon's breath quickly spread out.

Although, compared with Ysera, who can play with a bit of dragon's breath and bring various operations, this dragon's breath attack is not Nidhogg's strong point. Its only operation is to'direct face, spray him. Damn it! ’

But no one can deny that, from the perspective of its lethality alone, Niederhogg's Chaos Dragon Breath, as a lethal skill, can still steadily rank into the first echelon.

Even the x-class fighters of mechanical civilization must be treated with caution.

According to their calculations on the strength of Niederhogg's chaos dragon's breath and the ability to continue attacks in the previous few battles, eight targeted strengthening shields are enough to perfectly block the chaotic breath attack.

The premise is that the four black ball lightnings, don't smash them at them...

But obviously, that is impossible.

Although Nidhog is a bear kid, he is also his own bear kid after all. In the face of Yale's constant killings, Glimpse has naturally been paying attention to the situation here.

Then, seeing the timing, the wings flapped, and four black ball lightnings flew out one after another.

The glimpse is obviously very clear, his own mutant dark thunder has excellent destructive power against the enemy's defense methods.

At the same time, compared to the fight, Nidhogg, who is mainly reckless and rarely uses his brain, is much smarter in his fighting methods and various methods.

Under this premise, the four rounds of ball lightning did not smash in a single brain, but to ensure that the attack can catch up, while bringing in such a sequence.

Avoiding the situation of causing too much damage to a single enhanced shield, use this attack interval to explode multiple shields in turn!

Although there was such a small accident in the middle, the four shots of ball lightning in the glimpse still successfully dismantled the defenses of the three reinforced shields on the opposite side.

The lack of three-sided reinforced shields directly led to a decline in their defense strength.

At the same time, the breath of chaos dragon spit out, carrying the momentum of destruction, and with the most arrogant destructive power, all the remaining five-sided enhanced shields were crushed!

Fortunately, the four X-rank fighters reacted quickly enough and at the same time they were fast enough.

Almost at the moment when the four black ball lightnings were spotted in the glimpse, the four X-rank fighters had already scattered and avoided.

Niederhogg's breath of Chaos Dragon, after destroying the remaining five fortified shields, directly hit nothing.

Unfortunately, the attack range of the Chaos Dragon's Breath is limited. At the same time, Niederhogg's control of the Dragon's Breath is relatively simple and rude. Otherwise, he can control the Chaos Dragon's Breath to pursue it.

In the case that the eight-sided enhanced shield has been exploded one after another, if the four X-level fighters are swept away by the Chaos Dragon's Breath again, UU read www.uukanshu. It is difficult for com to resist any more tricks.

Now the four X-rank fighters fled in all directions, evading the attack of Niederhogg's Chaos Dragon's Breath.

From the current point of view, after Gian Ying and Nieder Hogg entered the field one after another, although they relied on their explosive power and a violent attack, they temporarily suppressed the five X-level fighters on the opposite side.

But this is two to five in the end. If you can’t kill the opponent in one wave, then, facing the full counterattack of five x-rank fighters, even if it’s a glimpse, you can only retreat with speed. As for killing the opponent, then It's definitely out of play.

Therefore, from the very beginning, they decided the victory or defeat between the electric flints.

Almost at the same time that the four X-rank fighters were making evasive actions, in the distant void, four air-piercing dragon's breaths, which resembled laser blasts, swept over again!

Under the cross-fire of the air-breaking dragon's breath, everything happened too fast. This time, even the x-class fighters of mechanical civilization were in disaster. General Tronia, Kulin, and Manlinda were defeated on the spot. The empty dragon's breath is completely destroyed!

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