The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3911: , Your Majesty 3 thoughts!

Latest URL: Under normal circumstances, after the wizard dragon breathes a dragon breath, it needs to rest for a period of time before launching the next dragon breath attack.

But with the unlocking of the enhanced items, today's Faerie Dragons have long been able to breathe dragon breaths continuously in emergency situations.

Of course, the cost is doubling the consumption, and the power is reduced by 20% with the blessing of the full-level item, and there is a 20% chance of damaging the dragon's breath organs.

At the same time, after the emergency breathing of the dragon's breath, there is no way to perform another emergency breathing of the dragon's breath immediately, and the interval between the next normal breathing of the dragon's breath will be extended by 30%.

Although the risk is not small and the cost is high, in a truly emergency situation, being able to breathe out two breaths of dragons in a short period of time can generate considerable explosive power.

And they haven't shown this hand before.

At that time, after launching a round of air-breaking dragon's breath attack, the mechanical side acquiesced that they had entered the cooling time. As a result, after being adjusted by this mouth, the dragon's breath, which was urgently breathed, was caught off guard.

Of the five X-rank fighters, three were broken on the spot.

At this moment, in the battlefield, the enemy X-rank fighters, for the time being, only Yale and Balloch were left. For Gian Ying and Niederhogg, it was really good to fight too much.

Glimpse itself has an advantage. Concentrating on it, relying on the mechanical clan’s ignorance of it, it is not difficult to solve Yale.

After that, he turned around to help Niederhogg, and it was even easier to kill Balloch in a two-on-one fight.

After the death of the five X-class fighters, the entire army of mechanical civilization that was still aggressive, the whole offensive momentum suddenly stagnated.

In terms of the overall combat power of the army, the garrison of mechanical civilization, which does not have any advantage, has lost the five X-class fighters who are the top combat power to support the field.

Facing the civilization of Ten Thousand Realms, they can press down at any time until they crush the top combat power of their entire army.

Caesar Trunk chose to retreat very simply, and didn't mean to be here to fight with them.

It seems that the opponent should wait for the resurrection of the five X-rank fighters who died before speaking.

I have to say that this advantage of mechanical civilization is really disgusting.

This wave of Luo Ji raised two hole cards in succession and successfully killed the opponent, but the opponent will soon be resurrected.

And I have obtained their information, and I will fight again next time, if I think about the same method again, it will definitely not be as easy as this time.

From the point of view of intelligence, they really suffered a lot from fighting like this.

Of course, in the next battle, their Ten Thousand World Civilizations also have tricks and can use them, such as Luo Ji himself.

In their ten thousand realms civilization, there are currently four martial **** realm powerhouses, and Luo Ji himself, tentatively, also occupies a position.

However, in the previous wave, he didn't do anything, not to preserve his strength, it was purely because of too much risk.

On the mechanical civilization side, the number of top combat power is dominant.

Needless to say, this advantage is very big!

The situation at that time, a bad one, was dropped by a backhand, it was them.

And Luo Ji, as the supreme ruler of ten thousand civilizations, even though he has the strength of the Martial God Realm nowadays, the x-rank fighters on the opposite side cannot be weaker than him if they are picked up individually.

Even facing the machine clan, Luo Ji’s interruption of divine skills and Holy Words cannot be used normally. Under such unfavorable circumstances, he took the risk to shoot. In case of failure, there are three long and two shortcomings, how about their civilization in Ten Thousand Worlds? Aren't they all losers?

Not to mention, all the people around at that time were there shouting, ‘think twice, your majesty! ’It.

It had nothing to do with the cards, it was simply because they had lost the battle just now, it was not suitable for Luo Ji to get involved and take the risk.

But now, fighting for a wave of explosions and winning, it will naturally be the best result.

"Let Glimpse, Nidhogg, Ysera, and the three dragon spirit druids all withdraw back to confirm the situation."

Before Bai Ze, Wang Kai, and Luo Yong, the three Martial God Realm powerhouses, got rid of their weakness and regained their combat power, they were the most important top combat power in Luo Ji's hands.

Of course, as the first echelon of the three Dragon Spirit Druids, they are among the best, but they are still a bit far from the top combat power, and their overall strength has not reached that point.

However, under the premise of relying on the dragon spirit form to use the air-breaking dragon's breath to carry out map cannon attacks, avoiding the confrontation with the opposite machine clan x-class fighters, this lack of comprehensive strength can basically be avoided. Yes, the output of firepower alone is still very secure.

The situation was confirmed soon after a group of units were withdrawn.

At that time, although Glimpse and Niederhogg rushed in front of the five X-level fighters facing each other, they were basically evaded by their attacks. Moreover, the wave of their attacks was an explosion, and they did not give them anything at all. The reason for the phone meeting on the other side, Glimpse and Niederhogg's state, is that there is no problem.

On the contrary, Ysera and the three dragon spirit druids who were in the back row and were responsible for the explosive output at that time were worse off.

Their situation is undoubtedly caused by the continuous use of the Dragon's Breath.

Ysera's situation is relatively good. The total amount of elemental power in the monster itself is not comparable to that of humans and elves.

Although the second air-breaking dragon's breath caused exponential consumption, for today's Ysera, this consumption is actually nothing.

It is more now, and it is still affected by the side effects after continuous use of the Dragon's Breath.

As for the three dragon spirit druids, Clade, Jets and Barenque, their condition is much worse.

Although they are transformed through the dragon spirit, UU reading www.ukanshu. Com has become a fairy dragon, and can even use it to use the method of the fairy dragon, but this does not mean that the elemental power in their body can be comparable to the fairy dragon.

In fact, the elemental power in their bodies is still only that point, and that's it when you count the magic core as a ‘spare energy’.

The cost of maintaining the dragon spirit transformation is far more than that of the eagle spirit transformation and bear spirit transformation. In addition, in a short period of time, two consecutive air-breaking dragon breaths have been used, and the second round is double the consumption. And you have to endure the negative effects, and only if you are in a good state can you have a ghost.

Considering that the continuous use of dragon's breath may damage the organs, Luo Ji directly sent them a bottle of elf elixir.

Count Ysera and drink it in four portions to make sure nothing goes wrong.

As for mana recovery...

Luo Ji prepared a house of magic crystals for them for the time being, but it would take a lot of time to fully recover.

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