The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3963: Mobile force

It can be clearly seen from this transfer.

Compared with the battle and army on this side, Caesar Trunk is undoubtedly paying more attention to that planetary line of defense.

Think about it, if that planetary line of defense is lost again, Zhong Mo's undead army invades his civilization hinterland in one go, then his mechanical civilization will basically be over.

In any case, on this side, the enemy’s X-level top combat power can already be determined to be two less. This is a good thing for the army of civilizations of the world that is about to confront this army of mechanical civilizations again.

After all, Luo Ji was already prepared to pay a certain price and drag the opponent's X-rank combat power.

It now appears that this price can be paid a little less.

After the army came out of the space channel, they experienced a high-intensity march for the time being, and it must take some time to adjust.

After all, the fatigue accumulated in the previous battle has not yet fully recovered at this point in time.

Now if this is eagerly immersed in chasing, forcibly kill it.

The overall state of the army is so poor, how much effect can it achieve?

Although the current situation does not have such ample time for them to relax slowly, there is still time to take a breath.

After a brief rest and recuperation, the breath eased, the mobile force that received the order to attack the main force of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization quickly dispatched.

Although Xi Sen was a good player in the pursuit, Luo Ji and Zhou Yi could not really expect Xi Sen to effectively hold down the army of mechanical civilization with a chasing force alone, allowing them to chase and kill them smoothly.

In this way, they sent mobile troops here to provide some military support for the pursuit troops on the front line. That was also an indispensable arrangement.

And in their civilization, the most representative trump card mobile unit is their mecha legion!

The whole machine federation! The mecha corps that received the order directly formed a light-wheel formation and quickly dispatched.

During the period, along with the mecha troops, there was also a golem army composed of conquering knights and flying golems!

It must be said that the Golem Legion has the advantage that it will not be affected by the factor of'physical strength.' In their ten thousand civilization army, more than 90% of the troops have already experienced a severe decline in combat effectiveness at this stage, it is simply Has been maximized.

In the current situation, the Golem Legion is undoubtedly the legion that maintains the best combat effectiveness among their armies of civilizations of the world!

Especially under the premise that there is a elven army for reference and comparison...

After all, the core tactics of the Elf Legion have always been an explosive style of play. Their combat power is all vented in one breath, and the ability to continue combat has never been good.

In a short period of time, their army of civilizations of the Ten Thousand Realms, back and forth, has fought several tough battles.

As the backbone of those tough battles, the Elf Legion had already suffered a significant drop in combat effectiveness due to consumption issues.

Otherwise, the flying dragon cavalry, the Royal Griffin Knights, the Storm Riders, the Swift Eagle Riders, and the Elven Druids, the mobility and explosive power of these troops are beyond doubt.

In this situation, it is bound to become an important combat force.

But now I can only think about it in my head.

Fortunately, at this point where the Elf Legion cannot form a mobile force to participate in the battle, the orc army with strong resilience is still very secure.

In this wave, Zhao Heng's Snake Legion, their murloc Legion of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, and the Eagle Legion are all able to provide combat power.

Among them, the Snake Legion and Murloc Legion are huge, plus the Golem Legion.

In one fell swoop, the size of the support force was also greatly increased!

After the mobile force was dispatched quickly, the main force of the civilization of the world that fell behind, naturally also quickly entered a state of full speed advancement.

For Xi Sen, the emergency presence of the mobile unit was undoubtedly a great help.

The size of the chasing troops is too small. Fighting harassment is fine, but you want to have a deterrent effect, effectively slowing down the marching speed of the mechanical civilization army, and creating a chase for your main army. The opportunity to kill, this task is inevitably a bit too heavy for a small-scale pursuit force.

Now, this problem has obviously been resolved.

The arrival of the mobile force brought an obvious impact to the mechanical civilization army here.

Especially the orc army.

In the behemoth army, a group of giant beasts headed by the hundred giant snake Shesha are leading the way, even if the overall size of the force is obviously not as good as the opposite, the soldiers of the orc army are full of courage and dare to move forward. Against the opposing army of mechanical civilization, launch a frontal charge!

The strong approach of the giant beast army made the mechanical civilization army here suddenly caught in a dilemma. U U Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

The Behemoth Legion possesses an almost-abnormal rushing ability.

Once formed into a scale, as long as they appear on the battlefield, their existence can pose a threat to any civilized army position.

Knowing this clearly, if only a small force is sent to carry out the interception mission.

Then, in all likelihood, that small-scale army will be completely overwhelmed by the behemoth legion in an instant!

Conversely, if a large-scale troop is sent to suppress the behemoth army's rushing formation with firepower, the suppression effect will definitely be there.

And it's definitely not bad. After all, the scale and firepower of the mechanical civilization army are there.

No matter how rough the skin of the giant beast unit is, it is impossible to hit the body without pain in the face of so many energy cannons.

But on the other hand, the retreat efficiency of their mechanical civilization army is bound to be significantly affected.

At the same time, follow the calculation results of the army mastermind.

Once they make this response, the chance of being overtaken by the army of the world civilization in a short period of time will directly rise by 36.82%, and the overall chance will rise to 73%. Fifty-nine.

And if they choose to continue to retreat against the attacks of the orc army and other assault troops, then the losses that their army needs to bear and the risk of defeat will begin to rise sharply.

Faced with the current situation, for the mechanical civilization army on this side, they have no good choice.

After comparing the data, directly at the fastest speed, began to mobilize large-scale troops to rush against the behemoth army that came up and launch fire interception.

At the same time, an entire army, with the highest efficiency, spread out the formation to meet and attack!

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