The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3964: , Full play

At this moment, the army of mechanical civilization on this side, following the calculation results of the main brain of the army, launching a confrontation, is also a method with no choice.

To some extent, they had previously quietly sent Balloch and Yale with mechanical tribe troops to urgently support the planetary defense line.

One of the reasons, although it is worried about the situation over there.

But on the other hand, there is no doubt that the pursuit of the civilization of Ten Thousand Worlds was predicted in advance.

After all, in this situation, a tactical arrangement like this is not unusual in itself.

According to the latest intelligence feedback from the mechanical civilization side, the arrival of Balloch and Yale, to a certain extent, stabilized the battle on the planetary line of defense.

At least for a short time, the top combat power of the undead army has already been suppressed by them.

And the mechanical tribe troops that rushed there also increased the strength of the garrison army.

This also enables the army of mechanical civilization on this side to better respond to the immediate battle.

Of course, other than that, they don’t want to deal with it and there is nothing they can do.

With the rapid deployment of the firepower formation, the firepower output of the mechanical civilization army began to rise rapidly.

After forming a certain scale of attack, even the behemoth army, facing the fire suppression of the mechanical civilization army, the pressure on the body is constantly rising.

Regarding this, the behemoth army naturally has their own way of coping.

Although it has always been said that the only core tactic of the orc army is direct recklessness, this ‘reckless’ is also a strategy.

The orc army has fought with the army of Caesar Turk's mechanical civilization. There have been many battles, big and small, before and after. There is no doubt that the combat experience of that person is extremely rich.

Now, as soon as the energy weapons of the opposing mechanical civilization army were intertwined into a dense firepower net and fired over, the Behemoth Legion immediately began to evacuate the formation and start separate operations.

The characteristics of the army of mechanical civilizations are destined that once they concentrate their firepower and attack a certain point, they will be able to show a very terrifying destructive power.

At the same time, the ultra-high attack density, coupled with the precise calculation of the mastermind, is enough for them to seal all the avoidance space of the giant beasts.

Although the behemoths are basically rough and thick-skinned, it is not a good idea to think about it in the face of mechanical civilization, an enemy with high output capabilities.

Under this premise, a large-scale evacuation formation, in order to disperse the firepower of the mechanical civilization side, thereby creating an avoidance space for oneself, has become a very important step.

It is different from the army of mechanical civilization that needs to use quantity to make its own combat power and firepower output complete a qualitative change.

The behemoth army gathers together, the group action, the destructive power is also very terrifying, but when evacuated to fight alone, their individual combat capabilities are equally powerful!

Not to mention, the orc army behind this, and even the Golem Legion and the Mecha Legion, quickly advanced and began to output firepower toward this side.

Among them, the arrival of the Golem Legion made their combat effectiveness suddenly rise to a new level.

One of the reasons is that the battle itself has not been affected by the continuous wars, and it has always been able to ensure that its combat effectiveness can be fully displayed. This is one of the reasons.

Another reason is that they are huge.

Even as the top class conquer knight in the Golem Legion, considering the loss of previous battles and subsequent supplements, there are more than 30,000 at this stage.

As the backbone of the Golem Legion in the void battlefield, the number of flying golems, not to mention, is more than 800,000!

What is this concept?

The flying golem that has been improved and upgraded by the wind chime is already an advanced class of alchemy civilization.

And there is no pain, no negative emotions, and even unlimited physical strength.

For a flying golem like this, against a civilized and heavily armed human force of the same level, a conservative estimate would be more than enough to fight forty or fifty.

In addition, there are more than 30,000 conquering knights, and together, it is comparable to the civilization of the same level, and the army of 5 million humans is not a problem.

With this as a prerequisite, there are also the orc army and the mecha legion to help out.

Even in this interstellar battlefield with tens of millions of forces moving, this is already a powerful force that cannot be ignored at all!

The flames of war spread quickly. As the commander-in-chief of the army with the strongest commanding ability on the current battlefield, Xi Sen was of course not idle, without any nonsense, so he directly took over the command of the various legions.

At this point, even the Murloc King Pompeii Rand had to obediently obey Xi Sen's transfer command.

With all of a sudden sufficient force on hand, Xi Sen's commanding ability finally had room for display at this moment. UU reading

The forces in his hands before were really too small.

As little as the mechanical civilization army moves a little, he has to quickly grease the soles of his feet and slip away.

A little more time, there is the possibility of paying a terrible price.

This made Xi Sen quite aggrieved in the previous rounds of fighting against this army of mechanical civilization.

And now, the rear reinforcements have arrived, and it is finally time for him to fight back!

As a person who has harassed the other side, Xi Sen still knows the situation of this army of mechanical civilization very well.

As for their own troops of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, although these legions are not his direct troops.

But as one of the highest-level commanders of their ten thousand world civilization, Xi Sen has the obligation to fully understand each unit of their ten thousand world civilization.

So that when necessary, the command can be mobilized at any time, and not even at this time, how strong are these units under your hand? What can I do? He doesn't even know this kind of problem.

If such a funny thing happened, then he, the commander, would have come to an end.

Facts have proved that, although Xi Sen is not too focused on some innocuous words and deeds, in these serious things, he still fully demonstrated his basic professionalism and command ability as an army commander.

This allows him to command the offensive now, which is also quite handy.

And in this process, the main force behind their Ten Thousand World Civilizations also maintained their advancing speed and chased them up.

Accompanied by the main firepower fleet and the powerful firing of the Comet Cannon, from this moment on, the battle between their army of ten thousand civilizations and this army of mechanical civilizations can be regarded as truly complete!

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