The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3969: Giants Corps

Headed by thirty-six hundred-meter-level giant soldiers, behind them, there are more than 30,000 specific types of fifty-meter-level giant units that also wear a full set of alloy armor.

These giant units can be simply understood as weakened versions of giant soldiers.

The requirements for the controller are smaller and the burden is smaller, but the relative strength and performance are much worse.

It is mainly used by alchemists who are fairly good at their own but still unable to reach the top level.

After all, not every alchemist is a top genius.

At this moment, the ‘Giant Corps’ composed of thirty-six giant soldiers is the biggest trump card that Luo Ji has prepared for the mechanical civilization.

From the moment this battlefield was formed and the second battlefield was invaded by the mechanical civilization forces, Luo Ji had already begun to prepare this trump card.

Because he believes in his heart that the ability of alchemists to decompose and reorganize objects is actually very suitable for targeting mechanical civilization.

However, the nature of the Giant Army Corps is different from that of the ordinary Corps. The ordinary Corps troops can almost go out after the soldiers are equipped with one move and training.

However, there is an extra link in the ‘study of enemy’s weapons and equipment’ in the Clan Corps.

In the final analysis, giant soldiers are the super-strengthening equipment of alchemists.

As for alchemists, the biggest advantage lies in their ability to decompose and reorganize various things.

However, there is a very important prerequisite for all this, that is, they must have a sufficient understanding of that thing!

What if the alchemists even had the structure of that thing? What are the ingredients? They don't know anything about these various issues, so they are helpless with that thing.

This matter can be simply understood as the more you master, the more flexible you can operate that thing.

Such and this, full research, has become a vital pre-war job for alchemists.

In order to achieve this goal, starting from the day when the mechanical civilization forces launched their offensive on their No. 2 battlefield, their side of the ten thousand civilizations has already collected as much loot as possible from the mechanical civilization forces for the alchemist. We conduct research.

However, it is too difficult and difficult to get a complete piece of the spoils of war like this.

Especially when they faced the mechanical civilization troops at that time, they basically had no advantage, and the opposite side blew themselves up at every turn.

This makes them in most of the time, can only get some scattered mechanical wreckage for the alchemy troops.

The technological power of mechanical civilization is inherently above them.

Many of the technologies in it are probably beyond the reach of the current civilization of the world.

Under this premise, they didn't even have a complete sample, so the difficulty of research naturally increased exponentially, while the efficiency of research continued to decline. Early progress, said tortoise speed, would probably be said to be fast.

In this state, Luo Ji certainly couldn't eat enough to support him, and sent the Giants Corps to the battlefield, which was simply unable to exert its due combat power.

Which fool would do this kind of stupid thing that not only shows no value, but also reveals intelligence?

In this way, maintaining a research efficiency that is not as good as Turtle Speed, and investing a lot of time, the results are still somewhat.

If they just want to destroy the structure of mechanical civilization weapons and equipment, they don't need to be thoroughly researched. After all, there is a gap in technological capabilities. They want to fully research and thorough, and I am afraid they will not be able to do it in a short time.

Therefore, at this point, they must make compromises.

If the alchemists thoroughly research the enemy’s weapons and equipment, they can quickly decompose the opponent’s weapons and equipment, and then reassemble them into weapons they can use, or simply change the structure and reorganize them. Detonate, and even unfold all kinds of words that they can think of.

Then, without thorough research and compromise, what they can do should be limited to decomposing a part of the structure that has been thoroughly studied, so that its performance will be affected and it will not function properly.

The gap in actual combat effectiveness between the two is still very large.

Among other things, the former already has the ability to produce and sell itself.

The latter can be regarded as a demolition brigade at best, and the demolition is not complete.

But in any case, after the battle with mechanical civilization started completely, their army of civilizations began to assemble quickly to launch an expedition across the galaxy.

During this period, Luo Ji also firmly took his giant army, and firmly believed that the giant army in his hand could play a key role in the important battle against mechanical civilization.

Who ever thought, people are not as good as heaven!

Mechanical civilization actually gave him a lot of new equipment, of course, this is not the point, the point is the appearance of the opposite X-level fighter.

Giant soldiers are very typical strategic war units, and they are not good at fighting those top combat forces.

In the original mechanical civilization, when there were only S-rank fighters, according to Luo Ji's analysis and evaluation, the giant soldiers should be able to withstand this pressure. UU reading www. uukahnshu. com

But once the intensity reaches the level of an X-level fighter, the giant soldier who is a war unit, in the case of mismatched professionalism, is found unlucky by the opposite X-level fighter, it is almost impossible.

Thirty-six giant soldiers are the core of the giant soldiers legion that cannot be beaten by thunder. If they are destroyed by all the X-rank fighters on the opposite side, rounding them up, it is almost equal to the giant soldiers legion directly giving them for nothing.

Luo Ji, of course, was not willing to let them give it to the trump card army built with so much effort, resources and time.

If you want the giant army to be dispatched and play their due value, it must be a suitable time.

One of the most critical prerequisites is that the opposing X-level fighters who can pose a huge threat to their giant army must leave the field!

The situation and timing of the battle before him already fully met Luo Ji's requirements.

However, during this process, the only thing that surprised Luo Ji was that General Tronia, who turned on the annihilation mode, was able to handle more than he expected.

Fighting against the strength of his own body and the defensive equipment, the opponent faced the concentrated fire attack of the Conquering King Colossus and Jarvan at the same time, and even stupefied the attack, and dealt with them for a long time.

In this process, Luo Ji has been guarding against the other party's self-detonation attacks.

The individual mastermind who was worried about General Tronia could not think about it for a while, and made a self-destructive judgment.

The self-detonation power of an X-rank fighter is terrifying.

Once implicated, even if it is based on the strength of the conquering king colossus, the result is really hard to say.

But at that point, Luo Ji was already mentally prepared.

The big deal is to use the Colossus of Conquering King to enter the arena for the Giants Corps!

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