The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3970: , Giants Army Corps (2)

Use the Conquer King Colossus to exchange for the giant army to enter the arena.

Of course, this was not a decision Luo Ji made on impulse.

In response to this question, Luo Ji had a good discussion with Zhou Yi and the others, and settled an account seriously.

The existence of the Conquering King Colossus indeed raised the overall combat power of the magical fleet by one level.

There is no doubt about this.

But for a unit, you can't use BUFF alone. You have to have a certain scale before you can fully display its combat power.

Since being pitted by the mechanical civilization, the magical fleet of the ten thousand civilizations has suffered heavy losses, and then retreated all the way. The battle outside the frontline planet was equally fierce, and the magical fleet was the main force at the time. The army, together with the Star Destroyer on the other side of the battlefield, shouldered an important firepower output task and stabilized the situation in time.

But as everyone knows, they didn't have any advantage in that battle.

If it wasn't for Luo Ji to cooperate with Zhong Mo's undead army to force the mechanical civilization army to retreat by using the means of encircling Wei and saving Zhao, then they would basically be cold at the time.

In that battle, the magical fleet, which had suffered heavy losses, was of course not less damaged. The size of its fleet was further hit, and it was already much worse than before.

Although judging from the situation at this stage, their magical fleet of ten thousand civilizations is still the backbone of this void battlefield.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that since the start of this battle, the core of their army of civilizations has obviously shifted to a single-soldier army whose scale can be preserved while the combat strength is still guaranteed.

As for the Magic Fleet, they have actually slowly retreated from the first echelon.

At this stage, rather than saying that the magical fleet is the main force, it is better to say that it has gradually transformed from the previous pure main force to a special status of semi-main force and semi-assisted.

His presence is now more in the back row, providing long-range fire support for the frontline troops.

It is no longer the same as before, able to independently launch a tyrannical offensive.

Under this premise, according to Luo Ji and Zhou Yi's ideas, instead of clinging to the fighting power, it is better to seize the opportunity to further strengthen the individual troops that are the core of the army at this stage and become the giant army. The entry creates opportunities.

Besides, although this wave is risky, conquering the King Colossus does not mean that it will be destroyed 100%...

At this moment, after the order was issued, with the entry of the Titan Army Corps, the thing that entangled Luo Ji the most suddenly became what General Tronia was thinking about.

In the current situation, Admiral Tronia lacks offensive capabilities, even if he has a strong enough body and strong defensive capabilities to stay on the field, facing the joint suppression of the Conquering King Colossus and Jarvan, the opponent has no chance at all. To pose a threat to the Giants Corps.

After all, his own offensive ability is not enough to pose a threat.

Moreover, the opponent has already turned on the annihilation mode, energy consumption has started to accelerate, and the exit is a matter of time.

Considering these circumstances, Luo Ji thought that Admiral Tronia decisively chose to blew himself up according to the urinary nature of the mechanical race, to see if he could take away his conquering king colossus...

As a result, just as Luo Ji was thinking this way, without warning, Admiral Tronia suddenly exploded...


This sudden self-destruction made Luo Ji let out a **** secretly in his heart.

However, he was not vague about what he should do. While he opened the holy light barrier in an instant, he conquered the huge body of the King Colossus, and retreated toward the back at the fastest speed.

At the same time, an astonishing big explosion quickly swallowed everything around it.

Thanks to the advantage of attack range, Jarvan basically survived.

But in that instant, the explosive impact that spread madly had even reached where he was, making Jarvan feel shocked.

Speaking of it, the self-detonation of this X-rank fighter was really the first time he saw that the explosive power was stronger than he had expected.

In this process, accompanied by a tingling of spirit, Luo Ji was forced to lift the blessing of the descending state of the conquering king colossus.

"His Majesty?"

Seeing Luo Ji holding his forehead with one hand and frowning, Ike, who was standing by, hurried up to confirm the situation.

In response, Luo Ji waved his hand to indicate that he was okay.

These guys of mechanical civilization really still didn't let themselves be too comfortable.

Even under the premise that he had prepared and opened the Holy Light Barrier in time for defense, the Conquering King Colossus was unable to get rid of the self-detonation attack by General Tronia, and the bombing ended in fragmented fragments.

It now appears that the reason why Admiral Tronia didn't directly blew himself up was probably a pit used to disrupt his judgment.

At this moment, the gain BUFF of the magic fleet is definitely gone.

However, this can be regarded as a situation that has long been expected.

"How is the battle on the front line now?"

Take a sip of the tea that has been prepared for a long time, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com calmed Luo Ji a little, and quickly confirmed the situation.

After receiving an order from their emperor, the captain who conquered the King quickly passed the latest battle situation to Luo Ji's eyes.

At this point in time, the Titan Army has completely entered the arena.

The mechanical civilization seemed clueless to this unit that they had never seen before and had not collected any intelligence data at the same time.

Out of precaution, they tried to send out small-scale troops to conduct probing and gather intelligence at the same time.

This can be regarded as the most common mode of action of the mechanical clan.

But as mentioned before, because Balloch and Yale brought large-scale mechanical tribe troops, they urgently supported the planetary defense line on the other side, which caused the size of the individual troops of the mechanical civilization on this side to shrink significantly. .

At the moment, just to deal with the individual troops on the side of their civilization, it seems a bit difficult to maintain a well-matched situation, and now you still want to allocate troops to test the giant army?

That is simply a dream!

As soon as the action was launched on the opposite side, the magical pilot corps with the largest military strength on the side of the civilization of the world also took action and directly carried out interception and killing.

As for some of the fish that slipped through the net, let them go. From the perspective of the overall strength of the giant army, it is also a serious trump army. How much threat can a few slipped fish pose to them?

There is no need for the thirty-six giant soldiers to take the lead. A group of alchemy soldiers in the legion control their respective alchemical armors. When they touch the mechanical warriors, they are accompanied by the palm of the armor. Unfolding quickly, in an instant, from the part that touched the palm of the alchemy soldier, the entire mechanical body of the mechanical warrior collapsed and disintegrated on the spot!

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