The more you eat, the more you eat.

In addition to swallowing other planes, there is another way to upgrade the plane.

That is to rely on the evolution of civilization, evolve a higher civilization, and condense into a higher-level civilization object.

When the number of high-level civilization objects reaches a certain level, the entire plane will also be upgraded.

And civilization objects refer not only to life, but also to dead objects.

This means that Lin Ming can completely upgrade the Cecil world by creating enough high-level equipment.

It is not easy to create a high-level object higher than the current level of the plane.

So far, except for the Sword of Destiny, Lin Ming has never seen a second weapon higher than the level of the plane.

Lin Ming was not in a hurry. He came to the extreme south this time just to try to make some fourth-order tools.

If it succeeds, everyone will be happy.

If it fails, he will accumulate experience and move on.

For Lin Ming, creation is a process of continuous trial and error and self-exploration.


The dwarves in the extreme south are very wary of Lin Ming's arrival.

It has been four thousand years since the birth of the dwarves.

In the history of the dwarves, no one has ever set foot in the extreme south, and no outsider has ever set foot in the extreme south.

Lin Ming is the first outsider to set foot in the extreme south.

The dwarves have never seen such a tall man, and they are full of curiosity about Lin Ming's identity.

"Who are you?"

The person asking the question is the current king of the fortress of the dwarves. In the past four thousand years, the dwarves have also evolved their own dynasty.

Lin Ming calmly walked to the front of the dwarf king, looking down at him, and whispered:

"A traveler."

"But you can think of me as a craftsman."


In the following days, Lin Ming quickly gained the trust of the dwarves.

At first, Lin Ming could only live outside the dwarf fortress, but as he showed enough exquisite forging skills, he was invited to the core area of ​​the dwarves-the royal workshop.

In fact, as a creator god and the creator of everything, although Lin Ming knew the principles of the operation of all things, he did not have a deep understanding of forging.

He did not need to understand it himself, because the understanding of all things would eventually become his understanding.

Lin Ming's mastery of forging basically originated from the dwarves' mastery of forging.

Therefore, in terms of forging skills, Lin Ming was not unique compared to the dwarves.

All he did was to reproduce the forging technology of the dwarves.

However, this was enough to shock the dwarves who had been pursuing the ultimate forging technology.

Moreover, Lin Ming also brought the magic knowledge of scholar Jimmy to the dwarves.

Lin Ming's move directly injected new vitality into the forging skills of the dwarves.

Before Lin Ming arrived, the dwarves had already learned to apply magic to forging skills.

But at that time, the dwarves would simply inject magic power into the weapons they forged.

They had never thought of using magic arrays to better integrate magic power into the weapons they forged.


Ten years later, in a stuffy workshop.

"It's done, it's done, Master Lin Lei has successfully integrated the magic array into the weapon!"

Cheers resounded in the workshop.

Lin Ming, who changed his name to Lin Lei, was surrounded by a group of dwarves, and his face was rarely covered with sweat.

At this time, He showed a sincere smile for the first time in a long time.

This was the first time that Lin Ming created a civilized object by himself, instead of relying on the power of the bronze box.

Lin Ming stroked the golden and stone-like staff he had just made in his hand, and smiled:

"Since there are a lot of magic circles engraved on this staff, let's call it a magic staff."

The first magic staff in Cecil World was born.

This is also the first semi-artifact in Cecil World!

It is also the [Original Staff] that has set off many magic wars in later generations.

In order to forge this semi-artifact, Lin Ming almost exhausted the accumulation of the dwarfs for thousands of years.

The remaining resources of the entire Dwarf Fortress are only enough to forge the second semi-artifact.

As the God of Creation, Lin Ming has always emphasized equal exchange and equality of all things.

Therefore, He decided to realize the wish of the dwarfs for thousands of years.

That is to build a giant ship that can sail out of the ice sea.

And this will also be the second semi-artifact forged by Lin Ming himself.

This will probably take another ten

Years of time.

Fortunately, Lin Ming has a lot of time.


In the past ten years, the fifth-generation saint Fuyao has gradually grown up.

Her original fox features gradually faded, but the pair of dragon horns on her head became more and more obvious.

Because she bathed in dragon blood and because her own demon blood was pure enough, Fuyao had a very high magic talent.

It is no exaggeration to say that she is the most talented magician Lin Ming has ever seen.

She is also the most qualified divine magician.

Although Lin Ming has never taught Fuyao any divine arts, Fuyao has learned it by herself and can perform powerful divine arts naturally.

Interestingly, Fuyao practiced divine arts without Lin Ming's knowledge.

Not only that, she often prayed to Lin Ming's real body floating outside the world without Lin Ming's knowledge.

There is probably nothing more absurd than praying to yourself without carrying yourself.

In Fuyao's view, Lin Ming is the most powerful person in the world.

The being she worshipped every day was the greatest being in the world.

In the past ten years, in addition to worshipping the being in the sky and practicing magic and divine arts, Fuyao also had to take time to take care of the dragon egg that Lin Ming got from the sea of ​​fog.

However, no matter how Fuyao took care of it, the huge dragon egg still showed no signs of hatching.

"I don't know when this stupid egg will hatch!"


During the ten years when Lin Ming forged the semi-artifact, the time of the entire Cecil world did not stand still.

The distant Black Sand Continent ushered in the second magic war.

At the same time, the Wind Continent.

The people of the Marsh gave birth to the gods belonging to the Marsh people, and the feathered people built a powerful war machine - the Sky Fortress!

The elves and goblins walked out of the Golden Country and took their steps towards a wider world.

An invisible storm was quietly brewing in the sky above the Wind Continent.

What the world does not know is that this storm is not just a storm that swept the entire Wind Continent.

It was a storm that was bound to drag the entire Cecil world into the quagmire of war!

At the same time, in order to forge the second semi-artifact, Lin Ming came to the southernmost part of the Cecil world to look for forging materials.

This is the end of the world, where the sky and the sea are connected.

Here, Lin Ming sensed a familiar yet strange breath.

"This is the breath of another world..."

The second battle of civilizations seems to be coming.

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