The end of the world has been twisting and changing, and it is growing slowly at a speed that is imperceptible to the naked eye.

Since the birth of the world, Lin Ming has been outside the world, overlooking the entire world.

At that time, in Lin Ming's eyes, the end of the world was so clear.

And now, after Lin Ming's incarnation descended on the Cecil world, the end of the world, in His eyes, presented another look.

The Cecil world is a world that evolved in a bronze box, a world where the sky is round and the earth is square.

This means that this world has boundaries and an end.

And further south of the extreme south is the end of the Cecil world in the south.

This is a place where endless fog and brilliance interweave.

The magical energy at the edge of the world surged, forming a series of gorgeous light bands, as if leading to another dimension.

In those magnificent light bands formed by the convergence of magical energy, bronze runes flashed from time to time, but they disappeared quickly.

The scene in the distance was looming, virtual and real, with overlapping light and shadow, as if reflecting the phantoms of the past and the future, full of mystery and unknown.

The sky here is infinitely stretched, presenting an indescribable magnificent color.

In the sky, the sun and the moon are clearly visible, day and night.

Here, time seems to become blurred, but it is as clear as quicksand in the palm of your hand.

Everything here is so contradictory, but so harmonious. This is the end of Cecil's world, the beginning and destination of all things.

It will also be the place where Cecil's world connects to another world.

In the last civilization war, the monster world appeared in the northernmost part of Cecil's world - the extreme north.

And this time, the civilization war will start in the extreme south.

At this moment, the end of the world.

A strange and powerful breath quietly spread.

It was as if the ancient power that emerged from the chaos was constantly eroding the border of the Cecil world.

This breath, with deep darkness and endless chaos, was chilling.

As this breath condensed, twisted space cracks gradually emerged.

Lin Ming was very familiar with these space cracks that were forming.

To be precise, this was not a space crack, but a passage connecting the Cecil world and the other world.

"I wanted to come here to get some void magic gold, but I didn't expect to have an unexpected harvest."

Lin Ming's incarnation and the main body moved together and explored those space cracks.

"Is this, the breath of magic?!"

"This other world is actually also a world on the side of magic."

"Yes, it is indeed the breath of magic. Although this magic seems more violent and pure, it is indeed magic."

In the first civilization war, the monster world encountered by the Cecil world was a magic world.

Before the first civilization war, Cecil World was also a world of magic—a world of divine veiners and divine arts.

Now, in the upcoming second civilization war, the alien world that Cecil World is about to face seems to be a world of magic.

"This is obviously not a coincidence. It seems that the civilization war will tend to put worlds with the same civilization route on the opposite side."

Simply put, in the civilization war, the world that takes the cultivation side will more easily encounter the world that is also on the cultivation side.

The world that takes the technological side will also more easily encounter the world that takes the technological civilization.

The Cecil World is a world that takes the magic civilization route, and the alien world it encounters will also be more inclined to the magic world in terms of civilization route.

Simply put, it is to prioritize putting worlds with similar civilizations on the same battlefield, and then select the most powerful civilization with the same civilization route.

Lin Ming quickly understood the intention of the mastermind behind the civilization war.

"However, even if they are both magic worlds, there should be many differences in the presentation of civilization."

Think of the previous monster world, although it is also a magic world, the core of its civilization is monsters.

And the core of the civilization of the current Cecil world is the deep combination of wisdom, magic and nature.

"I wonder what the core of civilization will be in the other world of the space crack?"

Lin Ming stood in front of those space cracks, and he could sense that these space cracks were expanding.

"The channel connecting the two worlds will be formed in at least a hundred years."

And this is also the time when the second civilization war begins!

In other words,

There is not much time left for Cecil World to prepare.


For Lin Ming, a hundred years is a very long time.

Since He became the God of Creation, from His perspective, the time He has passed is only more than thirty years.

This is from the perspective of Lin Ming's incarnation. If it is from Lin Ming's original body, the time that has passed from Him is probably less than a year.

However, for Cecil World.

A hundred years is just a drop of water in the long river of Cecil World, and it passed quickly.

However, even so, a hundred years can still change a lot of things.

Especially for the stage when Cecil Time has just been promoted to the third-level world.

This year is the 4039th year of God's Descent.


In the 4051st year of God's Descent, Lin Ming forged the second semi-artifact-Conqueror.

Rather than saying that [Conqueror] is a weapon, it is better to say that it is a giant ship.

The name of this semi-god-level ship also implies the ambition of the dwarves to conquer the world of Cecil.

This ship is as majestic as a mountain, and each deck shines with metallic luster, as if it contains endless magic power.

The hull is engraved with the glory totem of the dwarves, full of the desire for conquest and the flame of ambition.

The Conqueror has a powerful magic core that can absorb the power of the ocean and give the hull extraordinary speed and strength.

Its hull is sturdy and can withstand the most powerful magic attacks.

The magic cannon on the bow can even launch a devastating energy wave, and with one blow, the mountains collapse and the earth cracks.

The Conqueror is not only the glory of the dwarves, but also the pinnacle of the current Cecil world.

In the captain's room of the Conqueror, a golden statue is placed.

This is a statue carved out of precious magic gold, a statue made by hundreds of dwarf masters based on Lin Ming's appearance.

However, this statue has no facial features, because no dwarf can see Lin Ming's facial features clearly.

After creating the semi-artifact [Conqueror], Lin Ming quietly walked out of the Dwarf Fortress on a windy night.

With him was the grown-up Saint Fuyao.

This grown-up Saint has red hair as hot as flames, and a pair of delicate dragon horns stand upright on her forehead, showing her identity as a dragon blood mage.

Her eyes are as deep as a pool, revealing wisdom and mystery, which makes people dare not look directly at her.

However, Fuyao, standing next to Lin Ming at this moment, looks so well-behaved.

Fuyao is holding a huge dragon egg in her hand, which is the offspring of the giant dragon Ao.

Since Lin Ming got this giant egg, this dragon egg has no signs of hatching.

Until tonight, this egg finally showed signs of hatching.

The second giant dragon in the world is about to be born.

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