The old man was very happy.

"I'm back."

"I haven't seen the mortal world for a long time."

The voice of the returning dead resounded in the vast underground kingdom.

Everyone was cheering for his birth.

Except for Cocoon.

If what was created was not a god, it would be meaningless to Cocoon.

Even if Aaron, who turned into the Lord of the Dead, was strong enough, but in Cocoon's view, the reborn Aaron was still far behind the one in the sky.

"Failed again."

"But I didn't gain nothing."

"At least I ruined another of your plans, didn't I?"

A magic soul master, a magic genius, who continued the blood of the Yade family for four thousand years, with the blood of the demon species flowing in his body.

If such an existence is not a "chess piece" laid by Him personally, then there are probably few chess pieces laid by Him personally in the world.

And now, this chess piece, Yad Aaron, has fallen into the hands of Jian.

"Look, I took another step."

"But I know that this is not enough. I have all the chess pieces you laid in my hands."

"I want you to lose this battle."

Jian stood in front of the undead monarch who was as big as a mountain, smiling very optimistically.


When the underground world of Xuehe City changed dramatically, changes also occurred outside Xuehe City.

Strictly speaking, this change started in Alley Zero.

Time goes back to a year ago, that is, 4659 years after the God's Descent.

At that time, there was a magic family in Alley Zero that had lasted for more than 600 years-the Merlin family.

That is, the family of the alchemy master Merlin Logue.

After trading with the gods, Merlin Logue successfully resurrected his wife Alice.

However, Alice's body had long been corrupted, and her soul could only be placed in an alchemical doll.

Although Alice became an alchemical doll after resurrection, she also gained nearly eternal life.

The price is that Alice will be much more dull than normal in terms of emotions.

In short, Alice has almost lost the emotions that humans should have after resurrection.

Fortunately, Alice still remembers Merlin Rogge and still loves him deeply.

Alice's resurrection made Rogge happy again.

This happiness lasted for nearly five hundred years.

Until Rogge's life was about to come to an end.

When Rogge was dying, his life suddenly turned into a series of pictures flashing through his mind.

At the age of 1, Rogge was born into an ordinary family.

At the age of 6, Rogge first came into contact with magic and was fascinated by it.

At the age of 7, Rogge tested his talent for magic. That day was the happiest day for his parents.

At the age of 10, Roger passed by the Silver Tower for the first time and was shocked by its grandeur. He secretly vowed that he must enter the Silver Tower.

At the age of 15, Roger gradually discovered that he was just an ordinary magic apprentice.

At the age of 16, it was very difficult to learn to accept his ordinariness. At least for Roger, he was not willing to be ordinary.

At the age of 18, just when Roger was about to embrace the ordinary, he met a person who changed his life, the owner of an unknown grocery store.

Strangely, in Roger's fleeting memories, other things were so clear, but the owner of the grocery store was so vague that he seemed to be non-existent.

The owner made a deal with Roger, selling a book about alchemy, "Magic Alchemy", to Roger, and told Roger that equivalent exchange is the basic principle that exists in everything.

At the age of 19, Roger successfully entered the tower according to the guidance of "Magic Alchemy".

At the age of 20, Roger was appreciated by Jimmy, a magic scholar, and under Jimmy's guidance, he became a powerful magician.

At the age of 26, Roger formed his own family, married and had children.

At the age of 50, Roger's first wife passed away. In the same year, Roger became a super magician.

At the age of 53, the Silver Alliance was incorporated into the Xia Empire. The lord of the empire, Aaron, personally granted the marriage and gave the court magician Alice to Roger.

At the age of 55, Roger had a son in his old age, and he loved Alice terribly. At that moment, he felt that he was the happiest person in the world.

At the age of 115, Alice's life came to an end. In order to revive her, Roger made a second deal with the gods.

God saved Alice, but the price was a descendant of the tenth generation of the Merlin family.

For hundreds of years afterwards, Roger and Alice enjoyed wealth and glory and lived a happy life.


Rogge was quite satisfied with his life.

He was also very grateful to the mysterious shop owner who changed his fate.

If it weren't for the shop owner, Rogge would have been forgotten and turned into dust.

However, Rogge always felt that his life was missing something.

Just when Rogge was about to close his eyes, he finally knew what was missing from his life.

He was actually not satisfied with such a life.

Rogge didn't want to die yet.

"I can't die. I can't leave Alice alone in this world."

Maybe the gods heard Rogge's voice.

Just when Rogge was about to die, a gentle and beautiful voice suddenly sounded in his ears:

"Do you want to live?"

"As long as you make a deal with me, I will help you live."

Rogge didn't think much and quickly agreed in his heart.

The next second, Rogge suddenly felt that there was a chaotic magic power in his body, and the violent magic power kept repairing Rogge's body.

Roger also regained his strength, and he opened his eyes.

He saw a woman beside Alice.

A woman in a black robe.

The woman walked to Roger and lowered her head and said:

"I have a way to help you survive."

"What way?" Roger asked.

"Just turn into an alchemical doll like your wife Alice."


After that, the Merlin family seemed to be cursed, and the members disappeared one by one.

Grandma Alice also became more and more strange. Many people said that the missing members were actually eaten by Alice.

Only Roger knew that those members had already become part of his body.

Become part of the body of the alchemical doll Roger.

However, the blood of the members alone is far from enough for Roger to transform into an alchemical doll.

This is an evil and cruel magic.

It can transform the vitality of others into Roger's vitality, thereby helping Roger transform into an alchemical doll.

For this reason, Rogge moved out of Alley Zero and continued the transformation ceremony in the suburban manor of Snow River City.

Almost everyone who passed by the manor became a part of Rogge.

Gradually, the ten miles around the manor gradually became a life-forbidden area, and no one dared to enter.

This also attracted the attention of the Temple of Light.

According to the investigation of the Temple of Light, those who survived had seen countless puppets and talking puppets in the manor.

The manor of the Merlin family also had a new name - Puppet Manor.

The adventurers who went to the Puppet Manor to investigate were almost wiped out.

According to the information obtained by the survivors, the Puppet Manor has long become a purgatory on earth.

And the owner of the Puppet Manor is suspected to have already become a titled magician-level existence.

The layout laid by Lin Ming once again evolved a fourth-level existence.

However, this existence seems to no longer belong to Cecil.


Outside the dark puppet manor, Jian looked at the puppets in the garden, admired his masterpiece, and smiled proudly again:

"I took another chess piece from you."

"Now I don't know if I am qualified to be a chess player?"

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