The dead are still alive, and the dead are still alive.

4660 years after the God descended, the Wall of Protection, Snow River City, the Temple of Light.

In the magnificent temple, Ashes sat in front of the Book of Heaven, frowning.

"Still no oracle?"

A lot of things have happened in Snow River City recently.

First, the magic scholar Jimmy announced that he would stay indoors, and then someone discovered that an unprecedented existence appeared in Alley Zero - the undead.

And soon, the Merlin family's manor in Snow River City appeared an alchemical doll that feeds on humans.

That weird doll king, the former creator of alchemical magic, is suspected to be a titled magician.

One strange thing after another came one after another, which made Ashes very uneasy.

"He always felt that something big was about to happen in Snow River City.

However, Huijin, who had not yet broken through to the Titled Magician level, could not handle these things at all.

Because behind every matter, the Titled Magician level is involved.

The Titled Magician level is an extremely difficult realm for the worldly people to reach.

Even a genius like Huijin, who has practiced magic and divine arts for five hundred years, has not broken through to the Titled Magician level.

Only by comprehending a certain law and creating a law field can one break through to the Titled Magician level.

This is also This is why this realm is named the Titled Magician.

The title is the law that the magician comprehends and the magic field he creates.

In the demon world, the magic field is also called the holy realm by the demons.

For example, the fifth holy lord, the Water Source Monarch, comprehended the law of rain, and his magic field is the alienated rain.

The water source is actually his title.

Ashes has exhausted all his life's learning, but has not been able to comprehend any law, even the law of light that he is most familiar with.

"This step is still too difficult for me."

"Maybe, I need a certain opportunity to take this step."

Ashes was very anxious, but he was powerless.

"God, please help me and save the world."

Unfortunately, his god never responded to him from beginning to end.

Just when Ashes wanted to continue praying, another bad news came from outside the temple.

"Plague, an unknown plague appeared in the city. "

"Our magic can't purify it at all!"


When Ashes walked out of the temple and came to the place where the plague originated, the strange plague had already spread.

People were wailing and crying for help everywhere.

Ashes came to an infected person, whose skin had cracks, and green liquid was flowing out and emitting green gas.

Ashes cast a magic spell and carefully explored the green gas, and soon got the result:

"This is a spell of the Titled Magician level..."

"It's the demon clan."

"There must be a saint in the demon clan who is good at using plague spells."

Only the Titled Magician can fight against the Titled Magician.

Obviously, Ashes can't resolve this disaster.

"Why can the power of the demon clan penetrate into the wall of protection? "

Inside, there is an insider of the demon clan inside the wall of protection. Huijin quickly thought of the existence of the insider.

And this insider can freely enter and exit the wall of protection.

"Under the world, except for the saint, no one can freely enter and exit the wall of protection."

"Could it be that in addition to Fuyao, there are other saints living in the world?"

At once, Huijin thought of a lot.

However, even if he figured it out, there was no other way.

Looking at the people curled up on the ground in pain, Huijin couldn't help but sigh:

"There are so many sufferings in the world. "


As time went by, the plague in Snow River City spread faster and faster.

This is the power of a titled magician, and no means can stop its spread.

In less than half a month, the entire Xia turned into a plague city.

Fortunately, this strange plague is not fatal, and the infected will not die in a short time.

But it will make the infected live in pain all the time.

Although the Temple of Light tried its best to treat the infected, it could not alleviate their pain.

Every day, countless infected people flocked to the Temple of Light, knelt under the statue, and prayed to the gods to save them.

"God, save your servants."

"I am willing to believe in you for the rest of my life."

"Merciful God, please have mercy on us again."

In the temple, there were prayers everywhere.

However, the gods they believed in did not respond.

Answer them.

Over time, their prayers turned into curses:

"Why? Why do I kneel down to you every day, but you still won't save me?"

"It's ridiculous that I dared to pin my hopes on a stone man."

"There is no god in the world!"

"Since you can't save me, I'm in dire straits. There's no need for us to kneel down to you!"

Words that were once considered taboos kept ringing in the temple.

The infected looked up at the statues, and their faith in themselves was shaken.

They peeked at the gods on the ground, and in addition to sadness and anger, they were more puzzled.

Why didn't the gods save them?

Is there no God in their heart?

Ashes can't stop all this from happening.

He can feel that people's faith in the gods is gradually weakening, which may be one of the effects of the strange plague.

Or maybe it's the reason why people haven't received a response from the gods for a long time.

Thinking about it carefully, the reason why people believe in the Temple of Light is because the magic of the Temple of Light can heal their wounds.

The faith of these people is a transaction.

Use faith and some rituals to exchange God's response.

Of course, there are some pure beliefs.

Some just regard it as a spiritual sustenance.

At this moment, Ashes suddenly have a lot more insights about God and the so-called faith.

But these insights still cannot help Ashes save the world from this disaster.

It is impossible to reverse this world that is about to collapse and the civilization that is about to be annihilated.

As the civilization in the wall of blessing gradually collapsed, a rumor suddenly spread among the crowd.

No one knows whether this rumor is true or false, only that this rumor was originally heard from Alley Zero.

It is rumored that five hundred years ago, the saint who sacrificed herself and turned into the wall of blessing is still alive.

She is now in the wall of blessing.

Saint Fuyao is a powerful magician today. She can save the world from this disaster.

As long as the saint casts magic again, she will be able to bring peace to the world.

The price is that this time, Saint Fuyao will really die.

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