Lucy doesn’t need an alarm clock now. She has rested and recovered her energy. It’s natural for her to wake up naturally. But she still habitually sets the alarm clock, because sometimes she can’t wake up naturally.

She has two alarm clocks, one fixed and one not fixed. The fixed one is the alarm clock at 6 o’clock in the morning on weekdays. The not fixed one naturally needs to be adjusted in advance, such as when she and Wang Yan are out, when she and Wang Yan are at home, at her house or at Wang Yan’s house. She always goes to bed late and spends a lot of energy. She does a lot of aerobic exercise and core training. It’s inevitable that she won’t wake up easily the next day.

Today is a day to wake up naturally, but Lucy lies on the bed and stretches, waiting for the alarm clock to ring before getting up. She always does this. She simply cleans up, combs her messy hair, changes into sportswear and goes downstairs to exercise.

She trotted all the way, moving and stretching, and came to the place where she practices martial arts every day. To her surprise, Wang Yan still appeared here, tossing and turning slowly.

"I saw Zhenzhen in the group yesterday at about three o'clock that the matter had been resolved and that she should have a good rest today. You and Sister Zhu should have come back together, right?"

"Yes, it was already past four when we got home."

"You didn't sleep?"

Wang Yan smiled and said, "It's almost a while, so I just practiced. Of course, the main thing is to see you. A beautiful day starts with flirting with a beautiful woman."

Lucy gave him a coquettish look: "You are not serious."

"I will pick you up in the evening."

"Oh, you remembered me who was banished to the cold palace by you, and you won't pick up Ye Zhenzhen?"

"Nonsense, family rules." Wang Yan dodged and slapped him He slapped Lucy on the buttocks, and then stopped, changing the subject as if nothing had happened, "How is the new company? Are you adapting?"

After a light slap, Lucy said, "It's just like that, I can be considered to have integrated into the company. The core staff of the company are all men, either sales or technology. When I first went there, I had nothing to do with finance. But I did my homework well, and when they were researching artificial intelligence and big data, I showed up vigorously, so I can be considered to have gained a firm foothold and moved closer to the core."

She was still very happy, her ability was valued, her value was reflected, and she was happy with success.

Wang Yan agreed, providing emotional value: "You are a workplace elite, you can do well anywhere, you are a serious elite white-collar worker."

"Are you mocking me?"

"To be honest. You know, I started my career in demolition, which means I have a solid foundation. I am not unlearned, I got it through trial and error, otherwise how could I have the opportunity to make a fortune."

"Otherwise you can make a fortune, after all, you are gifted." Lucy emphasized the word "gifted".

"Are you mocking me?"

"I'm praising you."

"It seems I really have to pick you up tonight..."

"What happened last night?" Lucy finally remembered that she hadn't asked what she wanted to know yet...

She said she was going to sleep all day, but in fact, she didn't feel good sleeping during the day, and she couldn't sleep for a long time. I got home at around 4 o'clock, and I didn't even feel like washing up, so I just lay on the bed and went to sleep. At noon, I woke up.

Zhu Zhe sent a text message to Ye Zhenzhen and Wang Yan, and after receiving a response, he very luxuriously ordered a takeout worth several hundred yuan to express his gratitude.

"I'm really old. I feel like my whole body is hollowed out after staying up all night. I wanted to cook, but I didn't want to move, so I ordered takeout. Let's make do with it."

At Ye Zhenzhen's house, Zhu Zhe had dark circles under his eyes, and he looked listless and weak.

"You're just too polite. It's okay as long as you get the point. I can understand." Wang Yan smiled and unpacked the takeout.

"That's right." Ye Zhenzhen agreed, she said, "Maybe I'm used to it, I feel okay."

"You are four years younger than me, one year difference is a big difference, you can feel it a little bit, you still need to take care of your body." Zhu Zhe shook his head, sighed, and said, "Now I think about it, I'm still scared, Wang Yan, you can't do this again in the future, it's too dangerous. Didn't the ancients say that a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, and a son of a rich man does not sit in the hall, what if something happens to you?"

Wang Yan smiled and said, "I know what I'm doing, don't worry, I cherish my life very much . It was said in the skit that the biggest regret in life is that the person dies but the money is not spent. If I am not sure, I will definitely not act rashly. "

"All those who drown can swim." Ye Zhenzhen complained, and then said, "I don't know what happened to Yu Feixue. I see that Chen Zufa and his men definitely don't have the courage to resist. They explained everything clearly. The police raided the case overnight. Yu Feixue should know everything, right?"

People can't help but talk about it. Just as Ye Zhenzhen said this, her and Zhu Zhe's mobile phones on the table rang with new message notifications. The two of them picked up their phones and took a look, and their faces were green.

Zhu Zhe smiled and said, "While we were talking, Honghong updated the news in the group. She said that the person was caught quickly, Chen Zufa only paid back the loan shark, and there were still hundreds of thousands of dollars left in his hand, which was a lot to pay back. However, there is still controversy about the details. Those fellow villagers and Yu Feixue are arguing, and no one wants to suffer losses. "

"Lucy spoke." Ye Zhenzhen looked at the phone and said, "She said that in the end, everyone would share the cost in proportion, which would also take care of Yu Feixue, the victim who suffered the most. The result is good. After all, she is not penniless, and the house she bought with Chen Zufa can be kept. Chen Zufa is really cruel. He also mortgaged the house he bought with the down payment."

"It would be better if those loans were directly wiped out."

"Didn't Lucy say before that at most she didn't fulfill her obligation to inform. Their contract should be formal, but the interest rate is high, which is above the legal limit. You are most familiar with this." Ye Zhenzhen looked at Wang Yan.

"I dare not say I am familiar with it, I can only say that I have some understanding of it."

"Are you being modest?"

"No, I am not familiar with it if I haven't done it. After all, I am not short of money, why would I do such a dirty business?"

Ye Zhenzhen looked contemptuous...

She was right to be contemptuous. Wang Yan was really familiar with it. After all, he was a real gangster and a real loan shark. However, he is different from those black-hearted hooligans who force people to break up their families. He is kind-hearted and helps those who owe money to start a new life and quit bad habits. For example, delivering takeout, being a porter, delivering express delivery, and all kinds of labor-intensive businesses...

Just like that, the three of them chatted and laughed over lunch. Zhu Zhe returned to 2202 to continue recuperating, while Wang Yan did some aerobic exercise with Ye Zhenzhen, and went to pick up Lucy in the evening.

Don't say it, he is quite busy...

He Minhong has not been doing well recently, because she has an additional business job in addition to her original copywriting work.

Song Li is a professional comic artist who also writes some texts online, expresses his thoughts, and attracts traffic. In short, he eats literary food. She and He Minhong chatted very well on the Internet and gradually became netizens.

This time, He Minhong did business, so he asked Song Li to draw comics and update them serially on the platform of her company. That was last month.

Recently, after a month of cooperation, Song Li did not receive the manuscript fee, so she urged He Minhong, He went to the leader, and the director refused in various ways.

Although He Minhong had not made any leap forward, she was not stupid at this time. She did not call Song Li to tell him the truth, but she did not know how to solve the problem.

So she found Wang Yan.

"... Song Li wanted money and became more and more impolite. I understand that it is indeed our company's fault. I feel that our editor-in-chief must have lied to me. There must be money in the account, but she still asked me to lie to Song Li. I can't do such a thing."

After listening to He Minhong's long talk, Wang Yan smiled and nodded. This is really a good thing that has grown up.

"Then you can mediate and tell Song Li how you fought for it, highlight your difficulties, and tell your supervisor how irritable Song Li was, and even said he would sue, and how you appeased him. You can play both sides, coordinate in the middle, show your work ability, and maintain a good relationship with Song Li, and the result will always be good."

This is the idea that He Minhong's mother came up with after the fact in the original play, but it is indeed the case. After all, this is how work is done. The so-called deceiving superiors and concealing the truth from subordinates is nothing more than this, it's just a difference in result orientation.

He Minhong suddenly realized: "Brother Yan, I know. No wonder Zhenzhen said you are cunning. You cheated everyone, but you didn't cheat anyone. If the problem is solved, everyone is happy. If it can't be solved, then let Song Li sue, right?"

"It depends on whether you want to continue. If Song Li really resorts to law, it will definitely be a big deal, which will affect your company's business. You will most likely not get well in the end. If you don't want to leave, you will be forced to leave. Of course, it is more likely that Song Li can solve it with a lawyer's letter, because your editor-in-chief and higher-ups are also afraid of affecting their reputation. For a platform like yours, the most important thing is the stability of the manuscript fee. If you destroy the brand, it will be difficult to make money in the future."

"Then Brother Yan, what about the money of our company? Was it secretly misappropriated by the leaders?"

"You want to report it?"

"I just don't want to be a fool."

"Then go find it yourself. I'm not from your company. How can I know the inside story of your company."

He Minhong sighed in frustration and said, "I just want to do my copywriting steadily, but you want me to do business. I have been working for a company, but I haven't been given a raise."

"Isn't this just what I told you before? You have no ability, and you dare not resist. What's the point?"

"What should I do, Brother Yan?"

"Improve your ability, take the initiative to strive for it, and at the same time carefully manage your other income." Wang Yan said, "Your current income is not high, and it's hard to support yourself. You love literature and art. It's already the Internet age, and literature and art are the most favorable direction for communication. In this case, why don't you manage yourself well?

You are beautiful, you can appear in person, learn to make some videos. Talk about the books you read, talk about your experiences and feelings, etc. Don't you still use Weibo? I also do text work for the official account in the company. You can also create your own account. I mean the kind of account with strong purpose and targeting, not the kind of account you have now where you just post a few sentences of insights for no reason. Do you understand what I mean?"

"I know, it's just doing my work. "

“Similar, because the work is assigned to you by your editor-in-chief, and the topic is circled by others, but your own account, how to choose the topic, how to write, are all your own. As long as you pay attention to the major issues, gender rights... and other issues, I guarantee..."

Wang Yan talked about He Minhong's tendency to listen to one side and not think comprehensively, and then said, "As long as you do these, there will be basically no problem. Over time, you may also become an influential big V. At that time, you will not only be engaged in the work you love, but also earn money that can make you worry-free. Although you still have to be angry with the client, the degree of freedom is always much greater.

Of course, it is not necessarily successful. After all, there are so many people who want to be popular, but how many of them really become popular? It's just that if you don't do it, you won't have a chance, but if you do it, you may not have a chance. In the end, it depends on you. Are you willing to watch fewer plays, listen to fewer concerts, and watch fewer movies, and set aside time to do these things?"

He Minhong didn't say anything, blinking his big eyes to receive information, and thinking seriously. After a long time, he nodded.

"I'll listen to you, Brother Yan." She nodded her head very hard, as if she had made up her mind, but then she lost her spirit and said with a collapse, "But I don't know how to start."

So Wang Yan gave her some ideas again. This was of course necessary. She would grow more if she worked hard on her own. After all, he was used to being a nanny and was familiar with the business of saving people and cheating people.

In different Ode to Joy, Qiu Yingying was trained in almost the same way, but Qiu Yingying was much better than He Minhong...

The next day, He Minhong implemented the method Wang Yan told her and solved the matter peacefully. Because her reaction speed was too slow, and she had expressed her attitude to a certain extent before, but finally no more troubles occurred.

If I have to say something, He Minhong sent a WeChat message to Wang Yan saying that the company's editor-in-chief was testing her understanding of the company. It was because she didn't hold back when communicating with the editor-in-chief before, and her words slipped out. This was a problem of experience.

Perhaps it was some previous events, one by one. Wang Yan also guided her earlier, and he turned He Minhong into a normal person with no ability. Because of the previous incident, other people's views on her changed, and the 22nd floor was still as harmonious as at the beginning. Only He Minhong and Yu Chuhui always quarreled, but the relationship was always relaxed and good.

In general, the five girls on the 22nd floor were all okay. They all had problems, but they all had reasons to explain, and they were not all bad people...

At the same time, He Minhong also started to manage her own account. For a while, her temperament changed a lot, and the other four girls were amazed.

On the other side, Yu Feixue's affairs were almost handled. She was just like the demon in the original drama, but now He Minhong knew what a sense of propriety was. Although he still went to drink with Yu Feixue, he was very clear to stay in a hotel with Yu Feixue outside. He also gave Yu Feixue lessons and counseling, and poured a lot of chicken soup.

So naturally, he was not helplessly criticized by everyone because of Yu Feixue's affairs.

This time, He Minhong had a reason to entertain Yu Feixue. Although there was no experience like in the original drama, the communication work was also done by He Minhong. He Minhong was encouraged by Wang Yan to struggle and manage the account. The first article he wrote was about Yu Feixue.

She knew the whole process of this matter and could interview Yu Feixue at any time. At the same time, she did not forget to ask the police station handling the case whether this matter could be published. Of course, Wang Yan told her. With everything in place, He Minhong held it in for a week and wrote about this matter from beginning to end. The theme is anti-fraud and some thoughts on late marriage.

It was a little explosive, and He Minhong was very happy and had a lot of motivation...

Wang Yan's life was still the same. He allocated time to do aerobics with Ye Zhenzhen and Lucy, and wandered around outside every day.

There are always many coincidences in life, and there are especially many coincidences that happened to him.

On this day, Wang Yanxing was taking photos on the street. He accidentally saw a woman with long wavy hair, wearing a long skirt and pointed high heels, sitting cross-legged at an outdoor table in a coffee shop. She was holding a cigarette between her fingers, with coffee on her hand, wearing sunglasses and fiddling with her phone. She looked quite cool and very eye-catching.

Wang Yan smiled, and then without saying anything, he took a lot of photos from far, near and far, and then walked over slowly under the gaze of the woman in the sunglasses...

I would like to thank the good brothers who voted for the monthly ticket, recommended ticket and read books silently for their strong support!

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