Under the gaze of Dabolang, Wang Yan pulled a chair and sat directly next to her.

He fiddled with the camera to review the photos and handed it to her: "Take a look, the photos are pretty good."

Dabolang put his phone on the table, pinched a cigarette and turned the camera dial. It seemed that he just realized that he couldn't see clearly and couldn't distinguish the colors. He raised his hand and took off his sunglasses to look more carefully.

After a while, she smiled at Wang Yan after looking at it: "It's really good, how much is it?"

"There is a joke in the photography circle, do you know what the three elements of a portrait are?"

"I don't know, what are they?"

"The model must be beautiful, beautiful, and beautiful."

"Are you praising me?"

Wang Yan raised his eyebrows: "Otherwise, why would I be so shameless to get close to you? My lust is written on my face."

"Hey, from what you said, you want to sleep with me?"

"People in big cities speak directly, but their words are not very pleasant, as if I am a gangster."

"Then what do you say?"

"In-depth communication."

This big wave rolled his eyes, speechless, this is not direct?

She fiddled with the camera and continued to look through the photos: "You are quite confident, right? This camera must cost hundreds of thousands. Rich people are confident. What do you do?"

"Finance." Wang Yan took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it. He asked the waiter to bring him a glass of boiled water and said, "Let me introduce myself. My name is Wang Yan, and I am 30 years old. My family was demolished in the early years, and then... So now I have some freedom. I occasionally come out to take pictures, walk around, and have a look."

"Finance... The reputation is not very good." Big Wave laughed, "You also You don't have to tell me so much."

"I'm a very honest person. In case you ask me more, I'll just tell you more. I'm not a criminal. I haven't done anything dirty. There's nothing I can't tell you. As for you saying that finance has a bad reputation, this is still a bit of a misunderstanding. After all, I have a very good reputation. It's mainly a human problem. If you want to talk about a circle, there is no clean one."

"That's right. My name is Zhang Qian. I'm an artist. I'm the same age as you, and I'm thirty. "

Big Wave is still that Big Wave. They are serious acquaintances. Wang Yan did meet him by accident. It was really a coincidence.

"I really can't tell. She looks like she's about 25 or 26."

"That's a bad thing to say."

"Just tell me if you want to hear it."

Zhang Qian smiled and handed the camera back to Wang Yan. She took her last puff of cigarette and put it out in the ashtray. She said, "The photos are all very good. Leave your WeChat and send them to me later. I'll retouch them for you."

"You are naturally beautiful. All the photos you take are blockbusters. Adjust the tone and color in post-production, and they will be even better." Wang Yan took out his phone and scanned the code to add a friend as a note.

"Can't you see my heavy makeup? I'm already 30."

"Every stage has its own beauty. You don't have to force yourself to be young and beautiful. Wrinkles, freckles, and dull skin are not a big deal. They don't affect your beauty. Instead, they are your charm. Beauty fades and people will eventually die. So there's no need to resist time. Accept it, welcome it, and boldly show your charm.

Cosmetics are chemical products after all. The hard work of applying and dressing up every day is still harmful to the skin. So while taking care of the skin, applying makeup, repairing, and damaging, the constant confrontation will only make the face worse and worse. You said that you put on too much makeup, and you can put on less makeup if you like. As the saying goes, light makeup and heavy makeup are always suitable. "

"You are so funny." Zhang Qian covered her mouth and laughed, "But it does make some sense. But then again, if I were really a yellow-faced woman, would you come to chat with me?"

"You have some misunderstandings about yellow-faced women. If you were a yellow-faced woman, you would be a beautiful yellow-faced woman. You know, some people prefer married women, which is even more exciting. Of course, I am a decent person. Although my last name is Wang, I don't live next door, and I will never do immoral things."

"Is that so?" Zhang Qian looked suspicious, "Then how come you Are you sure that I don't have a boyfriend or married?"

"Of course I wasn't sure at first, but you didn't refuse me to come up to talk, and you directly pointed out the topic, so I guess you are not married. As for having a boyfriend, the current social atmosphere is not very good. It is hard to say whether it is progressing or regressing. It doesn't seem to matter whether you have a boyfriend or not. After all, the law does not protect boyfriends and girlfriends.

On the other hand, you are wearing luxury brands and you are only 30 years old. You should be a senior leader in the field of literature and art. Women are more likely to look for partners with higher ranks and better conditions. As far as the current situation is concerned, men still have more resources. You are thirty years old and a senior leader. This is quite embarrassing. You are not liked by those who like you, and you are not liked by those who like you.

So I think you are also quite lonely. If you can't find a partner, you can only focus more on your career, which makes it even harder to find a partner. After all, unless it is absolutely necessary, you will not like to be affectionate with old men in their forties, fifties, or sixties. "

"You got it right." Zhang Qian couldn't help but sigh, "It's all bitter tears. After so many years, I have only grown older and have not gained anything else. I have to endure the anger of my subordinates every day. It's really..."

Of course, what she said was true. She was the editor-in-chief of an entertainment company. Her monthly income depended on the situation, ranging from 10,000 to 30,000 or 40,000 yuan. She was wearing all big brands, and if no one bought them for her, she couldn't afford it. If she didn't have a house, she would have to rent an apartment by herself, which would be a big expense, and she certainly didn't have much savings.

As for being bullied by her subordinates, Wang Yan believed that what she said must be He Minhong...

But to be honest, he also saved Zhang Qian's life. After all, in the original drama, Zhang Qian left in the end because of a series of events caused by Song Li's request for royalties. Now that the matter has been settled, she can continue to sit in the position of editor-in-chief.

He asked, "Why are you sitting here alone?"

"Work, I had an appointment to meet someone to discuss something, but they stood me up, wasting my whole morning, and today is Saturday. I could have slept in, but I had to put on makeup and didn't see anyone." Zhang Qian's words were full of resentment.

"It seems that I showed up just in time to save a heart that was about to break. Makeup can't be done in vain, and clothes can't be matched in vain. It's noon, let's go eat." Wang Yan put out his cigarette, then hung the camera around his neck and stood up.

"Your invitation is really blunt."

"Just say whether you want to go or not."

Zhang Qian stood up with a smile, picked up her bag, and stroked her long skirt: "Let's go, it's free food, it's a waste not to eat it."

The two chatted well, and got along very naturally. Moreover, Wang Yan exuded strength from the inside out, and also had a strong personal charm, so of course she didn't dislike it.

"Haven't you heard that free is the most expensive?" Wang Yan tilted his head and raised his eyebrows at her, showing his ambiguity.

"Go to hell." Zhang Qian swung her bag and hit her, then stepped on her high heels, twisted her buttocks, and walked away, very coquettish.

After walking a few steps, he realized what was happening and turned back to look at Wang Yan, who was still standing there and smiling, and asked, "Where are we going to eat? Are you going to send me to a street stall?"

"I originally wanted to take you to eat spicy hot pot, but now that you mention it, I feel a little embarrassed."

Zhang Qian glared at Wang Yan. She was also a high-intensity web surfer, so of course she knew the story of spicy hot pot.

Wang Yan stood on the street and waved with a smile. The taxi slowly stopped and opened the back door to signal Zhang Qian.

Zhang Qian did not refuse and got in the car. Wang Yan got in and said, "Master, let's go to the Peninsula Hotel."

The Peninsula Hotel has a restaurant, a Michelin rating, and high-rise open-air dining tables, where you can enjoy the charm of the Huangpu River.

This scene is still very familiar. I still remember that another big wave liked to lie by the window and look at the neon night view. The difference is that at that time, I was looking at the Bund in Lujiazui, and now I am looking at Lujiazui from the Bund. Big Wave is not that big wave, but it is still that big wave.

Dabolang likes taking photos, and Wang Yan is pretty good at it, so he started taking photos after entering the hotel. If he hadn't booked the presidential suite, people would have thought he was a photographer hired by a fake socialite.

He also took photos in the restaurant, taking photos of food, scenery, and people. Then Zhang Qian said that she had always wanted to take private photos, but she had no chance, couldn't let go, and didn't believe it. Today's timing was just right to realize her little wish, and she hoped that photographer Wang would help.

Although he had to admit that he was far inferior to Teacher Chen in this regard, he didn't refuse the little request of such a beautiful woman, but after the serious shooting was over, he collected some more serious fees...

Dabolang is still the same Dabolang. She likes to stand by the window, looking at the beauty of the Huangpu River, the neon lights at night, and this super metropolis. She releases her pressure and relieves her loneliness, solitude, and sorrow. When the flower in her heart bloomed, she found that she loved this city so much, and this city was so fascinating...

Afterwards, the lights came on, and the room was filled with a charming atmosphere. After washing up, it was quiet.

Zhang Qian lay on the bed weakly, shaking the red wine in a goblet in one hand and a delicate cigarette in the other. Wang Yan leaned against the head of the bed beside him, with a cigarette in his mouth, fiddling with the computer to do the post-production of the photos taken today.

Wang Yan promised that they were all serious photos. At most, they were hazy, but there was definitely nothing that shouldn't be there. He really didn't like this...

"I really didn't expect you to be so hard."

"Is it fun?"

"It's fun, but it hurts." Zhang Qian spoke a little hoarsely, and the blush on her face had not yet disappeared. She gathered a handful of hair and blew another puff of cigarette on Wang Yan's face, which was very charming.

After saying that, she let out a long breath and said with a smile, "Before today, I would never have thought that there would be such a crazy day."

"How did you get crazy before?"

"I hate it." Zhang Qian hit him.

Obviously she didn't want to say it.

Wang Yan was able to win because he was indeed charming, spoke well, got along naturally, had no uncertainty, and had no lustful eyes. He was also full of confidence. The most important thing was that he came to the Peninsula Hotel and directly opened such a presidential suite, which is called the Peninsula Suite.

130,000 a night, equipped with a 24-hour butler, a Rolls-Royce car, a study room, a gym, etc. The space is quite open, and the scenery is naturally excellent.

The computer he was fiddling with was a top-of-the-line Mac that the housekeeper had bought on errands, and it was delivered after the photo editing software had been downloaded according to his instructions. In addition, there was a set of Chanel clothes and shoes, underwear, and a bag...

Opening the suite before proved his financial strength, and buying things afterwards showed his generosity. The next cooperation will definitely be more pleasant. Of course, he was generous, and Zhang Qian was an old acquaintance. It didn't matter whether he spent more or less, as long as everyone was happy, he was really happy.

Without hearing Wang Yan's answer, Zhang Qian sighed: "Your photos are really good, and I feel that they are no worse than those famous masters."

"How can I compare with them? The masters are all engaged in stream of consciousness, and they are called art seriously. Those who shoot humanities and documentaries are even more cruel. They all run to the battlefield. That is a life-threatening job. I am just entertaining myself. I shoot street scenes, humanities, portraits, etc. There is no theme. The highlight is the record."

"Anyway, I think you take good pictures. Those photographers who are engaged in art are not as good as you in taking pictures of this."

"Thank you for your compliment. After all, I can't compare with Teacher Chen."

"You are not serious." Zhang Qian blushed and smiled sweetly.

She then said, "Hey, you take such good photos, don't you have a public account, Weibo or something? I'll follow you."

"I have a Weibo, but I don't post often. I'm called a junior camera operator."

"You're quite modest."

"You're an artist, don't you know that this is about contradictions and unity? What's highlighted is the contrast. If people see it and smile, I'll be considered a meritorious service."

Zhang Qian fiddled with her phone and followed Wang Yan, looking through the photos she posted in the past and netizens' comments.

"It's true that people smiled. Your comment area is so funny. They all say you're a junior operator, so what are they? Then there are dozens of comments below, saying that you sell cameras."

"It's also a joke. It says that the first income a photography enthusiast earns from photography is selling cameras."

"It's quite funny."

Wang Yan responded to Zhang Qian's words with a smile, without stopping his hands at all, and quickly post-processed the photos.

"Okay, it's done. It will be a blast if you post it on your Moments."

"Send it to me and I'll pick it out. You should have seen that I'm quite vain."

"It's not bad. As long as you're willing to pay the price."

"Then you've got me wrong. I'm really not..."

"I understand. It's just that I have money and you're pretty. We have a pleasant exchange. I'd feel bad if I didn't spend a little. Don't you feel the aura of a wealthy person in me?"

Zhang Qian shook her head and smiled: "If you feel it, then we'll have a pleasant cooperation?"

"Of course it's a pleasant cooperation."

This pleasant cooperation lasted until the afternoon of the next day. Zhang Qian, who admits to being vain, got into the Rolls-Royce's special car and went back weakly...

I would like to thank the good brothers who voted for the monthly ticket, recommended ticket, and read books silently for their strong support!

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