At Wushang Station, Wang Yan had just gotten off the bus with his small bag when he saw two people in the crowd outside the platform looking around, holding a big sign with his name and the Dragon logo in their hands.

The sign was a whole size bigger than the others. It was visible at a glance and it was difficult not to notice it.

Praising the wit of these two young men, Wang Yan walked over with his bag.

"I'm Wang Yan."

Without waiting for the two of them to compare the photos carefully, a person standing nearby stretched out his hands and said: "Hello, Mr. Wang, I am the person in charge of logistics here, Xu Shengli, Wang Dashan, Mr. Wang asked me to come and pick you up."

Wang Yan stepped forward and shook hands with him: "I know you, you came here with Lao Fang. You did a good job, thank you for your hard work." The Lao Fang he mentioned was the logistics director, an old employee from the beginning of the establishment. Money is one thing, status is another, and you still have to fight for daily blood. Moreover, you can also take some beatings to do your job properly, and don’t fix it if it is useless. Language arts, broad and profound...

The eldest brother encouraged him, regardless of what he said, and the younger brother had to show it when he was recognized. Xu Shengli looked flattered and honored: "It's not hard, it's not hard, it's all due to the cultivation of your leaders. Mr. Wang, please come here, the car is parked outside."

As Xu Shengli walked outside the station, an A6 and a Passat were parked side by side. Someone stood in the distance and pointed, with envy in their eyes.

The cars are uniformly allocated by the company according to the grade. It is true that there are too many people and there is no money to spare, so we can only give the branch brother an A6. Otherwise, according to Wang Yan's temper, all of them would be the most recognized tigers in this era. It doesn't matter what he drives himself. The leadership of the company is different. They are all cards and represent the image, so they can't be bad.

After a few people got in the car and sat down, the driver started the car and drove away steadily.

"Mr. Wang, the hotel where you are staying has been arranged. When you have a rest, I will serve you a drink."

"Forget it, if you don't deal with the useless ones, you can do what you have to do. By the way, for this fake goods incident, you find two people to pretend to be buyers and follow the clues to catch them all." Originally, he used to flatter others. Yan didn't care, let alone that he was tired of hearing it.

"Okay, Mr. Wang, I will arrange it in a moment. It will be no problem." Xu Shengli was confident, because logistics and clothing are not the same business, and he had not paid much attention to it before. After the recent big commotion, they took action immediately, otherwise it would be terrible if they didn't look like trash.

The reason why Wu Shang was located so quickly was because they found him. After all, shipping goods here to the whole country requires logistics. Although Longteng has not been here long, but with the resources of the parent company, Longteng's strength here is not weak. There are indeed players with big brains who use Longteng Logistics to ship goods. When he found out, he laughed angrily, what a brain...

Wang Yan nodded, thought for a moment and said, "Please help me make an appointment with Director Qiu Yingjie and see if he has time recently. I'll treat him to dinner."

"Qiu Yingjie?" Xu Shengli thought about this person in his mind and said doubtfully: "Mr. Wang...his level..."

"Before I came here, I learned about the situation here and was very interested in Qiu Yingjie's idea of ​​Wushang small commodity distribution. It will also be a great help to the development of our logistics." Wang Yan explained casually.

Xu Shengli nodded and said no more. He is happy in his heart, because as the logistics grows, he will earn more. Moreover, Longteng has always invested in a few aspects and developed in all aspects. If he performs well this time, he will return to the headquarters or transfer to other key businesses if he has no choice but to do so, which will definitely be a good thing.

When we arrived at the hotel, we left the Passat behind and let Xu Shengli and others leave.

There are no decent big hotels at the moment, but this one is the best, and the conditions are just that.

It was already afternoon when Wang Yan arrived. He couldn't do anything at this time, so he wasn't in a hurry. After a brief tidying up, I simply went downstairs, got in the car, went out to have a bite to eat, and did some shopping...


The next day, in the afternoon, we visited the best hotel in Wushang.

"Mr. Wang, I've admired you for a long time. I always heard your legends before, but today I finally met you in person. I'd like to propose a toast to you." Qiu Yingjie drank the cup without changing his expression without saying a word. Point your mouth downwards.

He knew what level Long Teng was at. He also knew Long Teng's consistent style. Earn foreign exchange by exporting and import cutting-edge technology and machinery. Internally, multiple industries are linked to drive regional economic development and provide employment for a large number of people. At the same time, we also conduct independent research and development and vigorously innovate. It is an absolute star company with guaranteed reputation. They had invited Long Teng to invest here before, but unfortunately they were politely rejected.

He was really excited when he received an invitation from Xu Shengli today. He heard that Brother Long Teng came in person and leaked that he had investment intentions. As soon as I put down the phone, the county committee team met directly, and they discussed and discussed, and only one instruction was given. Brother Longteng who comes to your door must be accompanied well. Everything can be easily discussed. You must keep him. You can't let him go without leaving some money.

"No, I've heard about Director Qiu for a long time. We have to have a good communication when we meet this time." Seeing him so cheerful, Wang Yan decided not to pull him apart, and raised his head and drank a toast.

This is not a small cup worth two cents, but a normal cup worth two and a half cents. Not to mention the awesomeness of this cadre, he is definitely a warrior in the alcohol battlefield. If Wang Yan wasn't physically strong enough now, with Qiu Yingjie's ability to drink, he should have no problem keeping him in the hospital for two days.

Putting down the wine glass, Wang Yan said: "Okay, Director Qiu, just drink this one. Haolai is also a fifteen-year-old wine, let's drink it slowly."

"Fifteen years?" Qiu Yingjie was stunned for a moment, and then regained his composure: "You have to slow down, let's eat and drink at the same time."

Wages have increased in recent years, but an ordinary worker only earns more than 200 yuan a month. As for the amao on the table, a bottle of ordinary 53° bottle costs 200 to 300 yuan, and many people even have enough to buy a bottle with their monthly salary. Not to mention that the fifteen-year-old ones are more expensive and generally not available.

He had tasted better, but that was just a taste. Haolai is also fifteen years old, so give him some respect...

"Is this the first time Mr. Wang has come to Wushang?" Seeing Wang Yan nodding, Qiu Yingjie asked, "I heard that you came here yesterday. What do you think of us, Wushang?"

He wasn't sure, so it was normal to test things out, but he, Wang, was not good at this. After picking up a piece of food with chopsticks, Wang Yan said, "I think Wu Shang is missing something."

"Oh? I'd like to hear the details."

"A commodity trading center with a sound system and a standardized system." After glancing at Qiu Yingjie, Wang Yan continued: "I said that I have heard of Director Qiu for a long time, which is not just a casual statement. As early as the 1980s, the county government invested in the construction of Wushang. A trading market was established, which was the most advanced professional market in the country at that time. Therefore, under the accumulation effect, a large number of stalls, merchants, factories, and a dazzling array of goods have formed an industrial cluster. To this day, It can be said that it basically supports the entire light industry in Zhejiang Province.”

"This is not available in other places, and it is also a unique advantage that Wushang has now. And you also proposed to build Wushang into the largest small commodity distribution center in the country and even the world. Wushang has this condition, and I am optimistic about it. Wushang.”

"Mr. Wang, what do you mean..."

Qiu Yingjie was trembling a little, so excited. He couldn't help but be excited, this was his biggest wish.

"Yes, Longteng Investment has developed a complex integrating catering, accommodation, leisure, entertainment, commodity trading, etc."

It's not that Wang Yan doesn't have the strength to build another Wushang replacement, but it would consume too much time, manpower, material resources, and financial resources. In comparison, Wushang is indeed unique, which is why the Wushang model is difficult to copy.

Qiu Yingjie has thought about these things before, but the commodity trading center is not easy to handle, let alone the development is so complete. As far as what Wang Yan said is basically one step. He is confident that once completed, Wushang will take off directly.

At this moment, Qiu Yingjie couldn't care less about the wine he had been drinking for many years. He also picked up the wine glass excitedly: "Mr. Wang, it's really... really... I can't tell you. I respect you for this glass." After saying that, drink it all in one gulp.

This was the beginning of the game, and after just a few words, he was down with only half a pound of weight. After shaking his head, Wang Yan also drank all the wine in the glass.

Xu Shengli, who was silent on the side, and the people Qiu Yingjie brought with him, very sensibly filled the bowls for the two of them. The two of them are also accompanying Banjin. Fortunately, they are both veterans and in good condition.

"I wonder if Mr. Wang has any other requests?"

This means setting a rough outline first, discussing it later, and then the two parties can discuss the details.

Wang Yan shook his head: "I believe that your Wushang government will give Long Teng the best conditions."

In fact, there are really no requirements. It is nothing more than obtaining land, taking a loan, and building a building according to the government's urban planning. I believe they will consider the land price. If you really go by what Wang Yan said, the investment will be huge and the cost will not be recovered for a long time. As for loans, the bank’s conduct has not yet been assessed. The richer you are, the more they will lend you money and encourage you to lend money. The less money you have, the less money will be given to you, and it won’t be easy for you to chase people away. As for Longteng, it has a good reputation and is absolutely high-quality. It is a good friend of the local government and a good partner of the bank.

As for whose brand to use and whose version to steal, there’s no point in saying that? It's simply impossible to ban it.

Regardless of vanity or not, I have to admit that big brands are indeed more novel and good-looking. After all, bald designers are not born in vain. Just because it looks good, there are always people who want it, there are always people who want it cheap, and there are always people who buy it. Correspondingly, there are always people seeking high profits, and there are always people stealing, which complement each other.

If fake goods are placed in genuine specialty stores, they are genuine goods; if they come out of a production line in a foundry and are wholesaled, they are fake goods. True or false, who can tell.

Thanks to the three big brothers (Stay Up All Night) (Flower Burial Shakes the Moon) and (Miyazaki Shun) for their continued support.

Thank you to the good brothers who voted monthly for your support.

Thanks to all the brothers who recommended it for their support.

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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