After hearing what Wang Yan said, Qiu Yingjie looked serious. No request is the biggest request: "Don't worry, Mr. Wang, our county government will definitely give you the best conditions."

"Okay, then I will stay in Wushang for a while and wait for good news from Director Qiu." Wang Yan said with a smile: "Come on, don't just drink, eat food, eat food."

Qiu Yingjie responded with a smile. This was the most satisfying meal he had ever had since coming to work, and he had never talked so quickly. After two glasses of wine and three bites of food, the investment was settled.

After the serious business was done, the people Qiu Yingjie and Xu Shengli brought started to liven up the atmosphere. This is what they did.

To be honest, considering Xu Shengli's rank, Qiu Yingjie was barely interested, otherwise he wouldn't have talked to Wang Yan about his rank. But Wang Yan didn't care about these things. He wanted to promote Qiu Yingjie to a high position. Of course, Qiu Yingjie had to live long enough. After all, qualifications were also considered.

Focusing on economic construction is not just talk. Qiu Yingjie will be transferred wherever he is transferred. This thing is more practical than anything else. It's hard to believe that Qiu Yingjie can be promoted to a high official position before he leaves.

After chatting for a while, Wang Yan took a bite of food and said, "Director Qiu, I have some knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine. I see that your complexion is sallow, and it seems that there is a hidden disease. It is best to go to a large hospital for a comprehensive examination."

It can be said that his level of Chinese medicine is enough to practice medical consultation. Even if he can't cure cancer, even Qiu Yingjie won't believe that he can prescribe medicine to cure it. If he really believed it, Wang Yan would have to scold him for being brainless.

"Oh? Mr. Wang really has a wide range of hobbies. I didn't expect to do research on traditional Chinese medicine. To be honest, Mr. Wang, I have really been feeling low on energy recently. I will go check it out when I have time."

Qiu Yingjie said this, but he didn't want to flatter the investor. He didn't believe it in his heart. You, the boss of a big company, want to see a doctor with me? Are you stupid or am I stupid?

It’s true that I’m low on energy, but it’s also the result of working day and night. If hundreds of thousands of people want to survive and develop, it is the duty and responsibility of this group of cadres. There is no one in the county government who is relaxed and who does not work overtime.

Wang Yan didn't need his piercing eyes or his wise mind to know that Qiu Yingjie didn't believe it. He took a sip of wine and said, "Don't you think you are tired from working too much?"

Ignoring Qiu Yingjie's embarrassed smile when he was caught, Wang Yan shook his head: "The human body is a complex system, and it will not show anything externally for no reason. According to traditional Chinese medicine, darkening between the eyebrows is mostly caused by long-term lung disease. Disease, Yintang dark red, long-term heart disease, etc. This has been summarized from ancient times to the present, so Director Qiu still takes it to heart. My level is definitely insufficient. It is nothing more than reading a few more books on traditional Chinese medicine. It’s just a book. But it won’t waste much time checking and checking, and it can give you peace of mind.”

These words were sincere. After all, Wang Yan was such a big boss, and Qiu Yingjie was a county director who could hardly even talk to Xu Shengli. It was interesting enough.

Qiu Yingjie said seriously: "Thank you, Mr. Wang, for your concern. Once the investment is finalized, I will go to Lin'an to check."

Nodding happily, Wang Yan said: "That's right. The work is never finished, and development is not temporary. Your health is also important. Come, Director Qiu, let's have a drink."

Qiu Yingjie: "..." He picked up the cup speechlessly and drank one with Wang Yan.

Damn it, you just told me to take care of my health, and then you turn around and want to have a drink with me?

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, the guests and hosts enjoyed one meal. After a few polite words, the group dispersed.

Qiu Yingjie never mentioned Chen Jianghe from beginning to end. Normally, if the relationship between the two of them was so good, he would support his younger brother. It's just that he knew the whole story about Chen Jianghe. When they talked on the phone before, Chen Jianghe told him that he knew what happened to Luo Yuzhu, so he didn't say much.

In the past, Long Teng's invitation to invest was rejected, but it was nothing. This time, with Luo Yuzhu's relationship, he was confident that he could succeed. As for Chen Jianghe's emotional affairs, they are insignificant compared to Wu Shang's development. And he also believed that Chen Jianghe would not think too much about it. But before he could start a relationship, Wang Yan came first.

He didn't say anything about the county committee's reimbursement. After all, this meal was invited by Wang Yan. Besides, I drank five bottles of fifteen-year-old wine during that damn meal, all of which I brought with me. What's the point of asking for that little food money?

The next day, Wang Yan made a phone call and summoned a group of people to discuss investment matters with the Wushang County Committee and the Wuzhou Municipal Committee above.

After all, Wushang is just a county-level city in Wuzhou. It is impossible to make such a large investment without explaining it to the big brother above. After all, the Wuzhou Municipal Party Committee also wanted to let Long Teng invest in the development of Wuzhou itself.

In this regard, Wang Yan did not refuse and surrendered. If it doesn't work, just engage in real estate. Just like his boss Lao Wang, just build shopping malls, theaters, and residential buildings. Anyway, we have to develop the Internet in the future, linking online and offline, which is a good thing. Moreover, the rising housing prices are a general trend, and he cannot control a series of factors such as housing reform, urbanization, etc., so it is good to be a conscientious developer.

The elder brother opens his mouth, and the younger brother runs and breaks his legs. He had several talks with government leaders. Once the general direction was clear, he had nothing to do. The rest was for the people below to work around and discuss the details.

"Mr. Wang, the person is inside."

Wang Yan nodded and walked into the logistics warehouse.

Today Xu Shengli called him and said that he had caught the person who pirated the clothes. Xu Shengli was not asked to go out and asked him to send someone to pick him up.

When I walked in and got used to the contrast between the light inside and outside, I saw seven or eight people tied up and dejected on the ground, as well as a dozen of my own people watching.

"Who's taking the lead?"

The person who came in with Wang Yan took a few steps forward, walked up to a long-haired man, untied the tape that had been wrapped around his mouth several times, pulled back his hair, and exposed his face: "Mr. Wang, that's him. "

After seeing the face clearly, this is not the pirated version of Chen Jianghe.

He nodded and motioned for his men to let go. Wang Yan walked up to the man and squatted down: "What's your name?"

"My name is Big...Big Dog." Big Dog replied tremblingly.

Although he is very brave when it comes to exploiting side projects, he didn't do much. There were dozens of fucking people, and they were surrounded with big sticks in their hands. Without saying a word, they were tied up and brought here with their heads covered. How could he not be afraid?

"Well, do you know what I'm looking for you for?"

"No...I don't know. Please give me...big advice."

Wang Yan glanced at the people next to him strangely: "Didn't you tell them?"

"I didn't have time, Mr. Wang. The brothers called you right after they tied them up. They just got here."

Wang Yan didn't pay attention to the small details, and turned to look at the big dog: "We belong to Longteng, and you pirated Longteng's clothes, which caused trouble for Longteng. If this didn't happen, it would be fine. But it's a pity..."

The big dog didn't panic anymore, because it wasn't about his life. As long as he didn't die, he would be relieved. He calmed down and said, "Brother, what do you want to do?"

Longteng's clothes are relatively popular, and their profits are much higher than those of other brands. He made money by piracy. Now if something goes wrong, he has to admit it. Besides, in this situation, he couldn't run away.

His attitude was okay. Wang Yan nodded: "I've seen the clothes you made, and they feel similar to the materials we developed. Do you have any research on this?"

Later, this kid was recruited by Chen Jianghe and went to study machines. Now he still has some knowledge of materials, so he seems to be a wild talent. To be honest, if the material of the clothes was not enough, no matter who it was, he would just break off his leg without wearing anything.

The big dog smiled reservedly: "It's not the one who eats this bowl of rice."

"Okay, then I will give you a way. I will send you to Qiancheng, where we have our new materials research laboratory, and you can work on it for a while. If there are new results, then let you go, if not" After a pause, Wang Yan stared at him and said, "Then one person and one leg."

", let's..." The big dog panicked again, because it was a bit too much, so he just messed around, and no one else could do that.

Wang Yan shook his head and interrupted: "I'm not discussing with you, you just have to do it, do you understand?"

Ignoring the dying dog, Wang Yan stood up and looked at the people on the side: "Put them into the car and send them to Qian City to find..." Wang Yan gave him the phone number of the person in charge of the laboratory.

After giving the instructions, Wang Yan had someone send him back. They are just a few small characters, so don’t pay too much attention to them.

For the next period of time, Wang Yan had nothing to do, but it wasn't a good idea to leave. After all, some things still required him to come forward to communicate, or to make decisions on the spot, just walking on the street in boredom every day.

Yang Xue also married Chen Jianghe as she wished half a month later. There were two events in total, one in Chenjiacun to entertain fellow villagers, and one in Shanghai to raise our reputation. Qiu Yingjie asked for leave and went to both. First, he respected the people who exchanged chicken feathers for candy in Chenjiacun, and Chen Jinshui had always supported him. Second, the people attending the wedding in Shanghai are all quite capable. Although Longteng has already invested in the development, there is no such thing as too much. He might as well get to know each other before investing. After all, with Long Teng taking the lead, there will be more people who want to follow suit.

Wang Yan didn't know the family and didn't rush to attend the wedding, so he just silently blessed her. I hope that Yang Xue will not act like a monster, Chen Jianghe will not always remember the past, and the two of them can be happy by making do with each other.

After more than a month, all matters were negotiated and started to move forward. Wang Yan set off for Lin'an. Last time I wanted to engage in scientific research, but this time I went there just to study at Zhejiang University. After all, he has no foundation at all, so he needs to learn the theory first.

Enrollment is so simple. I donated money to buy experimental equipment, set up a study abroad fund that can be returned, and a set of outputs were successfully completed in the classroom.


Cold comes and summer comes, spring goes and autumn comes, time will not stop for anyone, and in the blink of an eye, the year 2005 of the new century has arrived.

After more than ten years of development, Longteng has become a behemoth with diversified development and spanning many fields. It is now the largest private enterprise in China and a well-deserved big brother. Those who work directly for Longteng, as well as those who work in various upstream and downstream industrial links, are astonishing, and they are absolutely household names.

As such a large group enterprise, the social responsibilities it should bear are absolutely in place.

During the floods of 1998 and SARS in 2003, Longteng's various industries absolutely made great efforts and worked together to overcome the difficulties. Especially during the Great Flood, compared to the original history, Long Teng's intervention this time indeed had a considerable impact. Disaster rescue, post-disaster reconstruction, production resumption, etc. all have the shadow of Long Teng. As for the SARS period, the country's energy itself was there, and the stronger Long Teng was well prepared. Apart from being panicked for a while, the impact was not big. Not to mention other charity, poverty alleviation, and leading poor areas out of poverty and becoming rich.

Wushang has long been the largest small commodity distribution center in the world, and the market is quite standardized, with collective trademarks and unified production standards, so the quality is absolutely guaranteed.

The quality itself is quite sufficient. Those factory owners may not be able to use it in research and development, but in terms of imitation capabilities, it is absolutely No. 1, not to mention the price advantage. Cosmetics, clothes, shoes and hats, children's toys, etc. In the low-end field, there are basically no competitors in the world, so it's up to whoever does it.

As for Director Qiu Yingjie back then, after listening to Wang Yan's words, he found something wrong and actively treated it. After all, cancer is curable in its early stages, and he cooperated with the treatment, so he is still alive today.

Because of his health, although he is no longer working hard at work, he still has a lot of things to worry about. Even if he boldly delegates power, it will still be quite hard. Overall, this life has been changed well, and being alive is the greatest luck.

As for Long Teng's hometown, Qiancheng. Let’s put it this way, except for the four cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Yangcheng, and Pengcheng due to policy reasons and geographical advantages, Qiancheng is the eldest brother. Long Teng even funded the construction of a university and donated it to the Ministry of Education, just to build a university and train talents nearby.

Wang Yan has always been paying attention to the news about Yang Xue and Chen Jianghe. In addition to the daily tracking, he even sent people to break into their company and bribe their nanny. Although it's a bit disgusting, it doesn't mean anything else. I just hope to get some clues about the relationship status of the two people.

After the two got married, a son was born in the first year, and a girl was born in the second year. They had a son and a daughter.

As time passes, not only the youthful years, but also Chen Jianghe's feelings for Luo Yuzhu. After so many years, I have long since looked away, but there is always the regret of not being able to love. Life is not always going as you wish. What you don’t get is always the best, and it is inevitable. For Yang Xue, for the children, and even for his dead father-in-law, he is guilt-free.

Yang Xue did not behave like a monster and lived contentedly with Chen Jianghe. Knowing that Chen Jianghe would never forget Luo Yuzhu, she didn't care at first because she was very proud of Chen Jianghe and love could tolerate everything. Later, it was because Chen Jianghe had indeed fulfilled his responsibility, and she could feel his tolerance. After all, when a couple lives together, small conflicts in life are inevitable, and she has been spoiled since she was a child. She can understand Chen Jianghe's sincerity when she reflects on it.

She even supported the cooperation with Long Teng. Although I occasionally felt sour, I held it back. After all, they were far behind Long Teng, and that was called support. Without Chen Jianghe's relationship, it would be difficult for them to cooperate.

The two quarreled apart from daily quarrels. They were involved in business and the people in Chenjia Village were involved.

When an enterprise grows to a certain extent, its own field reaches a certain level, and it uses its own resources to horizontally expand and develop new fields, this is the only way for enterprise development. In recent years, in addition to the Yang Group's original department store, daily chemical, hardware, and jewelry businesses, it has also developed other businesses such as real estate and the Internet. Chen Jianghe came here based on Long Teng's business, and after careful consideration and analysis, he came up with these two ways to make money. These businesses were also newly established companies with their own money, and were headed by Chen Jianghe.

Due to the different business philosophies between Chen Jianghe and Yang Xue, coupled with the constraints of a group of old investors from the Yang family who were working with his father-in-law, Chen Jianghe's ambitions were in vain. In the end, when the two of them came together, no one should quarrel or make trouble. Chen Jianghe would take the family's money and go out to do it by himself. Each of them would do it according to their own ideas. It would be good for both of them.

The only ones left were the people from Chenjiacun, and Yang Xue was not very happy. Say it once, do it once.

Just like in the play, when Chen Jianghe became prosperous, the original group of people joined him. Chen Jianghe thought about the kindness of raising and taking care of him, and responded without saying anything. A man of five or six who doesn't work hard and keeps his status and pretends to be better than Canada. Chen Jianghe was in a high position and could not notice these small things. Others did not dare to file complaints and complaints due to their status in this group of people, but they were full of complaints anyway.

Yang Xue was not used to illness, so after getting the evidence, she took Chen Jianghe to look at their faces, and fought with Chen Jianghe to drive away the big ones. It would be easier to let these people join the company than to give them money.

Now that it's over, the group of people went back to the village to gossip about how Chen Jianghe no longer recognized the people who raised him when he became rich. Then he turned around and asked Chen Jianghe for help. After all, I don't go to your company, but after all, I watched you grow up, so there's nothing wrong with helping me.

Chen Jianghe can't wipe his face, he can't forget his roots as a human being, and the grace of survival is greater than heaven, so he admits it.

Anyway, once he helped, Yang Xue would talk nonsense with them. It wasn't that she didn't care about San Gua Liang Zao's little money, she just couldn't stand Chen Jianghe's unwillingness to refuse, which made her angry.

It was noisy, but the days were quite exciting.

As for Wang Yan himself, he is still so free and easy. This year he is already forty-four, and he is still alone, with the women around him changing one after another. As for Zhao Ruyun back then, she was one year older than Wang Yan. Although she had money and took good care of herself, she was almost uninteresting.

Moreover, Wang Yan was not serious. There were women one after another around him, ranging from twenty-five to thirty-five years old. Zhao Ruyun wanted a guarantee and boldly asked Wang Yan to have a child. Wang Yan doesn't want it. He has too many children and that's enough. Just let her go and do whatever you like.

Thanks to Brother (Hua Zan Shaoyue) for your continued support.

Thank you to the good brothers who voted monthly for your support.

Thanks to all the brothers who recommended it for their support.

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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