In summer, cicadas start chirping early in the morning, disturbing people's dreams.

But the people in the railway compound were not disturbed because they got up early.

Early in the morning, people in the courtyard skillfully moved their tables, chairs, benches, etc. into the courtyard to have breakfast together.

Today's breakfast was wontons. Guarding the big pot, the women in the courtyard quickly wrapped them first and then threw them into the pot. Lao Cai was holding a large spoon and guarding the pot. On the other side, Mr. and Mrs. Wu were baking pancakes. Brother Wu was really good at this. He was good at pancakes.

"Oh, dear brother, you and Ma Yan are married."

"What, you can't wait any longer?" Ma Yan, who was sitting at the same table, looked at Cai Xiaonian with a smile.

"I'm worried for my brother." Cai Xiaonian said, "He's the only one in their family. I'm his brother. If I'm not worried, who should be? Look at my boy, how long has it been? He's all over the floor. Climb. It will be soy sauce in a few months, so you two should hold on tight. "

Wang Yan shook his head in a funny way: "You should still care about Comrade Lao Niu."

"I don't need to worry, I'm fine." Niu Dali beside him shook his head repeatedly.

"Quickly pull him down." Cai Xiaonian looked disgusted, "Have you forgotten what happened to you when I got married last year? That guy is really good at talking. He is from a household worth ten thousand yuan, and he is a young lady. Why didn't he come back this time? What’s going on? Are you sorry?”

"What should I pay for?" Niu Dali said, "I am low-key. Do you understand what low-key means?"

"Why are you keeping such a low profile? Didn't you say last year that you would provide tap water to our courtyard? I'm waiting for you. It would be better for you to take some practical actions."

"The time hasn't come yet. When the time comes, I will take care of this matter."

Cai Xiaonian waved his hand: "Quickly pull it off, we don't need you anymore. My brother has already taken care of it, and he said that someone will come to reform it next month, right, brother?"

"That doesn't mean it costs nothing." Wang Yan shook his head, "Now we pay for water per capita. Water meters are installed when tap water enters households. From now on, we will charge per word. The cost will definitely be higher than now."

"What are you talking about? This was voted on by a show of hands at our previous meeting, and everyone was willing to pay."

Niu Dali gave a thumbs up: "Wang Yan is still awesome. Officials are powerful."

"Get out of here, what's the point? It's just that the life in our courtyard has been better than before in the past two years, and we have more money. Otherwise, we can pretend to be fake. There is no running water, but it's not that there is no water. Who can take advantage? No, right, dear brother."

"Yes, thank you to the country and the railway." Wang Yan nodded with a smile.

There wasn't much work in the morning, it was just doing hygiene, preparing various ingredients, etc. Everyone was quite leisurely, talking, laughing, and very happy.

Niu Dali was just not interested. He was eating the flatbread wontons, but he always turned his head to look at the other table. On that table sat Lao Wang's family. Wang Xin, Wang Yongge, and of course Yao Yuling, as well as the child fed by Yao Yuling, whom Lao Wang named Songhua.

It can be seen that Niu Dali is still not relieved...

Ma Yan asked with a smile: "Brother Dali, what business are you doing now?"

"I opened a restaurant and found a cook from Northeastern China. He sells stir-fried vegetables during the day and sells barbecue at the food stall at night."

Cai Xiaonian said: "Hey, you opened a store, why didn't you tell us the good news?"

"I just said, keep a low profile!"

"Quickly pull him down. If you knew how to keep a low profile, you wouldn't be Niu Dali."

Relatively speaking, Cai Xiaonian understands Niu Dali better.

He asked: "Is there something wrong with you? Are you really going to pay for it?"

"Go away, I'm fine." Niu Dali said helplessly, "I'm really fine. I just thought about it, how much money do I have? Then there are a lot of rich people in Shenzhen, what do I have? So good?"

"It's still a lie. Where does that sense of superiority come from? Isn't it just from comparing with poor people like us. You think so, brother?"

"Incisive." Wang Yan nodded amusedly.

"Oh, I don't understand why. I'm really good."

"I understand." Cai Xiaonian said, "You just come back and see others happy, but you feel uncomfortable."

"What are you talking about? What's wrong with me?"

"Look, you're stepping on the tail."

Niu Dali began to prove himself anxiously, while Cai Xiaonian was calmly disbelieving, making Niu Dali even more anxious...

Wang Yan and Ma Yan were just listening to the excitement, and they just passed the breakfast time...

Today is their wedding day, and it is not complicated at all. There is no messy ceremony, and no one is invited to host or support guests. They just dress more formally and festively, as if they are getting married.

The police uniform Wang Yan wore was relatively formal. Ma Yan wore a bright red suit-style wedding dress. This is the only dress she wears these days. The joy lies with her.

In addition, window grilles with the word "happy" were pasted on the glass, a red thermos pot was prepared, and a large quilt embroidered with mandarin ducks was spread on the kang, which Wang Sufang had prepared long ago.

Today, Wang Yan will have a drink here and relatives and friends will have a few gifts. The main purpose is for everyone to eat and drink together and get to know each other. It is announced that Wang Yan and Ma Yan will be one family from now on.

At around eight o'clock, people began to arrive one after another. Cai Xiaonian took the initiative and volunteered to take on the task of writing the gift accounts. He set up a table outside the compound and followed Niu Dali to write down the accounts as gifts were given to everyone. Except for those who look like children at first glance, adults, regardless of gender, just pass by with a pack of cigarettes.

The courtyard began to become more lively.

Although Wang Yan didn't want to make a big deal, there were still many people coming.

There are a bunch of relatives in Lao Ma's family, whether it's Ma Kui or Wang Sufang. Wang Yan has done a lot of work for them in the past few years. They should have come to pay tribute, but now they are naturally more eager.

Colleagues and leaders in the railway system, as well as some leaders in the government police at the provincial and municipal levels, as well as some leaders and teachers in the police academy. Wang Yan holds three positions, has outstanding achievements, and has a brilliant record. He is an absolute representative figure of the Liao Province police, and he is still very respectable.

In addition, there are some of Wang Yan's own relationships, that is, the many friends he has made with various identities. Either he helped others, or others helped him, even if they were passers-by A, B, B, D, etc. who didn't even have names. But to a certain extent, Wang Yan's pretentiousness was achieved through many people.

The one worth mentioning is the old blind man. He came when Ma Yan was taking the college entrance examination, he came when Wang Xin got married, and now that Wang Yan and Ma Yan are getting married, he also came.

In fact, ever since the trafficker was caught and the old blind man was admitted to a nursing home, Ma Kui has visited him frequently over the years. Whenever he remembered, he would go for a walk and carry various things during holidays. Of course, the old boy carried them. All the things are from Wang Yan's filial piety, and there are quite a few people who come to give him things during the New Year.

"Oh, Brother Jia is here."

Wang Yan greeted Jia Jinlong warmly, "You said it's so far away, why are you going all the way?"

Jia Jinlong smiled and said, "I didn't come here on purpose. I just happened to be in Ningyang to do some business. I heard about your marriage. I'm not talking about you. It's such a big deal. Son, why didn’t you get a letter?”

"I'm just afraid of bothering you."

"Didn't I drop by too? What a coincidence, hahaha..." Jia Jinlong patted Wang Yan's arm, "There are so many people, so I won't delay you. You're busy, so I can take care of myself."

"Hey, okay." Wang Yan smiled and patted Jia Jinlong on the back, hugging him slightly.

Seeing Jia Jinlong heading straight towards Wang Xin, just when the two were about to talk, Wang Yan greeted: "Wang Xin, come here!"

Wang Xin heard the greeting and walked up to Wang Yan without saying anything to Jia Jinlong.

Wang Yan put his arm around his shoulders, took out money from his pocket and gave it to him, and said loudly: "There are too many people. Please run away and buy some fruit."

Then he leaned closer and whispered: "You know everything, I'm stunned. Don't look at him!"

Wang Xin clicked his tongue and replied loudly: "Don't you worry about me doing things?"

After saying that, he walked out, because there was indeed a shortage of fruit. Even if there was no shortage, he would have to buy some back...

After having dinner with Jia Jinlong last winter, Wang Yan called the criminal police in Harbin, and the criminal police in Harbin responded quickly and placed charges directly. After all, the person who spoke was the famous Wang Yan. When he said "feeling", no one took it seriously. Police officers are more sensitive to this mystery, so of course they do things with their heart.

After a period of surveillance and investigation, later in the year, the criminal police from Harbin called Wang Yan to express his gratitude. Yan said that his feeling was damn accurate that Jia Jinlong was involved in drugs. At the same time, Wang Yan was asked to cooperate, and the relevant personnel should keep their mouths shut. They would pull out the carrots and mud, find the source, and then catch them all.

Wang Yan can say with certainty that during such a lively and noisy time, there must be criminal policemen from Harbin City keeping a close eye on them outside...

Ma Kui and Wang Xinqiao had already been angry with each other about this matter, and both of them looked sad at that time. In order to prevent any accidents, Wang Yan called Wang Xin and gave his instructions again.

As for Jia Jinlong, of course he would not doubt it. Originally, we didn’t have too many interactions, and today’s occasion also made people relax. He was just talking to Yao Yuling, who was holding the child, as if nothing was wrong...

"Wang Yan, Yanzi..."

At this time, Lao Ma greeted him, and Wang Yan and Ma Yan heard the sound and went over.

"Uncle Peng, here you come." The two of them walked over enthusiastically and greeted Peng Mingjie.

"Congratulations to you. The day has finally come and Lao Ma can rest assured." Peng Mingjie smiled and nodded, "This is our first time meeting you. Let me introduce you to her. This is my daughter Yongli."

The young Peng Yongli smiled brightly: "Hello sister, hello brother-in-law. I wish you a happy marriage, a happy marriage, and a son soon."

"Oh, thank you, Yongli. We are all one family, don't be so polite." Ma Yan took out a handful of white rabbits from her pocket with a smile, "Here, eat some sweets."

"Thank you, sister." Peng Yongli's mouth was very sweet.

Wang Yan had a deep understanding of this. He recalled that back then, she was the beauty he sent away in her twilight years in front of his bed.

Lao Ma smiled on the side and said: "Yongli was admitted to our university in Ningyang and came here to study. School hasn't started yet, so she has to live with us for a while. You two, take care of her."

"Oh, Lao Ma, you've already spoken out loud." Wang Yan said with a smile, "We are all our own people. This is my sister, so there is no need to give instructions. Let alone stay for a while, there is no problem if we stay for a lifetime. Ah. When you’re done, let your sister take you to have some fun, Yongli.”

"Thank you, brother-in-law." Peng Yongli smiled sweetly.

Peng Mingjie laughed: "Okay, you go and get going without having to greet us."

So Wang Yan and Ma Yan went to greet people again. Ma Yan said that her face froze when she smiled, and she always put on a professional fake smile when meeting people...

These are all interludes, and the excitement will eventually come to an end.

At Lao Ma's house, Lao Ma and Peng Mingjie drank tea to sober up. On the other side of the table were Wang Yan, Ma Yan, Wang Sufang, and Peng Yongli, who were checking money.

Ma Yan sighed: "You still have the strength. I remember that when we held a college entrance banquet before, we didn't take too much money. Look at it now, it's a big table full."

"That's what I said." Wang Yan shook his head in a funny way, "It's because life has been better in the past two years, and in addition, Lao Ma and I are usually kind to others, and our relatives and friends are willing to support us."

"That doesn't mean anything. How can you do good things if you don't have the strength? If you don't do good things, who will support you?"

"As long as you know it yourself, you have to say it so directly. Right, Yongli?"

"Well..." Peng Yongli smiled sweetly, "My sister and I are together."

"This is a united front."

"I support you, we two are in this together." Wang Sufang said with a smile.

"It has to be my mother."

Everyone laughed together for a moment, in great harmony.

After counting the money, Ma Yan was very satisfied. She said, "This money is enough for my business."

"Then the country assigned you a job in the government. Those are state cadres. I tell you, you have to think carefully." Ma Kui still persuaded.

Peng Mingjie also nodded: "Don't make a decision in a hurry. Doing business is not that simple. It's not as easy as holding the country's iron rice bowl. Don't be impulsive when people make a lot of money. You must think twice before you act."

Ma Yan said: "I have already thought about it, Uncle Peng. I will first apply for a layoff without pay and keep the staff. Then I will go out to do business. Wang Yan knows many people, and he is not starting from scratch. His identity It’s not suitable, I just picked it up.”

"Then I won't say anything more." Peng Mingjie said with a smile.

After chatting and joking for a while, Wang Sufang started to chase people away: "Okay, you two are exhausted, go back and lie down."

"Oh, Mom, what time is it?" Ma Yan suddenly felt embarrassed.

"Let you two stay alone for a while, what's going on?"

"Yes, I am indeed tired. I got up early in the morning and drank a lot of wine. I haven't stopped yet. Let's go take a nap for a while. Uncle Peng, let's drink again in the evening."

After saying this, Wang Yan and Ma Yan returned to his house.

There really wasn't much to do. After all, it wasn't dark yet and it was midsummer. Ma Yan was embarrassed to even close the curtains. Don't close the curtains. People outside can see clearly when they walk by. Wang Yan also had no intention of giving people a live erotic show.

So the two of them just rested...

"Finally everything is done." Ma Yan lay on the kang, breathing out a sigh of relief as if she had accomplished a major mission.

"It's early."

Wang Yan lay on the side and said with a smile, "You still have to give birth to children and raise children. In the future, you have to give birth to and raise grandchildren. What's the point? Besides, you are still doing business, and you are very busy."

"Hey, what do you want me to do?"

"What are you doing? I'll activate my brain and give you some ideas."

Ma Yan turned her head, and Wang Yan also turned around. The two looked at each other, and their lips were close to each other...

After all, I didn't continue until after dinner, and then I became happy.

This night is the sound of autumn insects all night long...

On the second day after arriving, the old hen sent her most heartfelt blessings...

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly, recommend and read quietly for their strong support!

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