"Oh, it feels different after changing the locomotive."

Cai Xiaonian looked at his father who was driving the train, and Lao Wu, the deputy driver on the other side, "Now we can also move around the cab."

"You are not in compliance with the rules, do you know?" Lao Wu said without turning his head. He was still sitting upright, his eyes fixed on the front.

"My brother is here, and I will find him if I have any problems."

"Oh, I can't take it. You should leave." Wang Yan waved his hand quickly, "I am seeing the novelty, but I didn't ask you to follow the novelty."

"Look, it's noon now, I am here to deliver lunch to Comrade Lao Cai." Cai Xiaonian smiled.

"Uncle Cai, Brother Wu, how is the new train running?" Wang Xin asked from behind.

"It must be good." Lao Cai didn't turn his head, and his eyes were fixed on the front.

Brother Wu said, "That's great. In the past, it took us a day and a night to get from Ningyang to Harbin. Now it only takes half a day. I tell you, the speed of this train will definitely get faster and faster in the future. Wherever you go, it will be there in a flash."

"What's more, just take a plane." Wang Xin said with a smile.

"Hey, don't disbelieve me." Brother Wu said, "It's not about studying high-speed rail. It may be done in a certain time. It's hard for Lao Cai and I to drive it. By then, we will probably retire. Even if we don't retire, our brains and bodies can't hold up."

What Lao Wu said is not wrong. There are indeed certain requirements for age. Especially high-speed rail is the life of everyone on the train. All procedures, requirements, and standards are to minimize various risks.

Lao Ma said, "Okay, we have seen it. It's almost done. Don't delay their work. Let's go."

So a group of people left the front of the train, maintained the order and public security of the carriage, and returned to the dining car to sit down for a short rest.

Looking at the scenery outside the window that was rapidly receding, Lao Lu sighed: "Oh, it's really different when the speed is fast."

"That's for sure." Cai Xiaonian said, "Otherwise, why do we say that the railway is our lifeline? The train is fast, people move fast, and goods move just as fast. The economy has developed in this way, and our lives have become better in this way."

"It has reached a higher level." Wang Yan smiled.

"What are you talking about? Among so many of us, only your family enjoys the policy dividends. We are all waiting for your family to lead."

"Then you wait."

"Look, the richer you are, the more stingy you are."

"Spit out the Moutai you drank from me." Wang Yan shook his fist, "If you can't spit it out, I'll help you."

"I just said that, look at you." Cai Xiaonian looked hurt.

Old Lu asked, "Hey, Wang Yan, your big shopping mall, is it time to open?"

"Yes, we have found the sellers, and it will open next month. Then I will give you a membership card, and you can get 25% off everything you buy in the mall."

Cai Xiaonian asked with a smile, "What if it's already discounted?"

"Then I'll give you a discount. If it doesn't work, I'll just give it to you for free?"

"Then I won't refuse. I have a weak resistance and can't stand the temptation."

Everyone was laughing and talking, and the atmosphere was happy and relaxed...

After getting married, Ma Yan started a business. Although the gift money was indeed not cheap, enough to do business, after all, Wang Yan was there, so it was impossible to do it slowly. He also got a few notes, collected 50,000 yuan, and opened a seasoning factory.

This thing is the simplest, not technically difficult, and enough for Ma Yan to practice.

Ma Yan lived up to expectations and ran the seasoning business successfully. After the policy was relaxed, she registered and established a company. Then he went to Changbai Mountain to build a factory and act as a porter for nature.

At this point, he was basically rich and could be counted among the best in the Northeast.

Then the policy was further adjusted, and Wang Yan took another piece of land, designed it himself, and built a comprehensive shopping mall. At the same time, Wang Yan also guided Ma Yan to inherit some inheritance from the Russians. He was too familiar with this business.

In short, it was to do industry. And in this process, some state-owned enterprises were reformed, and some factories were bought back by the way. In this way, coupled with the inheritance from the Russians, it was easy to develop an industrial empire.

It is worth mentioning that Wang Yan did not continue to sell Dali Pills. Because the main business this time was not that, his goal of the stars and the sea was not to be fully deployed every time. For example, this time, he simply used the money earned by Ma Yan to organize various computer research, and only went deep into this big project.

He was still a policeman, and did not go into business as is popular nowadays. Now he is the captain of the criminal police team of Ningyang Railway Bureau. His previous deputy captain was in a municipal railway unit, and now he is in a provincial unit. His status has been upgraded, but his power has been reduced. After all, he was the top criminal police officer before, but now he has several captains.

But it’s okay, after all, no one wants to make trouble with him.

His position in the criminal science department of the provincial government department has not changed. He is still the deputy director and still has a morning training course every Friday morning. He has made progress at the police academy. He is no longer an ordinary lecturer, but has been rated as a professor.

Of course, it is not a random evaluation, and he still has professional contributions.

The numerous professional books on criminal investigation technology he wrote are no longer limited to Liaoning Province. Some of them are used as textbooks, and some are quoted and compiled into textbooks, which are very professional. In addition, he also took the time to write some papers, which are almost more advanced than the textbooks he wrote.

This is not just domestic, he also submitted papers abroad, which have a certain degree of influence worldwide. At this time, people recognize this, and our country is also eager to keep up with the international standards.

In addition, occasionally he will go to other provinces to work with other experts to solve difficult cases.

Under all these circumstances, he naturally became an authority in criminal science and technology, and was naturally awarded the title of professor...

The reason why he is on the train today is because the new train is launched, and he came to take a look to ensure safe operation. In fact, except for the excessive passenger flow during the New Year and other festivals, and the complex composition of passengers, he, a famous thief catcher, needs to get on the train for centralized arrest. In normal times, he has not been on the train for a long time.

After all, he is now a criminal police captain with dozens of people under him, so why does he need to go out in person?

His life is still very comfortable now. He just looks at the cases every day, provides some technical support to his comrades, and then leaves it to them. Only when it is really difficult, he, the captain, will go out in person to solve the case.

In fact, it is also like this now. His role is greater than his previous front-line case solving. His brigade is the most awesome and has solved a lot of cases.

Since the implementation of the merit recognition, he has a lot of third-class merits and a lot of second-class merits. As for the first-class merit, he went to Beijing to attend the conference and received commendations.

Over the years, he can really be said to have been born and died. Whenever there is a big arrest operation, it is necessary to go to the front line and command. In fact, he even led the team forward in person many times. His record is brilliant, his merits are outstanding, and his resume is very scary.

In the past, it took more than three days to follow the car back and forth, and you can rest for most of the day and one night. Now it takes two days and one night to go back and forth. I can rest for one night and a whole day. If you calculate it carefully, I can rest for ten days a month. But it is not easy, because I have to deal with many people and face the diversity of people, which is quite exhausting.

Wang Yan drove the car, carrying Lao Ma and Wang Xin.

Seeing the tiredness on Lao Ma's face, Wang Yan said, "Lao Ma, you are old and your body can't stand running back and forth. Let's transfer you to a clerical position, or let you retire internally so that you can stay at home with your wife and children."

"Wang Yan is right, you should stop tossing around with your old arms and legs."

"Get out of here, I can still work for two years."

"Forget it, you are already sixty years old, but you still don't admit that you are old? Don't fight with yourself, and don't fight with me." Wang Yan said, "It's settled, I will transfer you to a lighter position first, if you are willing to work, go, if you don't want to work, stay at home."

Lao Ma was unhappy: "What, you make the decision for me?"

"If it doesn't work, go home and have a meeting, and we will vote by raising our hands."

Lao Ma didn't say anything, just hugged his shoulders and looked out the window.

Wang Xin smiled and said, "It's normal for him. He has been busy all his life and can't sit still. It's the same for us. If we really stay at home quietly for two days, we will be very nervous."

"I'm changing my position, but it doesn't mean I'm not going to be a police officer anymore. We have to go to the scene of any case. Pay attention to your daily routine and don't stay up late like before. It won't have much impact. The main thing is that you don't have to go out of town. You leave home in the morning and go home in the evening. How great is that. There are always talented people in every generation. If you quit, there will always be someone to take over. Understand it, Lao Ma."

"Don't talk to me. I don't want to talk to you." Lao Ma snorted.

So he returned to the compound.

They still live in the compound now, but the new railway staff family building is almost completed. It will be renovated and moved in in another year. Finally, they can live with electricity and telephones upstairs and downstairs, and they can also poop at home.

In fact, Wang Yan could have been allocated a large building long ago. Whether it was the railway system, the government or the police academy, it would be no problem for him to get a house. It was just that they were used to living here. They had been neighbors for decades, and Lao Ma and Wang Sufang were unwilling to move, so they had lived here until today.

Just after parking the car, a little girl ran out of the door.

"Dad! Grandpa!"

Before Wang Yan could even speak, Ma Kui on the side picked up the little girl.

"Do you miss grandpa?"


"Why do you miss him?"

"That's how I miss him."

The little thing spoke in a crisp voice, which made people happy. This was Wang Yan's daughter, Wang Rui.

"What's wrong with you, kid, not looking at me?"

"Hello, Uncle Wang."

Wang Xin pinched the little face with a look of love, "You are so cute."

"If you want to give birth, go home and give birth yourself." Lao Ma threw down this sentence, turned around and left with his precious granddaughter.

Wang Xin smiled and waved to the little girl, and then went home.

Wang Yan shook his head with amusement and walked into the old Ma family's house.

In the house, the live-in nanny was cooking, Wang Sufang was knitting a sweater, Ma Yan was eating an apple, and the second son, who could only walk, was pinching an apple in his hand and walking back and forth on the ground with great effort.

Originally, they didn't want to have another son, but Ma Kui and Wang Sufang both wanted one, and Ma Yan also wanted one, so she gave birth to another son.

Ma Kui entered the house, picked up the kid on the ground, sat on the stool, and held one child in each hand and kept loving him.

Ma Yan asked: "What's wrong? Did you offend him again?"

Wang Sufang also looked at Wang Yan with a questioning look in her eyes.

They all lived together, and everyone knew what kind of character Old Ma was. When they saw Old Ma like that, they knew he was in a bad mood.

Wang Yan smiled and said: "I said he was old and couldn't stand running back and forth, so he should take a good rest. He was not happy about changing his position."

"Oh~" Ma Yan understood, turned to look at Old Ma, "Dad, you really should take a rest. Aren't there enough things for you to do with two children at home?"

"How can it be the same?" Old Ma stared.

"What's the difference? Come on, come on, vote." As she spoke, Ma Yan raised her hand.

Wang Yan raised his hand very cooperatively: "Mom, you abstained, right?"

Wang Sufang shook her head with a smile, but didn't say anything.

Ma Yan smiled and said, "Okay, two to one, the resolution is passed and officially implemented. You should hurry up and do this, Wang Yan."

Old Ma was speechless and choked. He knew it was like this. No one supported him. Even the precious granddaughter and grandson in his arms raised their hands.

"Why are you raising your hands?" Old Ma said with a fierce face, "You are not qualified to vote yet."

The little girl didn't say anything, just giggled. The silly boy next to him didn't understand anything, but laughed along, and didn't put down his raised chubby hand.

This matter was settled, and Old Ma's opposition was not strong. Apart from the two things that happened in prison for ten years and Wang Sufang's miscarriage due to this matter, his life was not unsuccessful.

Now it's even better. His daughter is a big boss in business and very rich. His son-in-law is a famous meritorious policeman. He is awesome. The relationship is even more terrifying, far beyond the connections that a criminal police captain should have. There are two grandchildren, a boy and a girl, growing up. What else does he need a bicycle for?

The nanny was quite quick, and Wang Yan also cooked two dishes, because he cooked delicious dishes and the girl liked them. Soon, the food was served, and together with the nanny, the whole table of people started to eat lively.

The source of the liveliness was the two children, who always made people laugh and cry. Ma Kui mainly communicated with the two children, laughing happily from time to time and drinking a sip of wine.

Wang Yan listened to Ma Yan talking about business matters, which involved a lot of things, such as personnel, finance, and new projects. After listening, Wang Yan would answer Ma Yan's questions and give her some ideas to help her better manage and operate.

Wang Sufang managed the children with Ma Kui, and from time to time she would scold Ma Kui, and there was no shortage of smiles during the meal.

The nanny sat there quietly eating the food, smiling at the happiness of this family...

I would like to thank the good brothers who voted for the monthly ticket, recommended ticket, and read books silently for their strong support!

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