Wang Yan settled down completely in the Seventh Company.

Life in the army is relatively monotonous. Of course, there are also cultural and sports entertainment, such as basketball and table tennis. For example, the instructor will organize a reading club for soldiers to comment and exchange. There will also be daily internal competitions and competitions. There are many such things.

Of course, the mainstream is always the training of various military skills.

People have heard about Wang Yan's awesomeness. During the training with Wang Yan, the soldiers of the Seventh Company were convinced, and no one wanted to challenge Wang Yan.

However, in the training of more than 300 people in the Third Battalion, it is inevitable that some people are dissatisfied and want to compete with Wang Yan.

So from various long and short runs, obstacle runs, weighted runs, to grappling and fighting, all were crushed by Wang Yan driving an armored vehicle. Especially in grappling and fighting, he used continuous running and maneuvering on the playground to put more than ten veterans alone.

Since then, he has gained respect. In the building of their third battalion, people greet him wherever he goes, and he can smoke with anyone.

His life is still the same, but he keeps learning various professional knowledge and practicing various professional skills.

The professional books that Shi Jin gave him, which are more than one meter high, are getting fewer and fewer. He has deliberately slowed down to make it easier for his comrades to accept. After all, it is okay to stand out, but it is not so good to stand out too much...

The requirements for scouts are actually no worse than those for special forces. It's just that the overall tactics are different, which also creates a big difference. After all, special forces are special operations, and daily training is also to pursue the limit. They are all big animals.

But in some specific subjects, special forces are not crushing scouts. The main thing is the way of cooperation and the way of fighting are different.

It seems that on the battlefield, it is not the snipers who entertain snipers, but fierce artillery fire. It is not the scouts who entertain special forces, but the large army group encirclement and suppression.

There is no chance of soldiers fighting soldiers or generals fighting generals...

Except for armor-related things, Wang Yan knows everything else. I still remember that during the Vietnam War, he was almost a scout, attacking with a sharp knife company, directing artillery fire, and crashing directly into the enemy's deployment to disrupt the enemy's defense. Later, the special forces of the Beijing Military Region were formed, and he really studied it.

What he studied, he would naturally do, and even better.

A month passed like this, and finally, the first allowance since joining the army was issued, 500 yuan. At the same time, I also had my first vacation.

"Oh, I can finally take a break. I'm happy today that I have a holiday tomorrow."

Bai Tiejun was lying on the bed pretending to be dead. He turned his head and asked, "Brother Yan, what are you going to do tomorrow?"

"Go to the city to buy an electronic watch for Xu Sanduo."

"Then what?"

"What else? Then come back."

"Don't you do anything else?" Bai Tiejun laughed meanly, with a bit of lewdness, and he was not a good person at first glance.

Without waiting for Wang Yan to speak, Wu Liuyi scolded: "If you want to go, then go. Why do you have to drag Wang Yan along? I tell you, if you lead Wang Yan astray, you will see how I will deal with you."

"No, I am one year older than him, and I call him brother. How can I lead him astray?" Bai Tiejun felt that he had been wronged.

"That's hard to say." Wang Yan glanced at him and shook his head repeatedly.

"We are all men, what's the big deal?" Bai Tiejun said, "Wang Yan, I heard from the veterans that the girls are all more beautiful than each other, you are still a virgin, right? Let me tell you, that thing is so tasteful, tut tut..."

"What are you tut tut about?" Shi Jin glared, "In principle, this is not allowed. But we are all in the same class, and we all understand that if you want to find it, we can't say anything. But if you go, just go, don't make a fuss, is it appropriate to spread it out?

But then again, what kind of family do you have? The monthly allowance is so much. You have to save some, right? Bai Tiejun, listen to my advice, don't think about those useless things. Save money, train well, and strive to transfer to a non-commissioned officer. When you finish your five years of military service, the money you save, plus the severance pay, you can borrow some money when you return home, and it will be enough to build a new house and marry a wife."

"The squad leader is right, it's just two dollars, don't waste it, if you can't, go to the toilet and solve it yourself." Wang Yan smiled.

"Don't you want to?"

"I'm a virgin, so I can't lose my virginity right now." Wang Yan was talking nonsense, and then he said, "Besides, I will definitely be in the army for a long time. When I participate in a big competition or something, and win a third-class merit or a second-class merit, I can be promoted. I heard from the company commander that the army will solve the marriage problems of officers and soldiers and give them wives."

Looking at Bai Tiejun's wide eyes, Wang Yan waved his hand: "Are you serious? They don't arrange marriages anymore. What are you thinking? At that time, we will organize social activities with the local government, which is a large-scale blind date. If you can't get along once, you still can't get along twice or three times? From this point of view, it's almost the same as getting a wife."

"That's you. It's hard for me to get a transfer." Bai Tiejun shook his head, lying there without saying anything, his eyes looking at the ceiling.

"You should learn from Comrade Xu Sanduo. Look at his spirit." Wang Yan said.

"That's a stubborn fool. I'm so smart, how can I learn from him?"

"You're smart, but you're also cunning, lazy, greedy and slippery." Gan Xiaoning laughed and mocked.

The two of them started to quarrel, laughing.

Wang Yan was reading a book...

The next day, Wang Yan did not sit up and lie down to sleep like other people did when he heard the wake-up call. He simply got up and tidied his room.

"Are you still going out for exercise?"

Wu Liuyi, who was on the upper bunk of the next bed, asked.

"Just exercise."

"Wait for me to go with you."

As he spoke, Wu Liuyi sat up and started to tidy up.

Wang Yan smiled and went out first to wait downstairs.

After a while, Wu Liuyi ran out: "You put a lot of pressure on me."

"It's just morning exercise. I have been in the army for four months. I get up at that time every day. I can't sleep even if I want to."

"You are still energetic. Why are they all asleep?" Wu Liuyi punched Wang Yan and put his arm around Wang Yan's shoulders. "Why don't you try it today? Be a man!"

"Forget it. It's not worth it if you get sick. What's the matter? Do you want to go?"

"I am saving money to marry a wife." Wu Liuyi waved his hand.

"Then what do you say? I won't save money or get married? Let's go."

Wang Yan ran happily, and Wu Liuyi followed him.

The two of them simply ran ten kilometers on the playground. Although it was simple, it was somewhat tormenting for other soldiers who were also doing morning exercises. They were warming up at the speed of sprinting, and they kept lapped them. They were all soldiers, but why was there such a big difference between them?

After having breakfast in the cafeteria, when I returned to the class room to wash up, the soldiers in the class still hadn't gotten up.

Shi Jin got up and was washing up in the water room.

"Squad leader, are you going out too?"

"Buy some things and send them back home." Shi Jin smiled.

"The squad leader has a wife and children, unlike us." Wu Liuyi winked, "I've seen the squad leader's wife. Oh, she's very pretty with thick eyebrows and big eyes."

"I'll come again next year, and I'll show you then." After saying this, Shi Jin looked at Wu Liuyi again, "You should also hurry up and find one. She's not young anymore."

"It's still early for me, so I'm not in a hurry."

As the three of them were talking and laughing while washing up, the others also got up one after another. There were ten people in the squad, and five of them went into the city. In addition to Wang Yan and the other two, there were Bai Tiejun and Gan Xiaoning. They seemed to have reached a consensus and looked a little bit excited.

Of the other five people, two stayed in the squad, and the other three went to the nearby town to eat and drink.

The station was still quite far from the city, and it was not convenient to wait for the bus until nine o'clock. So Wang Yan went to Gao Cheng to borrow a car, and the five of them could just go there in one trip.

"You are still very face-saving." Gan Xiaoning sighed.

"Our company commander is quite nice. Why don't you just tell him? How do you know if you can drive if you don't tell me?"

"Just find a bus stop in the city and drop it off for us later." Gan Xiaoning said.

"Okay, you still have some dignity." Wu Liuyi started to insult him.

Bai Tiejun said, "I'm not afraid of losing face myself. I'm mainly afraid of losing face for our army."

Shi Jin didn't say much. This was a personal choice, and he couldn't say anything. He had said what he should say, and whether they listened or not was not something he could control.

After entering the city, he dropped Gan Xiaoning and Bai Tiejun off, and the three of them went shopping.

Wang Yan had a clear goal. His main goal was to buy an electronic watch for Xu Sanduo. There was nothing else to buy. After searching for a while, he bought a Casio electronic watch. At this time, Casio was still the trend in electronic watches. Because of the moderate price, good-looking appearance, and large sales volume, it naturally became a trend.

Shi Jin was different. He picked and chose, and it was really a good shopping trip. Wu Liuyi followed and bought some things, also intending to send them back home. He didn't have a wife or children, but he still had parents.

In this way, the three of them strolled around for a whole morning, and found a post office to send the things directly, and found a place to have a hearty lunch. It should be mentioned that Shi Jin treated the guests.

The old squad leader was very generous, as he would get angry if he was not allowed to treat.

No matter what family Wang Yan came from, it was okay for the squad leader to pay for the first private meal. Although in fact, Shi Jin might be more sympathetic to Wang Yan, thinking that his parents died early and his conditions might not be very good. Now he is a conscripted soldier, with only 500 yuan per month, and Wang Yan also smokes, so it might not be enough to spend every month.

But in fact, Wang Yan is definitely not poor. His living father is always so considerate. Since he has a lot of ability and can easily make a lot of money, his parents who died early will leave him a rich inheritance.

This time is of course no exception. He has an allowance of 500, but it does not mean that he only has 500.

But he didn't say these things, after all, he was a soldier. Of course, some people knew about it. There were investigations during the conscription, and they were all recorded. Gao Cheng and Hong Xingguo should know it.

"Eat more meat."

Shi Jin picked up some dishes for Wang Yan, "You should also save money and not spend money lavishly. Although you are only twenty, you are not young anymore, and you have to prepare to get married. You are alone, and when you get married and have children, it will be different immediately. Your parents are watching you down there, so they can rest assured, right?"

Wang Yan nodded and said, "I don't have much to spend, I just smoke a few cigarettes. I often take our company commander's cigarettes and mix with the deputy squad leader."

"Are you saving money on me?" Wu Liuyi glared.

"What you said, isn't it the old squad leader who takes care of me."

"No, I smoke your cigarettes today, you give me a whole box of good ones."

"It's a trivial matter." Wang Yan didn't care, "Just draw China."

"That's not necessary. It's too wasteful. Just Yuxi."

The three of them were all dressed in casual clothes, but they were more conspicuous in the hotel.

Wang Yan was okay, he was relatively relaxed. But Shi Jin and Wu Liuyi both habitually straightened their backs and looked like soldiers when they sat there. They had been soldiers for so long that they were used to walking, sitting and lying down. In addition, all three of them had clean hair and their exposed arms looked strong, so it was not difficult for people to guess their identities. What's more, the military vehicle is parked in front of the hotel.

However, the three of them didn't pay attention. They just ate, drank, and laughed, and then returned to their base. As for Gan Xiaoning and Bai Tiejun, they said they would go back before the specified time.

After returning to the station, Wang Yan went to find the person who sent supplies to Grassland Class 5 and asked someone to help deliver the watch...

Two days later.

"Sanduo, come on, come on, stop playing with rocks, the supply truck is here, come and help move things." Li Meng greeted Xu Sanduo.

Xu Sanduo responded: "Here we come."

Everyone in Class 5 was waiting on the roadside and saw a truck in the distance driving towards them with a trail of smoke and dust.

The people who got out of the car looked at everyone in Class 5 and finally said, "Are you Xu Sanduo?"

"Report, I am Xu Sanduo!"

"Don't be nervous, I'm not the leader." The man smiled and took out a box from his pocket, "Here, this is the electronic watch Wang Yan asked me to bring over, so you can keep it."

"How much? I'll give it to you, and you can take it to Wang Yan."

"I don't know. You can contact me later. Okay, let's unload the car."

It was a very busy day. Everyone in Class 5 unloaded supplies and rested in the class room. Xu Sanduo fiddled with his watch back and forth.

Lao Ma and others were looking at Xu Sanduo.

"It's over, it's completely hopeless." Old Wei shook his head repeatedly, "You think that boy Wang Yan is quite annoying, why are you so obvious to him?"

"I was running so hard that I even got a digital watch. I looked at it and found that the watch was from Japan. It cost several hundred yuan." Li Meng held a cigarette in his mouth with a melancholy look on his face.

Lao Ma said, "What's the matter? You're done, why don't you let him improve?"

"Is it useful?" Xue Lin blew out a melancholy smoke.

"I know he is better than us, he is a good soldier!" Lao Ma snorted, stood up and walked out...

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly, recommend and read quietly for their strong support!

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