Quietly walking to the stairs, Wang Yan leaned against the corner wall, holding his breath and closing his eyes, patiently sensing the subtle movements downstairs.

"one two three………"

Now that he was closer, he could hear it more clearly. Judging by the footsteps, six people.

With a disdainful smile, Wang Yan took out the loaded pistol with a silencer from the space, and walked gently down the stairs.

The people downstairs were groping carefully, unaware that the god of death had arrived. They could know that it was easy for Wang Yan to live here and it was easy to get the architectural drawings, but it was nonsense to say they knew which room Wang Yan lived in. Do normal people live on the second floor? Who knows if this person named Wang is normal?

Wang Yan calmly walked downstairs, turned into a guest room next to the stairs, and bumped into a person who turned to come out. Before he could react, Wang Yan pinched his neck, pushed the man's jaw with the hand holding the gun, and with a "click", he broke his neck.

You don’t have to be a fool to have a gun, but you are still a fool to shoot if you can solve the problem without any movement. Although Wang Yan is confident that he has superb marksmanship and strong strength, how sick does he have to be to shoot with six people in a room?

The dying man gently put down his hands, and Wang Yan stood at the door of the room and waited patiently.

Within a moment, the other five people came out. Wang Yan also took advantage of the darkness in the room and couldn't see the faces clearly, and slowly walked up...

Wang Yan walked very slowly. When they were not far away from each other, he raised his gun and fired without saying anything. He called them one by one and shot them one by one. After emptying the magazine, he flashed his hand and saw that the gun had been replaced by a new, loaded pistol with a silencer. He fired another round at the five people who had not yet fallen.

After taking back his pistol and stepping forward to confirm that they were all dead, Wang Yan turned around and went upstairs.

He took out his cell phone and called Li Quan first. He and Zhang Guangshan were basically inseparable. Especially now that it's so late, I guess the two of them are competing to see who can last longer...

After confirming that both of them were fine, Wang Yan called Park Zhengyi. After waiting for a while and no one answered, he figured out that he was going to be tortured to death.

He shook his head and called his subordinates again, asking them to come and dispose of the body. By the way, he sent someone to see what happened to Park Zhengyi, and then killed all the heads of the three Kinmen Group companies here, as well as those who controlled the Kinmen Group. Various entertainment cities, casinos, warehouses and other profitable and non-profit places.

Not long after, there was a sudden sound of braking outside, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps getting closer and closer.

"Brother Yan, are you okay?" Zhang Guangshan's loud voice rang out, and then the door was knocked open and a crowd of people squeezed in.

"It's okay." Wang Yan, who was sitting on the sofa, shook his head and pointed at the body at his feet and the room next to the stairs: "Take care of it."

After hearing the elder brother's instructions, the younger brothers quickly came over to touch the body, and then carried the body away in pairs.

Zhang Guangshan looked at the pistols and magazines that were gathered together: "We have received news on the way here. Park Zhengyi's little stick and eight of his men are all dead."

Li Quan gritted his teeth and said, "What about killing their three younger brothers in charge? Brother Yan, let's do this until Shou'er can beat everyone in the Kinmen Group to death."

There's nothing wrong with this statement at all, and it won't even kill them all. Just like in the movie, all he had to do was kill Shi Dongchu. Since the Kinmen Group is in the early stages of merger, it is not two or three years old like it was later, so it must be much more ruthless than that.

But the mission restricted him from doing this. In case because of his operation, these scum are too cruel, Ding Qing has never played with them. If he was tortured to death in advance, where would he go to cry?

Wang Yan could understand this simple and direct way to solve the problem, but he couldn't forgive it. Although the cause of the incident was him, he was the one who stole Ding Qing's business and caused the subsequent incident. But so what? Walking around the world is about strength, and principles are told through fists. And Mr. Wang’s reasoning makes sense in most cases.

Ding Qing wanted to torture him to death, but Wang Yan thought it was better to let him go first and make arrangements for him later. After all, if you don't have a good grasp, it won't be good if Ding Qing is tortured to death.

"Don't worry about it. I know how to deal with your entertainment company honestly."

Zhang Guangshan did not refute. After all, he had just been beaten during the day and was still feeling a little pain. He thought for a while and said, "Brother Yan, how about we drive out the Kinmen Group's forces in Ax Mountain and just kill the three principals?" Not relieved."

Wang Yan shook his head and gave a rare explanation: "Don't use your brain. We are the biggest force in Ax Mountain, and every move is watched by the police. If our family is the only one, then all their energy will go to us. Isn’t it a good thing to have the police worried about you all day?”

Before Zhang Guangshan could sigh, Li Quan suddenly realized: "I said our strength is not bad, why do we keep them?"

Just as Zhang Guangshan was about to scold Li Quan for stealing his words, a younger brother who usually walked around with Wang Yan came over and said, "Brother, the three leaders of the Kinmen Group here have been dealt with."

This result is not surprising to Wang Yan, because the Kinmen Group's power here has always been under the control of Tianxiahui, and it is easy to defeat them.

"Go ahead."

Wang Yan picked up his cell phone and called the number that Ding Qing called during the day.

It was late at night, and suddenly the phone rang. Ding Qing, who was sleeping soundly, impatiently touched the cell phone on the bedside, and picked up the call without looking at who was calling.

"Ding Qing?"

Hearing the Chinese voice on the other side, Ding Qing perked up and frowned: "Wang Yan?"

"The three leaders of the Kinmen Group here have been dealt with, and Park Zhengyi's life has been saved. As for my matter, let's not kill each other. I will give you three days and 20 million US dollars. This Forget it. Otherwise, we will go to war, and the first thing to be damaged will be your warehouse in the South District. Just think about it carefully, that's it."

Just as Ding Qing opened his mouth to speak, a busy signal came from the phone.

"Alas (damn)... Xibala (Grass Mud Horse, Silly Bi)... Let's start the game for (Little Bastard, Dog Son)..."

He angrily threw the phone to the ground, smashing it into pieces.

Turning over and sitting on the edge of the bed, Ding Qing cursed, picked up the wine on the bedside table, poured a glass of wine, and drank it all in one gulp. Then he took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a deep breath to calm down. He found another mobile phone in the drawer of the bedside table, walked to the floor, picked out the phone card, replaced it, and called his good brother.

"Hey...what's going on so late?"

The voice was very impatient, and it was obvious that he was disturbed from his dream.

Ding Qing didn't care about that anymore: "The operation failed, Wang Yan is not dead."

After a moment of silence, Li Zicheng seemed to be stunned. After a while, with the words "I'm going to find you," the phone was hung up.

Ding Qing threw the phone aside, rubbed his head, poured another glass of wine and drank it.

Because of his actions, the heads of the other two families died tragically. There are still people from the Tianxiahui who can find their warehouse, which means that everything in the Kinmen Group has not been spared. After all, everyone has been killed, do they still care about that? If nothing else, people from the other two families, as well as the president Shi Dongchu, have received the news. There is no movement now, and they are just further inquiring about the situation. They don't know why the world suddenly went crazy.

In short, he was in big trouble this time.

After a while, Li Zicheng led people to kill him in a hurry. When he saw Ding Qing, who was smoking, drinking and thinking about something, he asked, "What's going on?"

"Wang Yan called me just now. He killed the three heads of our family over there to pay for Park Zhengyi's life. He also wanted 20 million U.S. dollars in compensation. If he doesn't pay, he will start an all-out war. He has already found our warehouse. You should know better than me how much there is there." Ding Qing looked at Li Zicheng in confusion: "How many people did you send?"

On the way here, he had already called the men sent there. The person who killed Park Zhengyi was shot, and there was no news about Wang Yan's murder. The result was already thought of.

"I sent twelve people, in groups of six. Park Zhengyi and eight people were all killed. Only one of us was shot, but he was not seriously injured. Wang Yan was alone, and everyone I sent came with a gun. …”

Li Zicheng still felt that Wang Yan was a bit fierce. The people he sent there were carefully trained elites who had never failed to kill a lot of people before.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. The question is what should we do?" Li Zicheng thought about the pros and cons for a while. They are all human beings. He understood what Ding Qing had thought of before, and said in a deep voice: "Fighting is definitely not possible. The world will be here." The Fushan family is the only one with more than 5,000 men. Although the three of us jointly sent people there to be stronger, we cannot win it in a short time. As time goes on, the impact on ourselves will not be small. And we have to Considering the social impact, a melee with thousands of people is not a trivial matter. But this time they missed, they must have been prepared, and there is no chance of beheading in the short term. "

Ding Qing nodded in approval, that's what he thought.

"Compensate. If we really start fighting, our losses will be huge." Sighing, Li Zicheng said helplessly: "It's my fault this time."

"Hey, we are all brothers. You don't have to take the responsibility on yourself. Six gunmen failed to kill Wang Yan. No one expected this. I don't blame you."

Li Zicheng shook his head, his voice was low, and he could not hide his disappointment: "I don't know how much it will cost to settle the other two companies. This time we are very passive in the group. Especially Li Zhongjiu..."

Three companies merged into one, sharing most of the resources, and the gangs profited according to the shares. Shi Dong's emergence as the president has his own abilities. The three companies came ashore together and no longer consumed each other, and it was he who brought them together. But the president doesn't mean much. It can only be said that he has the greatest say under the default rules of the three companies. In terms of direct control, he still relies on the Tiger Faction. The strength of Beidamen Sect is not bad, everyone is only half-matched.

As for the other Diri sect, the eldest brother is an old man named Zhang Xiuji. He is alive today because Ding Qing and Shi Dongchu kept their promises and gave him face, otherwise he would have died long ago. After all, the strength of the three major powers, the Diri Sect, was still one or two behind, and the other two had agreed to punish him, so there was nothing they could do if Zhang Xiuji didn't agree. It's good to be a rich and idle person.

Therefore, the power of the Diri Sect has been being eroded by the other two families, and Zhang Xiuji has basically remained silent, which is really nothing to be afraid of.

So in a game with three players, there are only two left, both of which are about the same strength, and each has a large crowd behind them, so it depends on which of the two has better methods. Either the east wind suppresses the west wind, or the west wind suppresses the east wind. There is no middle ground or thin mud. You must know that being with Xini is also fatal. If you act blindly, both families will be offended. So Zhang Xiuji didn't say a word, you play yours and I enjoy mine.

Due to their respective strengths, no matter who Shi Dong likes or dislikes, it will definitely be Ding Qing who takes over after he retires. After all, even if he passed it on to Li Zhongjiu, his confidant for many years, he wouldn't be able to hold up the scene.

It's just that Li Zhongjiu is not convinced. Everyone is just here to fool around. You, Ding Qing, are so stupid. No matter what kind of scene there is, if there are people with money, there will be scene. Although the three families are still clearly separated now, it will not necessarily be the case in a few years. At that time, the president will be the real president. So as soon as the Kinmen Group was established, he kept an eye on it.

Of course, these Ding Qings all know that if they have a problem, they must have an explanation. Their losses must be recovered from other places, otherwise the younger brothers below will not be able to do it.

"Okay, it's no big deal. It's just a matter of spending more money. There won't be any other problems. Li Zhongjiu, hum, he's just a clown." Ding Qing yawned and cursed Sibala: "While there is still time, , go and take a rest, tomorrow will not be easy to deal with."

Li Zicheng glanced at Ding Qing, who had already run to the bed, turned around, closed the door, and went to lie down in the guest room next door.

No one fell asleep, after all, the impact of this matter is not small...

As expected, Shi Dong came out early in the morning and called everyone for a meeting.

Golden Gate Group Building, large conference room on the top floor.

Sitting alone at the head of the long table was Chairman Shi Dongchu. On his left and right sides, there were a group of relatively high-status elders such as Zhang Xiuji, as well as big brother-level figures such as Li Zhongjiu, Ding Qing, and Li Zicheng who were actually doing things, and then a group of middle- and high-level people in suits and ties. Some people have playful expressions, some people frown in thought, some people can't hide their sincerity and enthusiasm, their eyes are shining, and some people have nothing to do with themselves and are hanging high.

The news cannot be concealed. Most of the middle and high-level executives of the Kinmen Group received the news last night. The world will suddenly go crazy and surround all their venues in Ax Mountain, killing the leader there.

The people who didn't know the reason inquired for a long time, and they received clear news just before dawn. Park Zhengyi, the president of the Tianxiahui, was shot and killed last night. According to legend, Wang Yan, the eldest brother behind the scenes, was also shot in the house because of the competition with the North Gate faction for the logistics business.

Looking at Ding Qing, whose eyes were slightly red and swollen across from him, Li Zhongjiu's eyes were full of sarcasm, and he opened his mouth and laughed: "Director Ding didn't rest last night, right?"

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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